macOS either comes with a pre-installed JDK, or installs it automatically. To verify your JDK installation, open the Terminal and type `java -version`. If the JDK is not yet installed, the system will ask you if you would like to download and install it. Make sure you install Java 1.8.
### On Windows
[Download and run the JDK 8 installer for Windows from Oracle's website.](
## Step 3: Verify your JDK installation
In a terminal, run:
java -version
The version number displayed on the first line should start with `1.8`. If this is not the case, then the wrong version of Java is on your `$PATH`.
See []( for information on how to change this.
## Step 4: Installing sbt
`sbt` is the build tool we use to compile and run Scala programs.
### On Linux
See [](
### On macOS
First, install Homebrew from []( Then run:
brew install sbt@1
### On Windows
Download and run [](
## Step 5: Installing git
git is a version control system.
See [](
Once git is installed, please run:
git config --global core.autocrlf false
## Step 6: Installing VSCode
VSCode is the IDE we strongly recommend using for this class (you are free to use any editor you want, but we won't don't have the resources to help you configure it for Scala).
### On Linux
See [](
### On macOS
See [](
Make sure to follow both the "Installation" and "Launching from the Command Line" parts of the setup!
### On Windows
See [](
Make sure that the checkbox "Add to PATH (available after restart)" in the installer is checked.
## Step 7: Verify your VSCode installation
VSCode is correctly installed if this opens a window, you can then close this window.
## Step 8: Generate a public/private SSH key pair
To submit assignments, you will need an SSH key. If you don't already have one, here's how to generate it:
### Installing OpenSSH
#### Ubuntu and Debian
sudo apt-get install openssh-client
#### macOS
Nothing to do, OpenSSH is pre-installed
#### Windows
The simplest solution is to have an up-to-date Windows 10 and follow [](
The command will then ask for a location, which you can leave as the default. It will then also ask for a passphrase to encrypt your private key, which you may leave empty. If you don't, make sure to remember your passphrase!
### Adding your public key on Gitlab
To be able to push your code, you'll need to add the public part of your key on Gitlab:
- Go to, log in with your EPFL account
- Go to and copy-paste the content of the `` file created by the `ssh-keygen` command you just ran (when the command was ran it printed the location where this file was saved).
- Press `Add key`
## Step 9: Follow the example assignment
The description of the [example assignment]( contains critical information to properly use the tools you just installed, don't miss it!