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	PHP client for Tequila, v. 2.0.4 (Tue Nov 14 10:47:18 CET 2006)
	(C) 2004, Lionel Clavien [lionel dot clavien AT epfl dot ch]
	This code is released under the GNU GPL v2 terms (see LICENCE file).

		0.1.0, 2004-06-27: Creation
		0.1.1, 2004-08-29: Changed RSA authentication method to use the new
			           server certificate in lieu of the server public key
				   [openssl bug ?]
		0.1.2, 2004-09-04: Configuration options put in

		2.0.3 : I forgot.
		2.0.4 : Fix problem with cookie. Now it is a session cookie.
			Fix bug in fetchAttributes().

		3.0.0 : Big rewrite.
			Fix session time out
			use PHP sessions
			hide key attribute in urlaccess.

		3.0.1 : Fix INFO_PATH & QUERY_STRING test.
		3.0.2 : 2011-08-05 : Include comments from Lucien Chaboudez
			Delete cookie with explicit root path

		3.0.3 : 2012-04-12 : Patch from Lucien Chaboudez
                        LoadSession :Check if all the wanted attributes are present
                                     in the $_SESSION.

		- implement more documented features (allows, ?)


// Disable PHP error reporting
error_reporting (0);
error_reporting (E_ALL); // DEBUG

// Start output buffering, for the authentication redirection to work...
ob_start ();

// Load configuration file
require_once ('');

// PHP 4.3.0
if (!function_exists ('file_get_contents')) {
  function file_get_contents ($sFileName) {
    $rHandle = fopen($sFileName, "rb");
    if (!$rHandle) return (FALSE);
    $sContents = fread ($rHandle, filesize ($sFileName));
    return ($sContents);

// PHP 4.2.0
if(!function_exists('ob_clean')) {
  function ob_clean() {

// Constants declarations
define('SESSION_INVALIDKEY',                8);
define('SESSION_READ',                      9);
define('SESSION_TIMEOUT',                   7);

define('AUTHENTICATE_RSA',                  1); // No longer used, ignored.
define('AUTHENTICATE_URL',                  2); // No longer used, ignored.

define('ERROR_AUTH_METHOD_UNKNOWN',       129);
define('ERROR_CREATE_FILE',               134);
define('ERROR_CREATE_SESSION_DIR',        137);
define('ERROR_CREATE_SESSION_FILE',       145);
define('ERROR_NO_DATA',                   133);
define('ERROR_NO_KEY',                    131);
define('ERROR_NO_MESSAGE',                139);
define('ERROR_NO_SERVER_DEFINED',         143);
define('ERROR_NO_SERVER_KEY',             140);
define('ERROR_NO_SESSION_DIR',            130);
define('ERROR_NO_SIGNATURE',              138);
define('ERROR_NO_VALID_PUBLIC_KEY',       141);
define('ERROR_NOT_READABLE',              135);
define('ERROR_SESSION_FILE_EXISTS',       144);
define('ERROR_SESSION_FILE_FORMAT',       146);
define('ERROR_SESSION_TIMEOUT',           136);
define("ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR",             127);
define('ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_METHOD',        132);
define('ERROR_CURL_NOT_LOADED',           149);

define('LNG_DEUTSCH', 2);
define('LNG_ENGLISH', 1);
define('LNG_FRENCH',  0);

define('COOKIE_LIFE', 86400);
define('COOKIE_NAME', 'TequilaPHP');

define('MIN_SESSION_TIMEOUT', 600);

