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Added lab03 description and materials

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......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ My goal is for lectures to be self-contained. The following books contain overla
| | Wed | 05.10.2022 | 08:15 | INM202 | Labs | [Interpreter Lab](labs/lab01/), [Lexer Lab](labs/lab02/) |
| | Thu | 06.10.2022 | 08:15 | INM202 | Exercises | [Exercises on lexical analyzers and basics of grammars](exercises/ex2/) |
| 4 | Mon | 10.10.2022 | 13:15 | INM200 | Lecture 5 | [LL(1) Parsing]( |
| | Wed | 12.10.2022 | 08:15 | INM202 | [Lexer Lab](labs/lab02/), Parser Lab. See also [Scallion Presentation]( |
| | Wed | 12.10.2022 | 08:15 | INM202 | Labs | [Lexer Lab](labs/lab02/), [Parser Lab](labs/lab03/). See also [Scallion Presentation]( |
| | Thu | 13.10.2022 | 08:15 | INM202 | Exercises | |
| 5 | Mon | 17.10.2022 | 13:15 | INM200 | Lecture 6 | [CYK Algorithm for Parsing General Context-Free Grammars]( and [Chomsky Normal Form Transformation]( |
| 6 | Mon | 24.10.2022 | 13:15 | INM200 | Lecture 7 | [Name Analysis](, [Inductive Relations](, [Operational Semantics]( |
# Lab 03: Parser ([Slides](lab03-slides.pdf))
## Introduction
Starting from this week you will work on the second stage of the Amy
compiler, the parser. The task of the parser is to take a sequence of
tokens produced by the lexer and transform it into an Abstract Syntax
Tree (AST).
For this purpose you will write a grammar for Amy programs in a Domain
Specific Language (DSL) that can be embedded in Scala. Similarly to what
you have seen in the Lexer lab, each grammar rule will also be
associated with a transformation function that maps the parse result to
an AST. The overall grammar will then be used to automatically parse
sequences of tokens into Amy ASTs, while abstracting away extraneous
syntactical details, such as commas and parentheses.
As you have seen (and will see) in the lectures, there are various
algorithms to parse syntax trees corresponding to context-free grammars.
Any context-free grammar (after some normalization) can be parsed using
the CYK algorithm. However, this algorithm is rather slow: its
complexity is in O(n\^3 \* g) where n is the size of the program and g
the size of the grammar. On the other hand, a more restricted LL(1)
grammar can parse inputs in linear time. Thus, the goal of this lab will
be to develop an LL(1) version of the Amy grammar.
### The Parser Combinator DSL
In the previous lab you already started working with **Silex**, which
was the library we used to tokenize program inputs based on a
prioritized list of regular expressions. In this lab we will start using
its companion library, **Scallion**: Once an input string has been
tokenized, Scallion allows us to parse the token stream using the rules
of an LL(1) grammar and translate to a target data structure, such as an
To familiarize yourself with the parsing functionality of Scallion,
please make sure you read the [Introduction to (Scallion) Parser
Combinators](material/ In it, you will learn how to describe grammars
in Scallion\'s parser combinator DSL and how to ensure that your grammar
lies in LL(1) (which Scallion requires to function correctly).
Once you understand parser combinators, you can get to work on your own
implementation of an Amy parser in `Parser.scala`. Note that in this lab
you will essentially operate on two data structures: Your parser will
consume a sequence of `Token`s (defined in `Tokens.scala`) and produce
an AST (as defined by `NominalTreeModule` in `TreeModule.scala`). To
accomplish this, you will have to define appropriate parsing rules and
translation functions for Scallion.
In `Parser.scala` you will already find a number of parsing rules given
to you, including the starting non-terminal `program`. Others, such as
`expr` are stubs (marked by `???`) that you will have to complete
yourself. Make sure to take advantage of Scallion\'s various helpers
such as the `operators` method that simplifies defining operators of
different precedence and associativity.
### An LL(1) grammar for Amy
As usual, the [Amy specification](/labs/amy-specification/amy-specification.pdf) will guide you when
it comes to deciding what exactly should be accepted by your parser.
Carefully read Section 2 (*Syntax*).
