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add time_out as array provided for radcam option

Olivier Sauter requested to merge add_timeout_radcam into master

keep previous xtomo time_interval as is


  • aa1=gdat([81880],'radcam','doplot',1,'freq','slow','camera','upper');

we get interpos smoothed interpolation on 10kHz which may not be sufficient, so asking for 50kHz yields better information but still easier for quick analysis than full raw data

  • aa2=gdat([81880],'radcam','doplot',1,'freq','slow','camera','upper','time_out',[aa1.t(1):2e-5:aa1.t(end)]);

A simple other use case:

  • aa1=gdat([81880],'radcam','doplot',1,'time_out',[0.3 1]); % to get raw data within this time interval
Edited by Olivier Sauter

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