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UI and UX problems on gest columns

Leonardo Alain Surdez requested to merge fix/gestColumns into master
  • The `note` column is now on a single line (number + star)
  • The `note` header is written in the same way as the others
  • The `note` column is of no use to training managers as they already sort applications beforehand.
  • As a trainer, we do not want to see the statut column.
    • Because if the application is:
      • Validated: it necessarily appears in the trainer view
      • Rejected: only visible to training managers
      • New: only visible to training managers
      • Invalid/incomplete: only visible to training managers

Closes #12 (closed),#16 (closed),#28 (closed),#38 (closed)

Edited by Leonardo Alain Surdez

Merge request reports
