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Minor fixes and faster apologies

Sankalp Gambhir requested to merge github/fork/sankalpgambhir/sorry-def into main

"Minor" in physical representation, "major" in spirit. - person coping with writing code after a while

Was adding a single word sorry, but discovered a few bugs on the way:

 val myCorrectTheorem = Theorem(() |- P(x)) {

sorry simply expands to have(thesis) by Sorry, which is a handful to write when I'm washing my hands free of responsibility for a proof.

Fixes: sequantable to sequentable because I saw it somewhere calling show on theorems now checks for sorry usage and prints with a different colour, same as the default theorem printing showCurrentProof was failing as it relied on Theorem.repr, which raises a null exception. Changed to use prettyGoal

Merge request reports