class TequilaClient{
  var $aLanguages = array (
			   LNG_ENGLISH => 'english',
			    LNG_FRENCH => 'francais',
  var $aErrors = array (
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'An unknown error has occured.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Une erreur inconnue est survenue.',
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: the given sessions directory is not writeable.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: le repertoire de sessions indique ne peut pas etre ecrit.',
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: invalid session file format.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: format de fichier de session non valide.',
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: session file creation failed.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: echec lors de la creation du fichier de session.',
       	ERROR_NO_DATA => array(
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: no session data.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: aucune donnee de session.',
       	ERROR_NO_SESSION_DIR => array(
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: inexistant or unspecified sessions directory.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: dossier de sessions inexistant ou non specifie.',
       	ERROR_NO_SERVER_DEFINED => array(
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: no authentication server available.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: aucun serveur d\'authentification disponible.',
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: unsupported request method.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: methode de transmission inconnue.',
       	ERROR_NOT_READABLE => array(
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: unable to read session file.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: fichier de session non lisible.',
       	ERROR_CREATE_FILE => array(
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: unable to create session file.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: impossible de creer le fichier de sessions.',
       	ERROR_SESSION_TIMEOUT => array(
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: session timed out.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: la session a expire.',
       	ERROR_CREATE_SESSION_DIR => array(
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: unable to create sessions directory.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: impossible de creer le dossier de sessions defini.',
       	ERROR_NO_MESSAGE => array(
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: no message to authenticate.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: pas de message a verifier.',
       	ERROR_NO_SERVER_KEY => array(
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: no public key defined.',
		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: la cle publique du serveur d\'authentification n\'est pas definie ou disponible.',
       	ERROR_NO_VALID_PUBLIC_KEY => array(
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: invalid public key.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: la cle publique fournie n\'est pas valide.',
       	ERROR_NO_SIGNATURE => array(
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: no signature for mesage authentication.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: pas de signature pour la verification du mesage.',
       	ERROR_NO_KEY => array (
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: no session key.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: pas de cle de session.',
       	ERROR_SESSION_FILE_EXISTS => array (
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: session already created.',
		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: session deje cree.',
       	ERROR_CURL_NOT_LOADED => array (
       		LNG_ENGLISH => 'Error: CURL Extension is not loaded.',
       		 LNG_FRENCH => 'Erreur: L\'extension CURL n\'est pas presente.',
  var      $aWantedRights = array ();
  var       $aWantedRoles = array ();
  var  $aWantedAttributes = array ();
  var  $aWishedAttributes = array ();
  var      $aWantedGroups = array ();
  var       $aCustomAttrs = array ();
  var      $sCustomFilter = '';
  var      $sAllowsFilter = '';
  var          $iLanguage = LNG_FRENCH;
  var    $sApplicationURL = '';
  var   $sApplicationName = '';
  var          $sResource = '';
  var               $sKey = '';
  var           $sMessage = '';
  var        $aAttributes = array();
  var           $iTimeout;
  var            $sServer = '';
  var         $sServerUrl = '';
  var            $sCAFile = '';
  var          $sCertFile = '';
  var           $sKeyFile = '';
  var      $bReportErrors = TRUE;
  var $stderr;

  var $logoutUrl;

  var $requestInfos = array();

  /*====================== Constructor
    GOAL : Class constructor
    NOTE : All parameters are optional. They are present in the config
     IN  : $sServerURL          -> (optional) Tequila server address (ie :
     IN  : $sSessionsDirectory  -> (optional) The directory where to save sessions files
     IN  : $iTimeout            -> (optional) Session timeout
  function __construct($sServer = '', $iTimeout = NULL) {
    $this->stderr = fopen ('php://stderr', 'w');

    /* If curl is not found, */
    if (!extension_loaded ('curl')) {
      return $this->Error (ERROR_CURL_NOT_LOADED);

    /* Initializations. If no parameter given, get info from config file */
    if (empty ($sServer)) $sServer    = GetConfigOption ('sServer');
    if (empty ($sServer)) $sServerUrl = GetConfigOption ('sServerUrl');

    $aEtcConfig = $this->LoadEtcConfig ();

    if (empty ($sServer))    $sServer    = $aEtcConfig ['sServer'];
    if (empty ($sServerUrl) && !empty($aEtcConfig)) $sServerUrl = $aEtcConfig ['sServerUrl'];

    if (empty ($sServerUrl) && !empty ($sServer))
      $sServerUrl = $sServer . '/cgi-bin/tequila';
    if (empty ($iTimeout))  $iTimeout  = GetConfigOption ('iTimeout', 86400);
    if (empty ($logoutUrl)) $logoutUrl = GetConfigOption ('logoutUrl');

    $this->sServer     = $sServer;
    $this->sServerUrl  = $sServerUrl;
    $this->iTimeout    = $iTimeout;
    $this->logoutUrl   = $logoutUrl;
    $this->iCookieLife = COOKIE_LIFE;
    $this->sCookieName = COOKIE_NAME;

