@@ -41,3 +41,8 @@ A first tagged was made some time ago: COCOStransform_v1_1
20170328 tested on new gateway, lib name with ifort only or gfortran and not full intel name
ready for tag: COCOStransform_v10b.10_201703
svn cp https://gforge.efda-itm.eu/svn/numerical_tools/branches/COCOStransform https://gforge.efda-itm.eu/svn/numerical_tools/tags/COCOStransform_v10b.10_201703 -m"Tag COCOStransform_v10b.10_201703: ready for tag realease with cocos_module including cocos routine and cocos_values_coefficients, library and .mod file in LOCAL_LIB_DIR with only ifort or gfortran as suffix"
... Dec 2019 oved to git: git@gitlab.epfl.ch:spc/interpos.git, tag 3.0.0, then deployed in toolbox at SPC, 4.0.0, then added summary in ids_check, ids_core_sources
20241010 improved ids_check (equilibrium) to avoid first itime which can have ip=0, avoid testing sign if value=0, tested for some examples at ITER-IO, added profiles_2d%theta (after correcting CHEASE as well). Ready for tag 4.2
git tag 4.2 -m"improve ids_check, at least equilibrium, to avoid testing itime=1 and values which are 0"