Noe Eric De Santo authoredNoe Eric De Santo authored
Labs 06: Compiler extension project
You have now written a compiler for Amy, a simple functional language. The final lab project is to design and implement a new functionality of your own choice on top of the compiler you built so far. In preparation for this, you should aim to learn about the problem domain by searching the appropriate literature. The project includes:
- designing and implementing the new functionality
- documenting the results in a written report document
This project has several deadlines, detailed below. Please note that the first of them (choosing the topic) is already coming up on Sunday!
Selecting a Project Topic
Deadline: TBD
In the following document, we list several project ideas, but you should
also feel free to submit your own by email. All groups will rank the
projects in order of preference, and we will then do our best to assign
the preferred projects to as many groups as possible. Because not all
projects are equally difficult, we annotated each of them with the
expected workload. The suggested projects cover a wide range of
complexity, and we will evaluate your submissions with that complexity
in mind. For instance, for a project marked with (1)
(relatively low
complexity) we will be expecting a polished, well-tested and
well-documented extension, whereas projects on the other end ((3)
) may
be more prototypical. For all submissions, however, we require that you
deliver code that compiles and a set of example input files that
demonstrate the new functionality.
To announce your preferences, please fill out this form by Sunday at the latest. You'll have to provide the names of the top exactly 5 projects you would like to work on, in order of descending preference. We will do our best to assign you the project you are most interested in.
Project Orientation
Deadline: TBD
We will try to inform you about the project assignment as soon as possible. To give you a chance to validate your understanding of the project and what's expected of you, we will offer dedicated slots during the project sessions next week. Before you join, you should think about the following questions
- What are the features you will add to the compiler/language?
- What would be some (short) programs highlighting the use of these features?
- What changes might be required in each compiler phase and/or what new phases would you add? (Very roughly)
TODO: define slots
Project Presentation
You will present your idea during the lab sessions on the last regular week of the semester (Dec 16th/22nd/23rd). We'll announce the concrete schedule of presentations at a later point. Instructions on what and how to present your project can be found here.
Project Implementation and Report
Deadline: TBD
Your implementation and a report are due on this date, and both will be
delivered using Git. You will develop your project on top of your
implementation of Amy. Please push all development on a new branch
, ideally building on top of the codegen lab (branch lab05
TODO: define submission method
Your repository should contain:
- Your implementation, which must, to be graded at all, compile and be able to run non-trivial examples.
- A subdirectory
which includes some examples that demonstrate your compiler extension in action. - A subdirectory
which includes a PDF summarizing your extension.
If you did not manage to complete your planned features, or they are partially implemented, make this clear in your report!
You are encouraged to use the following (LaTeX) template for your report:
A PDF version of the template with the required section is available here:
Although you are not required to use the above template, your report must contain at least the sections described in it with the appropriate information. Note that writing this report will take some time, and you should not do it in the last minute. The final report is an important part of the compiler project. If you have questions about the template or the contents of the report, make sure you ask them early.
A common question is "how long should the report be?". There's no definitive answer to that. Considering that the report will contain code examples and a technical description of your implementation, it would be surprising if it were shorter than 3 pages. Please try to stay within 6 pages. A concise, but well-written report is preferable to a long, but poorly-written one.