Erick Lavoie authoredErick Lavoie authored
Personalized.scala 2.86 KiB
package predict
import org.rogach.scallop._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import ujson._
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import org.apache.log4j.Level
import scala.math
import shared.predictions._
class PersonalizedConf(arguments: Seq[String]) extends ScallopConf(arguments) {
val train = opt[String](required = true)
val test = opt[String](required = true)
val separator = opt[String](default=Some("\t"))
val num_measurements = opt[Int](default=Some(0))
val json = opt[String]()
object Personalized extends App {
// Remove these lines if encountering/debugging Spark
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
var conf = new PersonalizedConf(args)
println("Loading training data from: " + conf.train())
val train = load(spark, conf.train(), conf.separator()).collect()
println("Loading test data from: " + conf.test())
val test = load(spark, conf.test(), conf.separator()).collect()
// Compute here
// Save answers as JSON
def printToFile(content: String,
location: String = "./answers.json") =
Some(new java.io.PrintWriter(location)).foreach{
f => try{
} finally{ f.close }
conf.json.toOption match {
case None => ;
case Some(jsonFile) => {
val answers = ujson.Obj(
"Meta" -> ujson.Obj(
"1.Train" -> ujson.Str(conf.train()),
"2.Test" -> ujson.Str(conf.test()),
"3.Measurements" -> ujson.Num(conf.num_measurements())
"P.1" -> ujson.Obj(
"1.PredUser1Item1" -> ujson.Num(0.0), // Prediction of item 1 for user 1 (similarity 1 between users)
"2.OnesMAE" -> ujson.Num(0.0) // MAE when using similarities of 1 between all users
"P.2" -> ujson.Obj(
"1.AdjustedCosineUser1User2" -> ujson.Num(0.0), // Similarity between user 1 and user 2 (adjusted Cosine)
"2.PredUser1Item1" -> ujson.Num(0.0), // Prediction item 1 for user 1 (adjusted cosine)
"3.AdjustedCosineMAE" -> ujson.Num(0.0) // MAE when using adjusted cosine similarity
"P.3" -> ujson.Obj(
"1.JaccardUser1User2" -> ujson.Num(0.0), // Similarity between user 1 and user 2 (jaccard similarity)
"2.PredUser1Item1" -> ujson.Num(0.0), // Prediction item 1 for user 1 (jaccard)
"3.JaccardPersonalizedMAE" -> ujson.Num(0.0) // MAE when using jaccard similarity
val json = write(answers, 4)
println("Saving answers in: " + jsonFile)
printToFile(json, jsonFile)