Note that the EBNF grammar in Figure 2 merely represents an
over-approximation of Amy\'s true grammar \-- it is too imprecise to be
useful for parsing: Firstly, the grammar in Figure 2 is ambiguous. That
is, it allows multiple ways to parse an expression. E.g. `x + y * z`
could be parsed as either `(x + y) * z` or as `x + (y * z)`. In other
words, the grammar doesn\'t enforce either operator precedence or
associativity correctly. Additionally, the restrictions mentioned
throughout Section 2 of the specification are not followed.
Your task is thus to come up with appropriate rules that encode Amy\'s
true grammar. Furthermore, this grammar should be LL(1) for reasons of
efficiency. Scallion will read your grammar, examine if it is in LL(1),
and, if so, parse input programs. If Scallion determines that the
grammar is not in LL(1), it will report an error. You can also instruct
Scallion to generate some counter-examples for you (see the `checkLL1`
### Translating to ASTs
Scallion will parse a sequence of tokens according to the grammar you
provide, however, without additional help, it does not know how to build
Amy ASTs. For instance, a (non-sensical) grammar that only accepts
sequences of identifier tokens, e.g.
many(elem(IdentifierKind)): Syntax[Seq[Token]]
will be useful in deciding whether the input matches the expected form,
but will simply return the tokens unchanged when parsing succeeds.
Scallion does allow you to map parse results from one type to another,
however. For instance, in the above example we might want to provide a
function `f(idTokens: Seq[Token]): Seq[Variable]` that transforms the
identifier tokens into (Amy-AST) variables of those names.
For more information on how to use Scallion\'s `Syntax#map` method
please refer to the [Scallion introduction](material/
## Notes
### Understanding the AST: Nominal vs. Symbolic Trees
If you check the TreeModule file containing the ASTs, you will notice it
is structured in an unusual way: There is a `TreeModule` class extended
by `NominalTreeModule` and `SymbolicTreeModule`. The reason for this
design is that we need two very similar ASTs, but with different types
representing names in each case: Just after parsing (this assignment),
all names are just Strings and qualified names are essentially pairs of
Strings. We call ASTs that only use such String-based names `Nominal`
\-- the variant we will be using in this lab. Later, during name
analysis, these names will be resolved to unique identifiers, e.g. two
variables that refer to different definitions will be distinct, even if
they have the same name. For now you can just look at the TreeModule and
substitute the types that are not defined there (`Name` and
`QualifiedName`) with their definitions inside `NominalTreeModule`.
### Positions
As you will notice in the code we provide, all generated ASTs have their
position set. The position of each node of the AST is defined as its
starting position. It is important that you set the positions in all the
trees that you create for better error reporting later. Although our
testing infrastructure cannot directly check for presence of positions,
we will check it manually.
### Pretty Printing
Along with the stubs, we provide a printer for Amy ASTs. It will print
parentheses around all expressions so you can clearly see how your
parser interprets precedence and associativity. You can use it to test
your parser, and it will also be used during our testing to compare the
output of your parser with the reference parser.
## Skeleton
As usual, you can find the skeleton in the git repository. This lab
builds on your previous work, so \-- given your implementation of the
lexer \-- you will only unpack two files from the skeleton.
The structure of your project `src` directory should be as follows:
├── Main.scala (updated)
├── ast (new)
│ ├── Identifier.scala
│ ├── Printer.scala
│ └── TreeModule.scala
├── lib
│ ├── scallion_3.0.6.jar (new)
│ └── silex_3.0.6.jar
├── parsing
│ ├── Parser.scala (new)
│ ├── Lexer.scala
│ └── Tokens.scala
└── utils
├── AmycFatalError.scala
├── Context.scala
├── Document.scala
├── Pipeline.scala
├── Position.scala
├── Reporter.scala
└── UniqueCounter.scala
## Reference compiler
Recall you can use the [reference compiler](/labs/ for any doubts you have on the intended behaviour. For this lab you can use the command:
java -jar amyc-assembly-1.7.jar --printTrees <files>
## Deliverables
Deadline: **Friday November 4 at 11pm**.
Submission: push the solved lab 3 to the branch `clplab3` that was created on your Gitlab repo. Do not push the changes to other branches! It may interfere with your previous submissions.
You may want to copy the files you changed directly to the new branch, since the two branches don't share a history in git.
File added
File added
**For a brief overview of Scallion and its purpose, you can watch [this
video](** What follows below is
a slightly more detailed description, and an example project you can use
to familiarize yourself with Scallion.
## Introduction to Parser Combinators
The next part of the compiler you will be working on is the parser. The
goal of the parser is to convert the sequence of tokens generated by the
lexer into an Amy *abstract syntax tree* (AST).
