@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Note: Section 'Updates' lists the updates since the original release of the Mile
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Note: Section 'Updates' lists the updates since the original release of the Mile
Should be available by default on ````iccluster028.iccluster.epfl.ch````. Otherwise, refer to each project installation instructions. Prefer working locally on your own machine, you will have less interference in your measurements from other students.
Should be available by default on ````iccluster028.iccluster.epfl.ch````. Otherwise, refer to each project installation instructions. Prefer working locally on your own machine, you will have less interference in your measurements from other students.
If you work on ````iccluster028.iccluster.epfl.ch````, you need to modify the PATH by default by adding the following line in ~/.bashrc:
If you work on ````iccluster028.iccluster.epfl.ch````, you need to modify the PATH by default by adding the following line in ````~/.bashrc````: