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Commit 0d9db9dc authored by Tallulah Rytz's avatar Tallulah Rytz
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......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ We have provided some simple tests for our methods:
In order to run these tests, use CLion/VSCode or run the following lines in the command line:
enter code here
## Documentation
......@@ -57,35 +57,38 @@ In order to create the documentation, make sure to have *doxygen* installed, and
## Examples
Given a dense (`Eigen::MatrixXd`A) or sparse (`Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> A` ) matrix A
Given a dense (`Eigen::MatrixXd A`) or sparse (`Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> A` ) matrix A
### PowerMethod
If you want to compute the dominant eigenvalue and all the eigenvalues of the matrix A using the Power Method, you can do the following:
PowerMethod power;
double largest_eigenvalue = power.FindLargestEigenvalue(A);
Eigen::VectorXd all_eigenvalues= power.FindEigenvalues(A);
The user can also select the tolerance and maximum iterations allowed for the power methods:
PowerMethod power;
double largest_eigenvalue = power.FindDominantEigenvalue(A);
Eigen::VectorXd all_eigenvalues = power.FindEigenvalues(A);
You can also customize the tolerance and the maximum number of iterations allowed for the Power Method:
PowerMethod new_power(1e-5, 10);
### InversePowerMethod
If you want to compute the smallest eigenvalue of a matrix A using the Inverse Power Method, you can do the following:
InversePowerMethod inversepower;
double smallest_eigenvalue = inversepower.FindSmallestEigenvalue(A);
Eigen::VectorXd all_eigenvalues= inversepower.FindEigenvalues(A); //Not Recommended
**Note:** It is not recommended to use `FindEigenvalues()` with this method because it is unstable when deflating the matrix.
### PowerMethodShift & InversePowerMethodShift
If you want to compute the eigenvalues of a matrix A using the Power Method with shift or the Inverse Power Method with shift, you can do the following:
PowerMethodShift powershift(0.5); //Shift of 0.5
PowerMethodShift powershift(0.5); // Shift of 0.5
Eigen::VectorXd all_evals = powershift.FindEigenvalues(A);
double shifted_eval = inversepower.FindShiftedEigenvalue(A);
InversePowerMethodShift inversepowershift;
double inverse_shifted_eval = inversepowershift.FindShiftedEigenvalue(A);
Eigen::VectorXd all_evals = inversepowershift.FindEigenvalues(A); //Not Recommended
In addition, the shift can be adjusted to find different eigenvalues:
......@@ -93,7 +96,11 @@ In addition, the shift can be adjusted to find different eigenvalues:
double new_shifted_eval = inversepower.FindShiftedEigenvalue(A);
### QRMethod
If you want to compute all the eigenvalues of the matrix A using the QR Method, you can do the following:
QRMethod qr;
Eigen::VectorXd all_evals = qr.FindEigenvalues(A);
You can also customize the tolerance and the maximum number of iterations allowed for the QR Method:
PowerMethod new_power(1e-5, 10);
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......@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ void QRMethod::QRDecompositionsparse(const Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>& A, Eigen
// ------------------ Find Eigenvalues -----------------
* @brief Use the QR decomposition to make the matrix A diagonal matrix. Then the eigenvalue are the diagonal of the matrix.
......@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ Eigen::VectorXd QRMethod::FindEigenvalues(Eigen::MatrixXd& A){
return eigenvalues;
// Throw Error if reach max iterations without converging
throw std::runtime_error("Method did not converge after reaching maximum iterations");
......@@ -149,7 +150,6 @@ Eigen::VectorXd QRMethod::FindEigenvalues(Eigen::MatrixXd& A){
* @return eigenvalues of the sparse matrix, in absolute descending order
Eigen::VectorXd QRMethod::FindEigenvalues(Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>& A) {
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> Ak = A;
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> Q(A.rows(), A.cols());
......@@ -159,11 +159,13 @@ Eigen::VectorXd QRMethod::FindEigenvalues(Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>& A) {
Ak = Q.transpose() * Ak * Q;
if (isConverged(Ak)) {
// Extract eigenvalues from the diagonal of Ak
Eigen::VectorXd eigenvalues(Ak.rows());
for (int i = 0; i < Ak.rows(); ++i) {
eigenvalues(i) = Ak.coeff(i, i);
// Sort the eigenvalues in decreasing order in absolute value
std::sort(eigenvalues.begin(), eigenvalues.end(), [](double a, double b) {
return std::abs(a) > std::abs(b);
......@@ -171,6 +173,7 @@ Eigen::VectorXd QRMethod::FindEigenvalues(Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>& A) {
return eigenvalues;
// Throw Error if reach max iterations without converging
throw std::runtime_error("Method did not converge after reaching maximum iterations");
......@@ -15,4 +15,6 @@ target_link_libraries(Test_allMethods gtest gtest_main pthread)
target_include_directories(Test_allMethods PRIVATE
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add_test(NAME RunAllTests COMMAND Test_allMethods)
\ No newline at end of file
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