There are many approaches to writing parsers, such as:
- Writing the parser by hand directly in the compiler's language using
mutually recursive functions, or
- Writing the parser in a *domain specific language* (DSL) and using a
parser generator (such as Bison) to produce the parser.
Another approach, which we will be using, is *parser combinators*. The
idea behind the approach is very simple:
- Have a set of simple primitive parsers, and
- Have ways to combine them together into more and more complex
parsers. Hence the name *parser combinators*.
Usually, those primitive parsers and combinators are provided as a
library directly in the language used by the compiler. In our case, we
will be working with **Scallion**, a Scala parser combinators library
developed by *LARA*.
Parser combinators have many advantages -- the main one being easy to
write, read and maintain.
## Scallion Parser Combinators
### Documentation
In this document, we will introduce parser combinators in Scallion and
showcase how to use them. This document is not intended to be a complete
reference to Scallion. Fortunately, the library comes with a
API]( which
fulfills that role. Feel free to refer to it while working on your
### Playground Project
We have set up [an example project]( that
implements a lexer and parser for a simple expression language using
Scallion. Feel free to experiment and play with it. The project
showcases the API of Scallion and some of the more advanced combinators.
### Setup
In Scallion, parsers are defined within a trait called `Syntaxes`. This
trait takes as parameters two types:
- The type of tokens,
- The type of *token kinds*. Token kinds represent groups of tokens.
They abstract away all the details found in the actual tokens, such
as for instance positions or identifiers name. Each token has a
unique kind.
In our case, the tokens will be of type `Token` that we introduced and
used in the previous project. The token kinds will be `TokenKind`, which
we have already defined for you.
object Parser extends Pipeline[Iterator[Token], Program]
with Parsers {
type Token = myproject.Token
type Kind = myproject.TokenKind
// Indicates the kind of the various tokens.
override def getKind(token: Token): TokenKind = TokenKind.of(token)
// You parser implementation goes here.
The `Parsers` trait (mixed into the `Parser` object above) comes from
Scallion and provides all functions and types you will use to define
your grammar and AST translation.
### Writing Parsers
When writing a parser using parser combinators, one defines many smaller
parsers and combines them together into more and more complex parsers.
The top-level, most complex, of those parser then defines the entire
syntax for the language. In our case, that top-level parser will be
called `program`.
All those parsers are objects of the type `Syntax[A]`. The type
parameter `A` indicates the type of values produced by the parser. For
instance, a parser of type `Syntax[Int]` produces `Int`s and a parser of
type `Syntax[Expr]` produces `Expr`s. Our top-level parser has the
following signature:
lazy val program: Parser[Program] = ...
Contrary to the types of tokens and token kinds, which are fixed, the
type of values produced is a type parameter of the various `Syntax`s.
This allows your different parsers to produce different types of values.
The various parsers are stored as `val` members of the `Parser` object.
In the case of mutually dependent parsers, we use `lazy val` instead.
lazy val definition: Syntax[ClassOrFunDef] =
functionDefinition | abstractClassDefinition | caseClassDefinition
lazy val functionDefinition: Syntax[ClassOrFunDef] = ...
lazy val abstractClassDefinition: Syntax[ClassOrFunDef] = ...
lazy val caseClassDefinition: Syntax[ClassOrFunDef] = ...
### Running Parsers
Parsers of type `Syntax[A]` can be converted to objects of type
`Parser[A]`, which have an `apply` method which takes as parameter an
iterator of tokens and returns a value of type `ParseResult[A]`, which
can be one of three things:
- A `Parsed(value, rest)`, which indicates that the parser was
successful and produced the value `value`. The entirety of the input
iterator was consumed by the parser.
- An `UnexpectedToken(token, rest)`, which indicates that the parser
encountered an unexpected token `token`. The input iterator was
consumed up to the erroneous token.
- An `UnexpectedEnd(rest)`, which indicates that the end of the
iterator was reached and the parser could not finish at this point.
The input iterator was completely consumed.
In each case, the additional value `rest` is itself some sort of a
`Parser[A]`. That parser represents the parser after the successful
parse or at the point of error. This parser could be used to provide
useful error messages or even to resume parsing.
override def run(ctx: Context)(tokens: Iterator[Token]): Program = {
import ctx.reporter._
val parser = Parser(program)
parser(tokens) match {
case Parsed(result, rest) => result
case UnexpectedEnd(rest) => fatal("Unexpected end of input.")
case UnexpectedToken(token, rest) => fatal("Unexpected token: " + token)
### Parsers and Grammars
As you will see, parsers built using parser combinators will look a lot
like grammars. However, unlike grammars, parsers not only describe the
syntax of your language, but also directly specify how to turn this
syntax into a value. Also, as we will see, parser combinators have a
richer vocabulary than your usual *BNF* grammars.
Interestingly, a lot of concepts that you have seen on grammars, such as
`FIRST` sets and nullability can be straightforwardly transposed to
#### FIRST set
In Scallion, parsers offer a `first` method which returns the set of
token kinds that are accepted as a first token.
definition.first === Set(def, abstract, case)
#### Nullability
Parsers have a `nullable` method which checks for nullability of a
parser. The method returns `Some(value)` if the parser would produce
`value` given an empty input token sequence, and `None` if the parser
would not accept the empty sequence.
### Basic Parsers
We can now finally have a look at the toolbox we have at our disposition
to build parsers, starting from the basic parsers. Each parser that you
will write, however complex, is a combination of these basic parsers.
The basic parsers play the same role as terminal symbols do in grammars.
#### Elem
The first of the basic parsers is `elem(kind)`. The function `elem`
takes argument the kind of tokens to be accepted by the parser. The
value produced by the parser is the token that was matched. For
instance, here is how to match against the *end-of-file* token.
val eof: Parser[Token] = elem(EOFKind)
#### Accept
The function `accept` is a variant of `elem` which directly applies a
transformation to the matched token when it is produced.
val identifier: Syntax[String] = accept(IdentifierKind) {
case IdentifierToken(name) => name
#### Epsilon
The parser `epsilon(value)` is a parser that produces the `value`
without consuming any input. It corresponds to the *𝛆* found in
### Parser Combinators
In this section, we will see how to combine parsers together to create
more complex parsers.
#### Disjunction
The first combinator we have is disjunction, that we write, for parsers
`p1` and `p2`, simply `p1 | p2`. When both `p1` and `p2` are of type
`Syntax[A]`, the disjunction `p1 | p2` is also of type `Syntax[A]`. The
disjunction operator is associative and commutative.
Disjunction works just as you think it does. If either of the parsers
`p1` or `p2` would accept the sequence of tokens, then the disjunction
also accepts the tokens. The value produced is the one produced by
either `p1` or `p2`.
Note that `p1` and `p2` must have disjoint `first` sets. This
restriction ensures that no ambiguities can arise and that parsing can
be done efficiently.[^1] We will see later how to automatically detect
when this is not the case and how fix the issue.
#### Sequencing
The second combinator we have is sequencing. We write, for parsers `p1`
and `p2`, the sequence of `p1` and `p2` as `p1 ~ p2`. When `p1` is of
type `A` and `p2` of type `B`, their sequence is of type `A ~ B`, which
is simply a pair of an `A` and a `B`.
If the parser `p1` accepts the prefix of a sequence of tokens and `p2`
accepts the postfix, the parser `p1 ~ p2` accepts the entire sequence
and produces the pair of values produced by `p1` and `p2`.
Note that the `first` set of `p2` should be disjoint from the `first`
set of all sub-parsers in `p1` that are *nullable* and in trailing
position (available via the `followLast` method). This restriction
ensures that the combinator does not introduce ambiguities.
#### Transforming Values
The method `map` makes it possible to apply a transformation to the
values produced by a parser. Using `map` does not influence the sequence
of tokens accepted or rejected by the parser, it merely modifies the
value produced. Generally, you will use `map` on a sequence of parsers,
as in:
lazy val abstractClassDefinition: Syntax[ClassOrFunDef] =
(kw("abstract") ~ kw("class") ~ identifier).map {
case kw ~ _ ~ id => AbstractClassDef(id).setPos(kw)
The above parser accepts abstract class definitions in Amy syntax. It
does so by accepting the sequence of keywords `abstract` and `class`,
followed by any identifier. The method `map` is used to convert the
produced values into an `AbstractClassDef`. The position of the keyword
`abstract` is used as the position of the definition.
#### Recursive Parsers
It is highly likely that some of your parsers will require to
recursively invoke themselves. In this case, you should indicate that
the parser is recursive using the `recursive` combinator:
lazy val expr: Syntax[Expr] = recursive {
If you were to omit it, a `StackOverflow` exception would be triggered
during the initialisation of your `Parser` object.
