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Grading and submission

Local tests and grading

Each assignment is shipped with two sets of tests:

  • The grading tests, provided as a 'black box': you can run them but are not allowed to the their content. You can run them locally (= on your computer) with the runGradingTests SBT command. You will get the full score if all the grading tests pass.
  • The tests defined under src/test/scala. They can be run with the test SBT command and you can - we encourage you to - add your owns.

We also use a Continuous Integration tool to run the grading system on the commits you push on gitlab (explained in the next section). You can see the result online (under the CI/CD > Pipeline section of your personal gitlab repository) and check if your code compiles and runs properly on the grading environment.


The grading pipeline contains two steps:

  • compile: your code does not compile for grading if the job fail.
  • grade: the job results in a warning if you do not get the maximum grade (10.00/10.00)

You can click on the jobs to see the logs:
