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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.7.1
    Version 0.7.1 (17-06-2020)
    - Add `ListOps.noDuplicate`, and a contract for `Set#toList` (#746)
    - Check match exhaustiveness in type checker (#737)
    - Rearrange debugging options (#781)
    - Change StdOut print functions to handle Any (#761)
    - Improve error reporting (#756)
    - Add `@inlineInvariant` flag to ADT invariant dispatch method (#744)
    - Use static checks for `SetOps` methods (#742)
    - Recommend using Z3 4.8.6 instead of 4.7.1 (#741)
    Bug fixes
    - Fix `List#toScala` method (#778)
  • v0.7.0
    a305caad · Update release notes ·
    Version 0.7.0 (07-02-2020)
    - Enable `--type-checker` by default (#721)
    - Rework the termination checker to infer measures for recursive functions (#721)
    - Relax mutual recursion check for functions/ADTs enough for TypeEncoding (#721)
    - Add `List#toScala` and `List.fromScala` to the library (#708)
    - Add methods `map`, `withFilter`, `toList`, and `toScala` to `Set` (#708)
    - Add methods `keys`, `values`, `toList` and `toScala` to `Map` (#708)
    Bug fixes:
    - Add missing position in `FieldAccessors` phase (#734)
    - Fix extraction of extern types with Dotty frontend (#708)
  • v0.6.2
    7eb432c6 · Update release notes ·
    Version 0.6.2 (16-01-2020)
    - Ensures invariants of ancestors cannot be weakened
    - Limit parallelism when running stainless-actors tests
    - Fix broken benchmark in TypeCheckerSuite
    - Update Docker packaging script
  • v0.6.1
    Version 0.6.1 (13-11-2019)
    - Modularize Dockerfile and automate Docker image release process
    - Specify version of extra deps when extracting sources from JAR
    - Change name of target directory for extracted sources
    Bug fixes
    - Add missing @library annotation to stainless-algebra. Bump to 0.1.1
    - Fix missing import in stainless-algebra. Bump to 0.1.2
  • v0.6.0
    Version 0.6.0 (07-11-2019)
    - Enable strict arithmetic by default (#608)
    - Introduce `stainless.math.wrapping` method to opt-out of overflow checks (#608)
    - Add `@wrapping` annotation for function definitions (#608)
    - Add ability to resolve extra source dependencies via Coursier (#715)
    - Erase values classes (#712)
    - Expose @invariant flag to user-land (#712)
    - Lift invariants of value classes to a refinement type (#712)
    - Implement Map#-- for finite maps (#705)
    - Add List.empty method
    - Enforce overriding of abstract vals with constructor params (#712)
    - Ensure soundness of invariants in TreeSanitizer (#712)
    - Lift refinements in lets into assertions (#712)
    - Update ScalaZ3 to its latest release (bundling Z3 4.7.1) (#707)
    - Disallow defining classes within a class body (#697)
    - Document type aliases and type members (#686)
    - Ensure type parameters with non-trivial bounds are properly encoded (#685)
    Bug fixes
    - Fix null pointer exception when running --eval (#699)
    - Fix warning about multiple library sources (#692)
  • v0.5.1
    Version 0.5.1 (12-09-2019)
    Bug fixes:
    - Fix bug in ScalaCompiler.topmostAncestors (#693)
    - Fix warning about multiple library sources (#692)
  • v0.5.0
    Release version 0.5.0 (12-09-2019)
    - Bump Scala version to 2.12.9 and update sbt to 1.3.0 (#629, #591)
    - Add support for removing elements from Map (#688)
    - Setting `stainlessEnabled := false` keeps both library sources and ghost elimination (#684)
    - Include Stainless library sources even when verification is disabled in sbt plugin (#680)
    - Add --config-file option to specify or disable configuration file (#648)
    - Document type aliases and type members support (#686)
    - Add Cont monad benchmark to model exceptions (#675)
    - Make qed be of unit type with post-condition (#669)
    - Do not consider built-in classes in override chain (#661)
    - Induct flag only adds decreases check if type checker is enabled (#657)