The `recursive` combinator in itself does not change the behaviour of
the underlying parser. It is there to *tie the knot*[^2].
In practice, it is only required in very few places. In order to avoid
`StackOverflow` exceptions during initialisation, you should make sure
that all recursive parsers (stored in `lazy val`s) must not be able to
reenter themselves without going through a `recursive` combinator
somewhere along the way.
#### Other Combinators
So far, many of the combinators that we have seen, such as disjunction
and sequencing, directly correspond to constructs found in `BNF`
grammars. Some of the combinators that we will see now are more
expressive and implement useful patterns.
##### Optional parsers using opt
The combinator `opt` makes a parser optional. The value produced by the
parser is wrapped in `Some` if the parser accepts the input sequence and
in `None` otherwise.
opt(p) === | epsilon(None)
##### Repetitions using many and many1
The combinator `many` returns a parser that accepts any number of
repetitions of its argument parser, including 0. The variant `many1`
forces the parser to match at least once.
##### Repetitions with separators repsep and rep1sep
The combinator `repsep` returns a parser that accepts any number of
repetitions of its argument parser, separated by an other parser,
including 0. The variant `rep1sep` forces the parser to match at least
The separator parser is restricted to the type `Syntax[Unit]` to ensure
that important values do not get ignored. You may use `unit()` to on a
parser to turn its value to `Unit` if you explicitly want to ignore the
values a parser produces.
##### Binary operators with operators
Scallion also contains combinators to easily build parsers for infix
binary operators, with different associativities and priority levels.
This combinator is defined in an additional trait called `Operators`,
which you should mix into `Parsers` if you want to use the combinator.
By default, it should already be mixed-in.
val times: Syntax[String] =
accept(OperatorKind("*")) {
case _ => "*"
lazy val operation: Syntax[Expr] =
// Defines the different operators, by decreasing priority.
times | div is LeftAssociative,
plus | minus is LeftAssociative,
) {
// Defines how to apply the various operators.
case (lhs, "*", rhs) => Times(lhs, rhs).setPos(lhs)
Documentation for `operators` is [available on this
##### Upcasting
In Scallion, the type `Syntax[A]` is invariant with `A`, meaning that,
even when `A` is a (strict) subtype of some type `B`, we *won\'t* have
that `Syntax[A]` is a subtype of `Syntax[B]`. To upcast a `Syntax[A]` to
a syntax `Syntax[B]` (when `A` is a subtype of `B`), you should use the
`.up[B]` method.
For instance, you may need to upcast a syntax of type
`Syntax[Literal[_]]` to a `Syntax[Expr]` in your assignment. To do so,
simply use `.up[Expr]`.
### LL(1) Checking
In Scallion, non-LL(1) parsers can be written, but the result of
applying such a parser is not specified. In practice, we therefore
restrict ourselves only to LL(1) parsers. The reason behind this is that
LL(1) parsers are unambiguous and can be run in time linear in the input
Writing LL(1) parsers is non-trivial. However, some of the higher-level
combinators of Scallion already alleviate part of this pain. In
addition, LL(1) violations can be detected before the parser is run.
Syntaxes have an `isLL1` method which returns `true` if the parser is
LL(1) and `false` otherwise, and so without needing to see any tokens of
#### Conflict Witnesses
In case your parser is not LL(1), the method `conflicts` of the parser
will return the set of all `LL1Conflict`s. The various conflicts are:
- `NullableConflict`, which indicates that two branches of a
disjunction are nullable.
- `FirstConflict`, which indicates that the `first` set of two
branches of a disjunction are not disjoint.
- `FollowConflict`, which indicates that the `first` set of a nullable
parser is not disjoint from the `first` set of a parser that
directly follows it.
The `LL1Conflict`s objects contain fields which can help you pinpoint
the exact location of conflicts in your parser and hopefully help you
fix those.
The helper method `debug` prints a summary of the LL(1) conflicts of a
parser. We added code in the handout skeleton so that, by default, a
report is outputted in case of conflicts when you initialise your
[^1]: Scallion is not the only parser combinator library to exist, far
from it! Many of those libraries do not have this restriction. Those
libraries generally need to backtrack to try the different
alternatives when a branch fails.
[^2]: See [a good explanation of what tying the knot means in the
context of lazy
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