This repository will be used as the website for Functional Programming CS-210. It will be updated weekly throughout the semester. This README contains general information about the class.
-[previous-years-exams]( contains PDFs for the 2016, 2017 and 2018 exams.
-[recitation-sessions]( contains markdown documents for recitation sessions and solutions.
We will use GitLab's issue tracker as a discussion forum. Feel free to [open an issue]( if you have any comments or questions.
During the first week of the semester, you should will this Doodle to register to the recitation sessions:
Also make sure to read the instructions to install Git and Scala on your machine, which is be needed to complete the projects:
## Grading
The grading of the course is divided between projects (30%), a midterm (30%), and a final exam (40%) held during the last week of courses.
## Staff
| Role | People |
| :--- | :--- |
| Professors | Martin Odersky, Viktor Kunčak |
| TAs | Aleksander Boruch-Gruszecki, Guillaume Martres, Nicolas Stucki, Olivier Blanvillain, Periklis Chrysogelos |
| Student TAs | Artur Vignon, Haley Owsianko, Paul Renauld, Thomas De Chevigny, Timothée Floure |
## Rooms
Live lectures take place on Wednesdays from 13:15 to 15:00 in CO 2. Recitation sessions take place on Fridays from 10:15 to 12:00, where the room assignment is according to the Doodle linked above. Project sessions are held concurrently to the recitation sessions in CO 021.