@@ -192,19 +192,15 @@ interfere with other students working on their Milestone at the same time. If
@@ -192,19 +192,15 @@ interfere with other students working on their Milestone at the same time. If
## Package for submission
## Submission
1. Create a zip archive with all your code within ````src/````, as well as your report:
1. Update the ````name````, ````maintainer```` fields of ````build.sbt````, with the correct Milestone number, your ID, and your email.
2. Ensure you only used the dependencies listed in ````build.sbt```` in this template, and did not add any other.
zip sciper1-sciper2.zip -r src/ report.pdf
3. Remove ````project/project````, ````project/target````, and ````target/````.
4. Test that all previous commands for generating statistics, predictions, and recommendations correctly produce a JSON file (after downloading/reinstalling dependencies).
2. Submit ````sciper1-sciper2.zip```` the TA for grading on
5. Remove the ml-100k dataset (````data/ml-100k.zip````, and ````data/ml-100k````), as well as the````project/project````, ````project/target````, and ````target/````.
https://cs449-submissions.epfl.ch:8083/m1 using the passcode you have previously received by email.
6. Remove the ````.git```` repository information.
7. Add your report and any other necessary files listed in the Milestone description (see ````Deliverables````).