# EPFL CS320 - Computer language processing, Spring 2025
[Course Description and Schedule](https://edu.epfl.ch/coursebook/en/computer-language-processing-CS-320)
* Mondays 13:15-15:00 in [INM 200](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JuHdXpaxju9xCqdrCI3GCufdUovb0UrO/view)
Labs or Exercises and First Lecture:
* Wednesday 8:15-10:00 in [INM 202](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-4bCuIp3R3L6dfMGBLNd8juvK0Wmwh8p/view)
* Thursday 8:15-10:00 in [INM 202](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-4bCuIp3R3L6dfMGBLNd8juvK0Wmwh8p/view)
## Grading
The grade is based on a midterm (30%) as well as project work (70%) that has many aspects: the implementation in [Scala](https://www.scala-lang.org/), a written report, oral presentation, and answers to questions, in presentation and throughout the semester. There will be no written exam. Here is the weight of the milestones in the overall course grade:
* 30% Midterm on Monday 2022-11-14, 13:00-15:00 (see [the archive of past exams](past-exams/))
* 30% (see [the archive of past exams](past-exams/))
* 10% Lab 1
* 10% Lab 2
* 10% Lab 3
@@ -21,27 +15,19 @@ The grade is based on a midterm (30%) as well as project work (70%) that has man
* 10% Lab 5
* 20% Lab 6 (Compiler extension, customized)
For the final Lab 6, each group will need to present the project in a slot in one of the last two weeks of the semester. The final report on the project will need to handed in after the end of the semester, by 2023-01-09 but the students are encouraged to complete it during the semester.
For the final Lab 6, each group will need to present the project in a slot in one of the last two weeks of the semester. The final report on the project will need to handed in after the end of the semester but the students are encouraged to complete it during the semester.
| PhD TA | [Samuel Chassot](https://people.epfl.ch/samuel.chassot) |
| PhD TA | [Sankalp Gambhir](https://people.epfl.ch/sankalp.gambhir) |
## Books
My goal is for lectures to be self-contained. The following books contain overlapping material with some recommendations for most relevant parts:
Our goal is for lectures to be self-contained. The following books contain overlapping material with some recommendations for most relevant parts:
*[Basics of Compiler Design](http://hjemmesider.diku.dk/~torbenm/Basics/). Read pages 9-88 (omit Section 2.8) for lexical analysis and parsing
*[Modern compiler implementation in ML](http://library.epfl.ch/en/beast?isbn=9781107266391). Read Sections 2.1-2.4 for Lexical analysis, Sections 3.1-3.2 for parsing, and 5.3-5.4 as well as 16.1-16.3 for type checking
*[Compilers, principle, techniques and tools](http://library.epfl.ch/en/beast?isbn=9781292024349)
@@ -50,40 +36,3 @@ My goal is for lectures to be self-contained. The following books contain overla
| Week | Day | Date | Time | Room | Topic | Videos & Slides | |
| | Thu | 24.11.2022 | 08:15 | INM202 | Labs + Q&A | Staff answers questions on labs and on [Exam Solutions](past-exams/2022/Solutions-Exam-2022.pdf) for [this year's exam](past-exams/2022/Exam-2022.pdf) | |
| | **Fri** | 25.11.2022 | 16:00-17:30 | [BC 333](https://plan.epfl.ch//?room=BC333) | View your exam | Staff will be available to answer questions on what you did and how the exam was graded | |
| 11 | Mon | 28.11.2022 | 13:15 | INM200 | Lecture 11 | Guest lecture: [Static analysis for Amy](lectures/sonar.md) by Arseniy Zaostrovnykh and Quentin Jaquier from [Sonar](https://www.sonarsource.com/): [Part 1](https://tube.switch.ch/videos/q4JRgz2O0K), [Part 2](https://tube.switch.ch/videos/6o1na9oIfG) |
You are welcome to submit your final Lab 6 (report and code for the compiler extension) by the end of the semester but you can revise it without any penalty until we start grading it, on 9 January 2023.