package midterm22
import instrumentation.Monitor
import instrumentation.MockedMonitor
import org.junit.*
import org.junit.Assert.*
import instrumentation.*
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
class Part4Test:
// This test can result in a deadlock because locks can be called in any
// order. Here, Thread 1 locks Node 3 first and then Node 2, whereas Thread 2
// locks Node 2 first and then Node 3. This will lead to a deadlock.
def testQuestion9() =
scheduler =>
val allNodes =
(for i <- 0 to 6 yield ScheduledNode(i, scheduler)).toList
// Shared by all threads
var sum: Int = 0
def increment(e: Int) = sum += e
() =>
// Thread 1
var nodes: List[Node] =
List(allNodes(1), allNodes(3), allNodes(2), allNodes(4))
var nodes: List[Node] =
List(allNodes(5), allNodes(2), allNodes(3))
nodes = nodes
lockFun(nodes, increment),
results => (true, "")
// This will not lead to a deadlock because the lock acquire happens in a
// particular order. Thread 1 acquires locks in order 1->2->3->4, whereas
// Thread 2 acquires locks in order 2->3->5.
def testQuestion10() =
scheduler =>
val allNodes =
(for i <- 0 to 6 yield ScheduledNode(i, scheduler)).toList
// Shared by all threads
var sum: Int = 0
def increment(e: Int) = sum += e
() =>
// Thread 1
var nodes: List[Node] =
List(allNodes(1), allNodes(3), allNodes(2), allNodes(4))
var nodes: List[Node] =
List(allNodes(5), allNodes(2), allNodes(3))
nodes = nodes.sortWith((x, y) => x.guid > y.guid)
lockFun(nodes, increment),
results => (true, "")
// This will not lead to a deadlock because the lock acquire happens in a
// particular order. Thread 1 acquires locks in order 4->3->2->1, whereas
def testQuestion11() =
scheduler =>
val allNodes =
(for i <- 0 to 6 yield ScheduledNode(i, scheduler)).toList
// Shared by all threads
var sum: Int = 0
def increment(e: Int) = sum += e
() =>
// Thread 1
var nodes: List[Node] =
List(allNodes(1), allNodes(3), allNodes(2), allNodes(4))
var nodes: List[Node] =
List(allNodes(5), allNodes(2), allNodes(3))
nodes = nodes.sortWith((x, y) => x.guid < y.guid)
lockFun(nodes, increment),
results => (true, "")
// This test can result in a deadlock because locks are not called in any
// order. Thread 1 acquire order (3->2->4->1), Thread 2 acquire order
// (2->3->5). Thread 1 locks Node3 first and then Node2, whereas Thread 2
// locks Node 2 first and then Node3. This will lead to a deadlock.
def testQuestion12() =
scheduler =>
val allNodes =
(for i <- 0 to 6 yield ScheduledNode(i, scheduler)).toList
// Shared by all threads
var sum: Int = 0
def increment(e: Int) = sum += e
() =>
// Thread 1
var nodes: List[Node] =
List(allNodes(1), allNodes(3), allNodes(2), allNodes(4))
var nodes: List[Node] =
List(allNodes(5), allNodes(2), allNodes(3))
nodes = nodes.tail.appended(nodes(0))
lockFun(nodes, increment),
results => (true, "")
// sum returns wrong answer because there is a data race on the sum variable.
@Test(expected = classOf[AssertionError])
def testQuestion13() =
scheduler =>
val allNodes =
(for i <- 0 to 6 yield ScheduledNode(i, scheduler)).toList
// Shared by all threads
var sum: Int = 0
def increment(e: Int) =
val previousSum = scheduler.exec { sum }("Get sum")
scheduler.exec { sum = previousSum + e }("Write sum")
var nodes: List[Node] =
List(allNodes(1), allNodes(3), allNodes(2), allNodes(4))
var nodes: List[Node] =
List(allNodes(5), allNodes(2), allNodes(3))
nodes = nodes.sortWith((x, y) => x.guid < y.guid)
lockFun(nodes, increment),
results =>
if sum != 20 then
(false, f"Wrong sum: expected 20 but got $sum")
(true, "")
// sum value will be correct here because "sum += e" is protected by a lock.
def testQuestion14() =
sched =>
val allNodes = (for i <- 0 to 6 yield ScheduledNode(i, sched)).toList
val monitor = new MockedMonitor: // Monitor is a type of a lock.
// Shared by all threads
var sum: Int = 0
def increment(e: Int) =
monitor.synchronized { sum += e }
() =>
// Thread 1
var nodes: List[Node] =
List(allNodes(1), allNodes(3), allNodes(2), allNodes(4))
var nodes: List[Node] =
List(allNodes(5), allNodes(2), allNodes(3))
nodes = nodes.sortWith((x, y) => x.guid < y.guid)
lockFun(nodes, increment),
results =>
if sum != 20 then
(false, f"Wrong sum: expected 20 but got $sum")
(true, "")
// total will give correct output here as it is an atomic instruction.
def testQuestion15() =
sched =>
val allNodes = (for i <- 0 to 6 yield ScheduledNode(i, sched)).toList
// Shared by all threads
var total: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)
def increment(e: Int) =
() =>
// Thread 1
var nodes: List[Node] =
List(allNodes(1), allNodes(3), allNodes(2), allNodes(4))
var nodes: List[Node] =
List(allNodes(5), allNodes(2), allNodes(3))
nodes = nodes.sortWith((x, y) => x.guid < y.guid)
lockFun(nodes, increment),
results =>
if total.get != 20 then
(false, f"Wrong total: expected 20 but got $total")
(true, "")
class ScheduledNode(value: Int, val scheduler: Scheduler) extends Node(value)
with MockedMonitor