   /*====================== ERROR MANAGEMENT
    GOAL : Manage errors
      IN : $iError  -> the number representing the error
  function Error ($iError) {

    /* If not debug mode */
    if (!$this->bReportErrors) return ($iError);

    /* If language not initilized*/
    $iCurrentLanguage = $this->GetLanguage ();
    if (empty ($iCurrentLanguage))
      $iCurrentLanguage = LNG_FRENCH;

    /* If the error number is found in the errors array, */
    if (array_key_exists ($iError, $this->aErrors))
      /* Error display */
      echo "\n<br /><font color='red' size='5'>" .
	   $this->aErrors[$iError][$iCurrentLanguage] .
	   "</font><br />\n";
    else /* Error not found */
      echo "\n<br /><font color='red' size='5'>" .
	   $this->aErrors [ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR][$iCurrentLanguage] .
	   "</font><br />\n";
    return ($iError);

     GOAL : Set if you want display the errors or not
      IN  : $bReportErrors -> (TRUE|FALSE)
  function SetReportErrors ($bReportErrors) {
    $this->bReportErrors = $bReportErrors;

  /* GOAL : Return the value of bReportErrors (TRUE|FALSE) */
  function GetReportErrors () {
    return ($this->bReportErrors);

  function LoadEtcConfig () {
    $sFile = '/etc/tequila.conf';
    if (!file_exists ($sFile)) return false;
    if (!is_readable ($sFile)) return false;

    $aConfig = array ();
    $sConfig = trim (file_get_contents ($sFile));
    $aLine = explode ("\n", $sConfig);
    foreach ($aLine as $sLine) {
      if (preg_match  ('/^TequilaServer:\s*(.*)$/i', $sLine, $match))
	$aConfig ['sServer'] = $match [1];

      if (preg_match  ('/^TequilaServerUrl:\s*(.*)$/i', $sLine, $match))
	$aConfig ['sServerUrl'] = $match [1];
    return $aConfig;

  /*====================== Custom parameters
    GOAL : Set the custom parameters
     IN  : $customParameters -> an array containing the parameters. The
            array key is the name of the parameter and the value is the value.
  function SetCustomParamaters ($customParamaters) {
    foreach ($customParamaters as $key => $val) {
      $this->requestInfos [$key] = $val;

  /* GOAL : Returns the custom parameters */
  function GetCustomParamaters () {
    return $this->requestInfos;

  /*********************** WANTED RIGHTS ***************************
   ====================== Required rights ("wantright" parameter)
   GOAL : set the wanted rights
    IN  : $aWantedRights -> an array with the rights
  function SetWantedRights ($aWantedRights) {
    $this->aWantedRights = $aWantedRights;

    GOAL : Add a wanted right. The wanted right must be an array. It
	         will be merged we the array containing the wanted rights.
    IN   : $aRightsToAdd   -> an array containing the wanted rights to add
  function AddWantedRights ($aWantedRights) {
    $this->aWantedRights = array_merge ($this->aWantedRights, $aWantedRights);

    GOAL : Remove some wanted rights
     IN  : $aRightsToRemove -> an array with the wanted rights to remove
  function RemoveWantedRights ($aWantedRights) {
    foreach ($this->aWantedRights as $sWantedRight)
      if (in_array($sWantedRight, $aWantedRights))
	unset($this->aWantedRights[array_search($sWantedRight, $this->aWantedRights)]);

  /*  GOAL : Returns the wanted rights array. */
  function GetWantedRights () {
    return ($this->aWantedRights);

  /************************ WANTED ROLES ***************************
  ====================== Required roles ("wantrole" parameter)
  GOAL : Set the wanted Roles
    IN  : $aWantedRoles  -> an array with the wanted roles
  function SetWantedRoles ($aWantedRoles) {
    $this->aWantedRoles = $aWantedRoles;

   GOAL : Add some wanted roles to the current roles
     IN  : $aRolesToAdd   -> an array with the roles to add.
  function AddWantedRoles ($aWantedRoles) {
    $this->aWantedRoles = array_merge ($this->aWantedRoles, $aWantedRoles);

