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% Subtyping and Generics
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Two principal forms of polymorphism:
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 - subtyping
 - generics
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In this session we will look at their interactions.
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Two main areas:
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 - bounds
 - variance
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Type Bounds
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Consider the method `assertAllPos` which
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 - takes an `IntSet`
 - returns the `IntSet` itself if all its elements are positive
 - throws an exception otherwise
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What would be the best type you can give to `assertAllPos`? Maybe:
      def assertAllPos(s: IntSet): IntSet
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In most situations this is fine, but can one be more precise?
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Type Bounds
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One might want to express that `assertAllPos`
takes `Empty` sets to `Empty` sets and `NonEmpty` sets to `NonEmpty` sets.
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A way to express this is:
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     def assertAllPos[S <: IntSet](r: S): S = ...
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Here, "`<: IntSet`" is an \red{upper bound} of the type parameter `S`:
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It means that `S` can be instantiated only to types that conform to `IntSet`.
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Generally, the notation
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  - `S <: T` means: _`S` is a subtype of `T`_, and
  - `S >: T` means: _`S` is a supertype of `T`_, or _`T` is a subtype of `S`_.
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Lower Bounds
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You can also use a lower bound for a type variable.
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       [S >: NonEmpty]
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introduces a type parameter `S` that can range only over \red{supertypes}
of `NonEmpty`.
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So `S` could be one of `NonEmpty`, `IntSet`, `AnyRef`, or `Any`.
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We will see later on in this session where lower bounds are useful.
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Mixed Bounds
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Finally, it is also possible to mix a lower bound with an upper bound.
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For instance,
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        [S >: NonEmpty <: IntSet]
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would restrict `S` any type on the interval between `NonEmpty` and `IntSet`.
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There's another interaction between subtyping and type parameters we
need to consider. Given:
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       NonEmpty <: IntSet
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       List[NonEmpty] <: List[IntSet]    ?
Intuitively, this makes sense: A list of non-empty sets is a special case of a list of arbitrary sets.
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We call types for which this relationship holds \red{covariant}
because their subtyping relationship varies with the type parameter.
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Does covariance make sense for all types, not just for `List`?
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For perspective, let's look at arrays in Java (and C#).
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 - An array of `T` elements is written `T[]` in Java.
 - In Scala we use parameterized type syntax `Array[T]` to refer to the same type.
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Arrays in Java are covariant, so one would have:
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        NonEmpty[] <: IntSet[]
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Array Typing Problem
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But covariant array typing causes problems.
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To see why, consider the Java code below.
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  NonEmpty[] a = new NonEmpty[]{
    new NonEmpty(1, new Empty(), new Empty())};
  IntSet[] b = a;
  b[0] = new Empty();
  NonEmpty s = a[0];
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It looks like we assigned in the last line an `Empty` set to a
variable of type `NonEmpty`!
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What went wrong?
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The Liskov Substitution Principle

The following principle, stated by Barbara Liskov, tells us when a
type can be a subtype of another.
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If \verb`A <: B`,
then everything one can to do with a value of type \verb`B` one should also
be able to do with a value of type \verb`A`.
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[The actual definition Liskov used is a bit more formal. It says:
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Let \verb`q(x)` be a property provable about objects \verb`x` of type \verb`B`.
Then \verb`q(y)` should be provable for objects \verb`y` of type \verb`A` where \verb`A <: B`.

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The problematic array example would be written as follows in Scala:

      val a: Array[NonEmpty] = Array(NonEmpty(1, Empty(), Empty()))
      val b: Array[IntSet] = a
      b(0) = Empty()
      val s: NonEmpty = a(0)

When you try out this example, what do you observe?

   \verb`  O         ` &       A type error in line 1
\\ \verb`  O         ` &       A type error in line 2
\\ \verb`  O         ` &       A type error in line 3
\\ \verb`  O         ` &       A type error in line 4
\\ \verb`  O         ` &       A program that compiles and throws an exception at run-time
\\ \verb`  O         ` &       A program that compiles and runs without exception