| | Thu | 24.11.2022 | 08:15 | INM202 | Labs + Q&A | Staff answers questions on labs and on [Exam Solutions](past-exams/2022/Solutions-Exam-2022.pdf) for [this year's exam](past-exams/2022/Exam-2022.pdf) | |
| | **Fri** | 25.11.2022 | 16:00-17:30 | [BC 333](https://plan.epfl.ch//?room=BC333) | View your exam | Staff will be available to answer questions on what you did and how the exam was graded | |
| 10 | Mon | 28.11.2022 | 13:15 | INM200 | Lecture 11 | Guest lecture: [Static analysis for Amy](lectures/sonar.md) by Arseniy Zaostrovnykh and Quentin Jaquier from [Sonar](https://www.sonarsource.com/) |
| 10 | Mon | 28.11.2022 | 13:15 | INM200 | Lecture 11 | Guest lecture: [Static analysis for Amy](lectures/sonar.md) by Arseniy Zaostrovnykh and Quentin Jaquier from [Sonar](https://www.sonarsource.com/): [Part 1](https://tube.switch.ch/videos/q4JRgz2O0K), [Part 2](https://tube.switch.ch/videos/6o1na9oIfG) |