    GOAL : Remove some wanted roles from the list
     IN  : $aRolesToRemove   -> an array with the roles to remove
  function RemoveWantedRoles ($aWantedRoles) {
    foreach ($this->aWantedRoles as $sWantedRole)
      if (in_array ($sWantedRole, $aWantedRoles))
	unset ($this->aWantedRoles [array_search ($sWantedRole, $this->aWantedRoles)]);

  /* GOAL : Returns the array containing the wanted roles */
  function GetWantedRoles () {
    return ($this->aWantedRoles);

  /********************* REQUIRED ATTRIBUTES ***********************
    ====================== Required attributes ("request" parameter)
    GOAL : Set the wanted attributes
     IN  : $aWantedAttributes   -> an array containing the wanted attributes
  function SetWantedAttributes ($aWantedAttributes) {
    $this->aWantedAttributes = $aWantedAttributes;

    GOAL : Add some wanted attributes to the list
     IN  : $aAttributesToAdd -> an array with the attributes to add
  function AddWantedAttributes ($aWantedAttributes) {
    $this->aWantedAttributes = array_merge ($this->aWantedAttributes,

    GOAL : Remove some wanted attributes from the list
     IN  : $aAttributesToRemove -> an array containing the attributes to remove
  function RemoveWantedAttributes ($aWantedAttributes) {
    foreach ($this->aWantedAttributes as $sWantedAttribute)
      if (in_array($sWantedAttribute, $aWantedAttributes))
	unset ($this->aWantedAttributes [array_search($sWantedAttribute,

  /* GOAL : Returns the array containing the wanted attributes   */
  function GetWantedAttributes () {
    return ($this->aWantedAttributes);

  /********************** WISHED ATTRIBUTES ************************
   ====================== Desired attributes ("wish" parameter)
   GOAL : Set the wished attributes
    IN  : $aWishedAttributes   -> an array containing the wished attributes
  function SetWishedAttributes ($aWishedAttributes) {
    $this->aWishedAttributes = $aWishedAttributes;

    GOAL : Add some wished attributes to the list
      IN : $aAttributesToAdd  -> an array containing the attributes to add
  function AddWishedAttributes ($aWishedAttributes) {
    $this->aWishedAttributes = array_merge ($this->aWishedAttributes,

    GOAL : Remove some wished attributes fromme the list
     IN  : $aAttributesToRemove -> an array with the attributes to remove
  function RemoveWishedAttributes ($aWishedAttributes) {
    foreach ($this->aWishedAttributes as $aWishedAttribute)
      if (in_array($aWishedAttribute, $aWishedAttributes))
	unset ($this->aWishedAttributes[array_search($aWishedAttribute,

  /* GOAL : Returns the array containing the wished attributes */
  function GetWishedAttributes () {
    return ($this->aWishedAttributes);

  /************************ WANTED GROUPS **************************
    ====================== Required groups ("belongs" parameter)
    GOAL : Set the wanted groups
     IN  : $aWantedGroups -> an array containing the groups
  function SetWantedGroups ($aWantedGroups) {
    $this->aWantedGroups = $aWantedGroups;

    GOAL : Add some wanted groups to the list
     IN  : $aGroupsToAdd  -> an array containing the groups to add
  function AddWantedGroups ($aWantedGroups) {
    $this->aWantedGroups = array_merge($this->aWantedGroups, $aWantedGroups);

    GOAL : Remove some wanted groups from the list
     IN  : $aGroupsToRemove  -> an array containing the groups to remove
  function RemoveWantedGroups ($aWantedGroups) {
    foreach ($this->aWantedGroups as $aWantedGroup)
      if (in_array($aWantedGroup, $aWantedGroups))
  /* GOAL : Returns the array containing the wanted groups */
  function GetWantedGroups () {
    return ($this->aWantedGroups);

  /************************* CUSTOM FILTER **************************
    ====================== Own filter ("require" parameter)
    GOAL : Set the custom filter.
     IN  : $sCustomFilter -> a string containing the custom filter
  function SetCustomFilter ($sCustomFilter) {
    $this->sCustomFilter = $sCustomFilter;

  /* GOAL : Returns the string containing the custom filter  */
  function GetCustomFilter () {
    return ($this->sCustomFilter);

