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Proof judgement ADT, sugars and printer

Viktor Kuncak requested to merge github/fork/FlorianCassayre/proof-judgement into main

Created by: FlorianCassayre

Proof judgement

sealed abstract class SCProofCheckerJudgement:
  def isValid: Boolean

case object SCValidProof extends SCProofCheckerJudgement
case class SCInvalidProof(path: Seq[Int], message: String) extends SCProofCheckerJudgement

Structurally equivalent to an Option[(Seq[Int], String)], but makes more sense.

Incorrect indentation in Printer

The negative indices weren't aligned with the rest (this was introduced by a careless copy paste).

Missing syntactic sugars

Added the following missing syntactic sugars:

  • Pattern matching extractors for infix/unary operators
    formula match
      case a ==> b => ...
      case a <=> b => ...
  • Sequent from tuples and various other collections
    () |- (a, b)
  • Conversions of terms to labels

Merge request reports