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% Type-Directed Programming
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Reminder: General `sort` Operation

def sort[A](xs: List[A])(ord: Ordering[A]): List[A] = ...

Problem: passing around `Ordering` arguments is cumbersome.
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Sorting a `List[Int]` value always uses the same `Ordering.Int` argument,
sorting a `List[String]` value always uses the same `Ordering.String`
argument, and so on…
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Implicit Parameters

We can reduce the boilerplate by making `ord` an **implicit parameter**.
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def sort[A](xs: List[A])(given ord: Ordering[A]): List[A] = ...
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Then, calls to `sort` can omit the `ord` parameter:
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The compiler infers the argument value based on its type.
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Implicit Parameters (2)

def sort[A](xs: List[A])(given ord: Ordering[A]): List[A] = ...
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val xs: List[Int] = ...






In this case, the type of `ord` is `Ordering[Int]`.


sort[Int](xs)(given Ordering.Int)

(assuming there exists a **given instance** of type `Ordering[Int]` named `Ordering.Int`)

Given Clauses Syntax Reference (1)

There can be several `given` parameter clauses in a definition and `given`
parameter clauses can be freely mixed with normal ones.

def sort[A](xs: List[A])(given ord: Ordering[Int]): List[A] = ...

At call site, the arguments of the given clause are usually left out, although it is
possible to explicitly pass them:

// Argument inferred by the compiler

// Explicit argument
sort(xs)(given Ordering.Int.reverse)

Given Clauses Syntax Reference (2)

Multiple parameters can be in a `given` clause:

def f(x: Int)(given foo: Foo, bar: Bar) = ...

Or, there can be several `given` clauses in a row:

def f(x: Int)(given foo: Foo)(given bar: Bar) = ... 

Given Clauses Syntax Reference (3)

Parameters of a given clause can be anonymous:

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def sort[A](xs: List[A])(given Ordering[A]): List[A] = ...
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This is useful if the body of `sort` does not mention `ord`
at all, but simply relies on the fact that there is an
available given instance of type `Ordering[A]`.
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Implicit Parameters Resolution

Say, a function takes an implicit parameter of type `T`.

The compiler will search a **given instance** that:
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- has a type compatible with `T`,
- is visible at the point of the function call, or is defined
  in a companion object *associated* with `T`.
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If there is a single (most specific) instance, it will be taken
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as actual arguments for the implicit parameter.

Otherwise it’s an error.

Given Instances
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For the previous example to work, the `Ordering.Int` definition
must be a `given` instance:
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object Ordering {

  given Int: Ordering[Int] {
    def compare(x: Int, y: Int): Int = ...
This code defines a given instance of type `Ordering[Int]`, named `Int`.

Given Instances Syntax Reference

Given instances can be anonymous. Just omit the instance name:

given Ordering[Int] { ... }

Given instances can take type parameters and implicit parameters:

given [A, B](given Ordering[A], Ordering[B]): Ordering[(A, B)] { ... }

An alias can be used to define a given instance:

given Ordering[Int] = ...

Given Instances Search Scope
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The search for a given instance of type `T` includes:
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- all the given instances that are visible (inherited, or defined in
  an enclosing scope),
- all the given instances that are imported via a “given import”,
- the *implicit scope* of type `T`, made of given instances found
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  in a companion object *associated* with `T`. In essence$^*$, the types
  associated with a type `T` are:
    - if `T` is a compound type $T_1 with T_2 ... with T_n$, the union
      of the parts of $T_1$, ... $T_n$ as well as $T$ itself,
    - if `T` is a parameterized type $S[T_1, T_2, ..., T_n]$, the union
      of the parts of $S$ and $T_1$, ..., $T_n$,
    - otherwise, just `T` itself.

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In the case of the `sort(xs)` call, the compiler looks for an implicit
`Ordering[Int]` definition, which is found in the `Ordering` companion

No Given Instance Found
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If there is no available given instance matching the queried type,
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an error is reported:

scala> def f(given n: Int) = ()
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scala> f
error: no implicit argument of type Int was found for parameter n of method f
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Ambiguous Given Instances
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If more than one given instances are eligible, an **ambiguity** is reported:
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scala> given x: Int = 0
scala> given y: Int = 1
scala> def f(given n: Int) = ()
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scala> f
error: ambiguous implicit arguments:
 both value x and value y
 match type Int of parameter n of method f
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Actually, several given instances matching the same type don’t generate an
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ambiguity if one is **more specific** than the other.

In essence$^{*}$, a `given a: A` definition is more specific than a
`given b: B` definition if:
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- type `A` is a subtype of type `B`,
- type `A` has more “fixed” parts,
- `a` is defined in a class or object which is a subclass of the class defining `b`,
- `a` is in a closer lexical scope than `b`.
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Priorities: Example (1)

Which given instance matches the `Int` implicit parameter when
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the `f` method is called?

given universal[A]: A = ???
given int: Int = ???
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def f(given n: Int) = ()
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Priorities: Example (2)

Which given instance matches the `Int` implicit parameter when
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the `f` method is called?

trait A {
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trait B extends A {
  given y: Int = 1
  def f(given n: Int) = ()

Priorities: Example (3)

Which implied instance matches the queried `Int` implicit parameter when
the `f` method is called?

given x: Int = 0
locally {
  given y: Int = 1
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  def f(given n: Int) = ()
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Context Bounds

A syntactic sugar allows the omission of the given clause:
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def printSorted[A: Ordering](as: List[A]): Unit = {

Type parameter `A` has one **context bound**: `Ordering`. There must be a
given instance of type `Ordering[A]` at the point of application.
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More generally, a method definition such as:

$def f[A: U_1 ... : U_n](ps): R = ...$

Is expanded to:

$def f[A](ps)(given U_1[A], ..., U_n[A]): R = ...$
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Implicit Query

At any point in a program, one can **query** a given instance of
a specific type by calling the `summon` operation:
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scala> summon[Ordering[Int]]
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res0: Ordering[Int] = scala.math.Ordering$Int$@73564ab0

`summon` is not a special keyword, it is defined as a library operation:
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def summon[A](given value: A): value.type = value
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In this lecture we have introduced the concept of **type-directed programming**,
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a language mechanism that infers **values** by using **type** information.

There has to be a **unique** given instance matching the queried type
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for it to be used by the compiler.

Given instances are searched in the enclosing **lexical scope** (imports,
parameters, inherited members) as well as in the **given instances search scope**
made of given instances defined in companion objects of types associated with the
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queried type.