  /************************ ALLOWS FILTER **************************
    ====================== Allows filter ("allows" parameter)
    GOAL : Sets the allow filter
     IN  : $sAllowsFilter -> a string containing the allow filter
  function SetAllowsFilter ($sAllowsFilter) {
    $this->sAllowsFilter = $sAllowsFilter;

  /* GOAL : Returns the string containing the allows filter */
  function GetAllowsFilter () {
    return ($this->sAllowsFilter);

  /********************* LANGUAGE INTERFACE *************************
    ====================== Interface language ("language" parameter)
    GOAL : Sets the current language
     IN  : $sLanguage  -> the language : 'english' | 'francais'
  function SetLanguage ($sLanguage) {
    $this->iLanguage = $sLanguage;

  /* GOAL : Returns the current language */
  function GetLanguage () {
    return ($this->iLanguage);

  /*********************** APPLICATION URL **************************
    ====================== Application URL ("urlaccess" parameter)
    GOAL : Sets the application URL. This is the URL where to redirect
           when the authentication has been done
     IN  : $sApplicationURL  -> the url
  function SetApplicationURL ($sApplicationURL) {
    $this->sApplicationURL = $sApplicationURL;

  /* GOAL : Returns the application URL */
  function GetApplicationURL () {
    return ($this->sApplicationURL);

  /********************** APPLICATION NAME *************************
    ====================== Application name ("service" parameter)
    GOAL : Set the application name. This will be displayed on the
           Tequila login window.
     IN  : $sApplicationName -> string containing the application name
  function SetApplicationName ($sApplicationName) {
    $this->sApplicationName = $sApplicationName;

  /* GOAL : returns the application name */
  function GetApplicationName () {
    return ($this->sApplicationName);

  /*********************** RESOURCE NAME ****************************
    GOAL : Set the resource name
     IN  : $sResource -> string with the resource name
  function SetResource ($sResource) {
    $this->sResource = $sResource;

  /* GOAL : Returns the resource name */
  function GetResource () {
    return ($this->sResource);

  /*********************** SESSION KEY ******************************
    GOAL : Set the session key
     IN  : $sKey -> string with the session key
  function SetKey ($sKey) {
    $this->sKey = $sKey;

  /* GOAL : Returns the session key */
  function GetKey () {
    return ($this->sKey);

  /*********************** SESSION MESSAGE **************************
    GOAL : Set the session message
     IN  : $sMessage -> string with the session message
  function SetMessage ($sMessage) {
    $this->sMessage = $sMessage;

  /* GOAL : Returns the session message */
  function GetMessage () {
    return ($this->sMessage);

  /************************ TEQUILA SERVER **************************
    ====================== server name
    GOAL : Set tequila server name (i.e
     IN  : $sServer -> the name
  function SetServer ($sServer) {
    $this->sServer = $sServer;

  /* GOAL : Returns Tequila server's name */
  function GetServer () {
    return ($this->sServer);

  /*====================== server URL
    GOAL : Set tequila server URL (ie
     IN  : $sURL -> the url
  function SetServerURL ($sURL) {
    $this->sServerUrl = $sURL;

  /* GOAL : Returns Tequila server's url */
  function GetServerURL () {
    return ($this->sServerUrl);

  //====================== Session manager parameters
  function SetTimeout ($iTimeout) {
    $this->iTimeout = $iTimeout;

  function GetTimeout () {
    return ($this->iTimeout);

  /************************ COOKIE PARAMETERS *********************
    GOAL : Set the cookie parameters. Very useful if you have page on your
           website that have different access rights than the other pages.
           Use this function to set the cookie name for thoses pages.
  /*====================== Cookie Life parameters
      IN : $iCookieLife -> life of the cookie.
  function SetCookieLife ($iTimeout) { // Obsolete
    $this->iCookieLife = $iTimeout;

  /*====================== Cookie Name parameters
      IN : $sCookieName -> name of the cookie.
  function SetCookieName ($sCookieName) {
    $this->sCookieName = $sCookieName;

  /************************ CREATE PHP SESSION *******************
    GOAL : Create a PHP session with the Tequila attributes
     IN  : $attributes  -> an array containing the attributes returned
           by the tequila server.
  function CreateSession ($attributes) {
    if (!$attributes) return (FALSE);
    foreach ($attributes as $key => $val) {
      $this->aAttributes [$key] = $val;
      $_SESSION[SESSION_NAME][$key] = $val;
    $_SESSION[SESSION_NAME]['creation'] = time ();
    return (TRUE);

