We have seen how heterogenous data is described by a hierarchy of case classes and objects.
Defining new data types is quite common in statically typed functional languages, so there exists
a shorthand for it.
The shorthand generalizes the `enum` syntax we have seen earlier.
enum Student {
case Listening
case Asking(question: String)
- This definition introduces a `Student` type consisting of two cases, `Listening` and `Asking`.
- The `Asking` case is parameterized with a value parameter `question`.
- Since `Listening` is not parameterized, it is treated as a normal enum value.
Matching on Constructors
Since `Asking` is not a constant, we match on it using a _constructor pattern_
student match
case Student.Listening => "Student is listening"
case Student.Asking(q) => s"Student is asking: $q"
A constructor pattern allows us to _extract_ the value of
the `question` parameter, in case the `student` value is
indeed of type `Asking`.
Here, the `q` identifier is bound to the `question` parameter
of the `student` object.
Relationship With Case Classes
Algebraic Data types expand to class hierarchies with case classes.
For instance, the `Student` type expands to something like:
abstract class Student
object Student {
val Listening extends Student
case class Asking(question: String) extends Student
Comparison With Object Oriented Decomposition
OO decomposition and algebraic data types are two ways of defining types and operations.
- a type with a fixed number of alternatives, where
- all alternatives are pure data types that do not contain methods.
- The set of alternatives is open, i.e. new alternatives can be added after the fact, or
- Alternatives are complex, consisting of methods as well as parameters.
Enumerations Can Be Recursive
A list of integer values can be modeled as either an empty list,
or a node containing both a number and a reference to the remainder
of the list.
enum List {
case Empty
case Node(value: Int, next: List)
A list with values `1`, `2`, and `3` can be constructed as follows:
List.Node(1, List.Node(2, List.Node(3, List.Empty)))
Exercise: Arithmetic Expressions
Define an algebraic datatype modeling arithmetic expressions.
- a number (e.g. `42`),
- a sum of two expressions,
- or, the product of two expressions.
`Expr` Type Definition
enum Expr {
case Number(n: Int)
case Sum(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr)
case Prod(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr)
\verb@val one = Expr.Number(1)@ \wsf one: Expr = Number(1) \\
\verb@val two = Expr.Number(2)@ \wsf two: Expr = Number(2) \\
\verb@Expr.Sum(one, two)@ \wsf Sum(Number(1), Number(2))
expr match {
case Expr.Sum(x, x) => Expr.Prod(2, x)
case e => e
Implement an `eval` operation that takes an `Expr` as parameter and
evaluates its value:
\verb@eval(Expr.Number(42))@ \wsf 42 \\
\verb@eval(Expr.Prod(2, Expr.Sum(Expr.Number(8), Expr.Number(13))))@ \wsf 42
Implement a `show` operation that takes an `Expr` as parameter and
returns a `String` representation of the operation.
Be careful to introduce parenthesis when necessary!
\verb@show(Expr.Number(42))@ \wsf "42" \\
\verb@show(Expr.Prod(2, Expr.Sum(Expr.Number(8), Expr.Number(13))))@ \wsf "2 * (8 + 13)"
In this lecture, we have seen:
- how to define data types accepting alternative values using
`enum` definitions,
- enumeration cases can be discriminated using pattern matching,
- enumeration cases can take parameters or be simple values,
- pattern matching allows us to extract information carried by an object.