v0.14.0b40a698f · ·
## [0.14.0] - May 08, 2024 ## [0.13.0] - Fix the duplication when creating a new job or workplace - Form send mail with a new design and more information for the responsible and the applicant ## [0.12.0] - Mail feedback - Refactor of the ´MailsController.php´ for more to avoid repetition and spaghetti code - Added verification of the absence of content in the subject and/or content of the email - Added greater precision on the cause of the error in the event of an email not being sent - Modification of the display time of the error/confirmation notification to allow time to read the message. ## [0.11.0] - Template email management - FrontEnd data validation - BackEnd data validation - New table in the DB : ´email_template´
v0.10.0a1732124 · ·
What's new ? - New status as "en entretien" that can be uses by responsibles. Applicants with that status are still visible to trainers. - Responsible are now able to add a BCC and a CC to their e-mail