  /* GOAL : Load or update a PHP session */
  function LoadSession () {
    if (!isset ($_SESSION[SESSION_NAME]['user'])) return (FALSE);

      Check if all the wanted attributes are present in the $_SESSION.
      If at least one of the attribute is missing, we can consider that information
      is missing in $_SESSION. In this case, we return false to "force" to create a new
      session with the wanted attributes. This can happen when several website are
      running on the same web server and all are using the PHP Tequila Client.

    foreach ($this->aWantedAttributes as $wantedAttribute) {
      if (!array_key_exists ($wantedAttribute, $_SESSION[SESSION_NAME])) return false;
    foreach ($this->aWishedAttributes as $wishedAttribute) {
      if (!array_key_exists ($wishedAttribute, $_SESSION[SESSION_NAME])) return false;

    $sesstime = time () - $_SESSION[SESSION_NAME]['creation'];
    if ($sesstime > $this->iTimeout) return (FALSE);
    $this->sKey = $_SESSION[SESSION_NAME]['key'];
    return (TRUE);

  /************************* USER ATTRIBUTES ***********************
    GOAL : Returns an array containing user's attributes names as indexes
           and attributes values as values
    @out : Array containing attributes names as indexes and
           attributes values as values
  function GetAttributes() {
    return ($this->aAttributes);

  /* GOAL : To know if the user's attributes are present or not.
     @in  :	Array containing wanted attributes as keys
     @out :	The same array with TRUE or FALSE as value for the
     corresponding attribute
  function HasAttributes (&$aAttributes) {
    foreach ($aAttributes as $sAttribute => $sHasIt)
      if (array_key_exists($sAttribute, $this->aAttributes))
	$aAttributes [$sAttribute] = TRUE;
	$aAttributes [$sAttribute] = FALSE;

  /* GOAL : Launch the user authentication */
  function Authenticate () {
    empty(session_id()) ? session_start() : '';//session_start ();
    if ($this->LoadSession ()) return (TRUE);
    if (isset ($_COOKIE [$this->sCookieName]) && !empty ($_COOKIE [$this->sCookieName])) {
      $this->sKey = $_COOKIE [$this->sCookieName];
      $attributes = $this->fetchAttributes ($this->sKey);
      if ($attributes) {
        $this->CreateSession ($attributes);
        return (TRUE);
    $this->createRequest ();
    setcookie ($this->sCookieName, $this->sKey);
    $url = $this->getAuthenticationUrl ();
    header ('Location: ' . $url);

      GOAL : Sends an authentication request to Tequila
  function createRequest () {
    $urlaccess = $this->sApplicationURL;

    /* If application URL not initialized,
       we try to generate it automatically */
    if (empty ($urlaccess)) {
      $urlaccess = ((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on'))
        ? 'https://' : 'http://')
      if (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
        $urlaccess .= $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
      if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
        $urlaccess .= '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];

    /* Request creation */
    $this->requestInfos ['urlaccess'] = $urlaccess;

    if (!empty ($this->sApplicationName))
      $this->requestInfos ['service'] = $this->sApplicationName;
    if (!empty ($this->aWantedRights))
      $this->requestInfos ['wantright'] = implode('+', $this->aWantedRights);
    if (!empty ($this->aWantedRoles))
      $this->requestInfos ['wantrole'] =  implode('+', $this->aWantedRoles);
    if (!empty ($this->aWantedAttributes))
      $this->requestInfos ['request'] = implode ('+', $this->aWantedAttributes);
    if (!empty ($this->aWishedAttributes))
      $this->requestInfos ['wish'] = implode ('+', $this->aWishedAttributes);
    if (!empty ($this->aWantedGroups))
      $this->requestInfos ['belongs'] = implode('+', $this->aWantedGroups);
    if (!empty ($this->sCustomFilter))
      $this->requestInfos ['require'] = $this->sCustomFilter;
    if (!empty ($this->sAllowsFilter))
      $this->requestInfos ['allows'] = $this->sAllowsFilter;
    if (!empty ($this->iLanguage))
      $this->requestInfos ['language'] = $this->aLanguages [$this->iLanguage];

    $this->requestInfos ['dontappendkey'] = "1";


    /* Asking tequila */
    $response = $this->askTequila ('createrequest', $this->requestInfos);
    $this->sKey = substr (trim ($response), 4); // 4 = strlen ('key=')

  /* GOAL : Returns current URL.
            @return  string
  function getCurrentUrl () {
    return 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

  /* GOAL : Checks that user has correctly authenticated and retrieves its data.
            @return mixed
  function fetchAttributes ($sessionkey) {
    $fields = array ('key' => $sessionkey);
    $response = $this->askTequila ('fetchattributes', $fields);
    if (!$response) return false;

    $result = array ();
    $attributes = explode ("\n", $response);

    /* Saving returned attributes */
    foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
      $attribute = trim ($attribute);
      if (!$attribute)  continue;
      list ($key, $val) = explode ('=', $attribute,2);
      //if ($key ==  'key') { $this->key  = $val; }
      //if ($key ==  'org') { $this->org  = $val; }
      //if ($key == 'user') { $this->user = $val; }
      //if ($key == 'host') { $this->host = $val; }
      $result [$key] = $val;
    return $result;

  * Returns the value of $key.
  * $key is a Tequila attribute.
  * @return string
  function getValue ($key = ''){
    if (isset ($_SESSION[SESSION_NAME][$key])) return $_SESSION[SESSION_NAME][$key];

  /*GOAL : Gets tequila server config infos */
  function getConfig () {
    return $this->askTequila ('config');
  /*GOAL : Returns the Tequila authentication form URL.
           @return string
  function getAuthenticationUrl () {
	//return sprintf('%s/requestauth?requestkey=%s',
	//	   $this->sServerUrl,
	//	   $this->sKey);
	return sprintf('%s/requestauth?requestkey=%s',

    GOAL : Returns the logout URL
      IN : $redirectUrl -> (optional) the url to redirect to when logout is done
  function getLogoutUrl ($redirectUrl = '') {
    $url = sprintf('%s/logout', $this->sServerUrl);
    if (!empty($redirectUrl)) {
      $url .= "?urlaccess=" . urlencode ($redirectUrl);
    return $url;

    GOAL : Destroy the session file
  function KillSessionFile() {

    GOAL : Destroy session cookie
  function KillSessionCookie() {
    // Delete cookie by setting expiration time in the past with root path
    setcookie($this->sCookieName, '', time()-3600, '/');

    GOAL : terminate a session
  function KillSession() {

   GOAL : Logout from tequila
  function Logout ($redirectUrl = '') {
    // Kill session cookie and session file
    // Redirect the user to the tequila server logout url
    header("Location: " . $this->getLogoutUrl($redirectUrl));

    GOAL : contact tequila
     IN  : $type    -> the type of contact to have with tequila
      N  : $fields  -> an array with the information for the request
                       to Tequila server
  function askTequila ($type, $fields = array()) {
  //Use the CURL object in order to communicate with
    $ch = curl_init ();

    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,         false);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POST,           true);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);

    if ($this->sCAFile)   curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO,  $this->sCAFile);
    if ($this->sCertFile) curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $this->sCertFile);
    if ($this->sKeyFile)  curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSLKEY,  $this->sKeyFile);

    $url = $this->sServerUrl;
    switch ($type) {
      case 'createrequest':
	$url .= '/createrequest';

      case 'fetchattributes':
	$url .= '/fetchattributes';

      case 'config':
	$url .= '/getconfig';

      case 'logout':
	$url .= '/logout';

    // $url contains the tequila server with the parameters to execute
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

    /* If fields where passed as parameters, */
    if (is_array ($fields) && count ($fields)) {
      $pFields = array ();
      foreach ($fields as $key => $val) {
	$pFields[] = sprintf('%s=%s', $key, $val);
      $query = implode("\n", $pFields) . "\n";
      curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $query);
    $response = curl_exec ($ch);
    // If connexion failed (HTTP code 200 <=> OK)
    if (curl_getinfo ($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) != '200') {
      $response = false;
    curl_close ($ch);
    return $response;
