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Proof checking at the level of tactics

Sankalp Gambhir requested to merge github/fork/sankalpgambhir/tactic-checking into main

Replicating proof checking at the level of construction of DoubleStep based proofs. Supersedes #93 following changes in #99.

  • [implementation] the checks for fully parametrized versions of steps replicate checks from SCProofChecker
    • Except in the case of SUBPROOF, which implements its own exception-based checking.
  • [implementation] where possible, unparameterized versions defer checking by calling the parametrized versions, to centralize checking for a given proof step
  • [documentation] error messages have been uniformized in tone and speech patterns where spotted. I have opted for active instead of passive tones wherever applicable, "x is not y" instead of "x must be y". Previously, both existed simultaneously.
  • [bug] problems with overload resolution (#100) by removing overloaded instances of apply within proof tactics, which are instead replaced with apply for the parameterles versions, and (...).withParameters() for the explicit version where necessary.


  • Left propositional rules
  • Right propositional rules
  • Reflexivity rules
  • Substitution rules
  • Instantiation rules
  • Printing abstracted proofs with errors (#85) (Solved with #99)

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