@@ -57,15 +57,13 @@ how to present your project can be found here.](labs06_material/presentation.md)
## Project Implementation and Report
**Deadline: Friday January 7th**
You will develop your project on top of your implementation of Amy. Please push all development on a new branch `lab06`, ideally building on top of the codegen lab (branch `lab05`). We will refer to this branch in case of problems with your submission.
Your implementation and a report are due on this date, and both will be
delivered using Git. You will develop your project on top of your
implementation of Amy. Please push all development on a new branch
`lab06`, ideally building on top of the codegen lab (branch `lab05`).
**TODO: define submission method**
Deadline: **Friday January 7th at 11 pm**.
Your repository should contain:
Submission: one team member submits a zip file submission-groupNumber.zip to the [moodle submission page](https://moodle.epfl.ch/mod/assign/view.php?id=1189120).
Your zip file should contain:
- Your implementation, which must, to be graded at all, compile and be
able to run non-trivial examples.
@@ -74,6 +72,7 @@ Your repository should contain:
- A subdirectory `report/` which includes a PDF summarizing your
**If you did not manage to complete your planned features, or they are
partially implemented, make this clear in your report!**