    - Improve position reporting for postconditions (#656)
    - Remove warnings for asserts in extern functions (#651)
    - Propagate @ghost annotation to variables introduced by calls to default copy getter (#643)
    Bug fixes:
    - Fix bad mutual recursion in GodelNumbering proof (#679)
    - Ensure type parameters with non-trivial bounds are properly encoded (#685)
    - Do not check model when invoking solver during partial evaluation (#676)
  • v0.4.0
    535d1dc8 · Update release notes ·
    Version 0.4.0 (2019-08-23)
    * Features:
    - Support for type members in local classes  (#633)
    - Report functions with missing positions in PositionChecker (#639)
    - Add AmortizedQueue data structure to Stainless library (#635)
    - Add debug section to show the full VC before simplification (#637)
    - Add script to run tests on stainless-actors and bolts (#623)
    - Ignore @library flag on typeclasses which have non-library subclasses (#595)
    - Enable -feature and -unchecked scalac flags in embedded compiler (#610)
    - Enforce sound equality tests (#605, #609)
    - Port partial specification feature from Leon (#438)
    - Add BoundedQuantifiers module to the library (#596)
    * Improvements:
    - Propagate @ghost annotation to variables introduced by calls to default copy getter (#643)
    - Do not lift refinement into pre-/post-conditions when `--type-checker` is enabled (#620)
    - Follow symbolic links when searching for base directory (#621)
    - Check that methods are only overriden by methods with the same ghostiness (#615)
    - Check that required tools are installed before packaging (#599)
    - Add readability check for jars in script (#600)
    * Bug fixes:
    - Add missing serializer for LocalThis (#631)
    - Fix malformed case object constructor method (#641)
    - Use triple quotes and escape \u for extraClasspath and extraCompilerArguments (#626)
    - Fix bug in AssertionInjector where unary minus was lost in strict arithmetic mode (#630)
    - Fix DottyVerificationSuite not being run (non-initialized folder) (#627)
    - Fix bug where anonymous inner classes would have same identifier (#619)
    - Fix handling of super calls in case objects  (#618)
    - Fix a bunch of issues with type members (#580)
  • v0.3.2
    18e4f6c8 · Update release notes ·
    Version 0.3.2 (16-06-2019)
    - Improve support for type members and type aliases (#580)
  • v0.3.1
    Version 0.3.1 (09-06-2019)
    - Add testcase for #532 (#589)
    - Add documentation about the Gitter8 template, and re-order some sections (#588)
    - Re-enable check for abstract methods overrides and consider methods of abstract classes with empty body to be abstract (#587)
    - Dealias type aliases more eagerly (#585)
    - Add microtests from recently closed issues (#578)
  • v0.3.0
    Version 0.3.0 (02-06-2019)
    - Display counter-examples when using metals (#579)
    - Add --no-colors option, for use via metals in VS Code
    - Fix "a required artifact is not listed by module descriptor" error
    - Microtests from recently closed issues (#578)
    - Add FAQ extracted from the C4DT newsletter (#570)
    - Use git-describe to compute version of artifact in packaging script
    - Indexed recursive types and type-checking based VC generation (#479)
    - Bump Inox version to 1.1.0-332-ga6cbf8e (#571)
    - Fix report being shown twice (#567)
    - Emit warning when dropping require/ensuring/assert in a user @extern function (#562)
    - Update sbt docs and fix plugin publishing issues (#565)
    - Make purity of requires and assertions depend on their bodies (#547)
    - Fix effects checker for MutableMapUpdated tree (#563)
  • v0.2.2
    7d205b5c · Update release notes ·
    Version 0.2.2 (25-06-2019)
    - Fix sbt plugin, metals integration, and tests (#556)
    - Switch to git-describe based versioning scheme (#550)
    - Add `--version` flag (#550)
  • v0.2.1
    Tag version 0.2.1
  • v0.2.0-cfac3aaf
    cfac3aaf · Bump version to 0.2.0 ·
    Release version v0.2.0-cfac3aaf
  • v0.1-93dbd33