import lecture1.parallel
def numContributeTo(input: Array[Int], kernel: Array[Int], output: Array[Int], i: Int): Int =
if i < 0 || i >= output.length then
else if (i - kernel.length < 0) then
else if (i >= input.length) then
output.length - i
else kernel.length
def sequentialConvolve(
input: Array[Int],
kernel: Array[Int],
output: Array[Int],
from: Int,
until: Int
): Unit = {
// Approach A, as described in the clarification announcement for this
// exercise, where we treat `from` and `until` as indices on `output`
// instead of `input` as in the given code.
var iOutput = from
while iOutput < until do
var iKernel = math.max(0, iOutput - input.length + 1)
while iKernel < kernel.length && iKernel <= iOutput do
// `output` is only ever written to between the indices `from` and
// `until`, the range of `iOutput`. The indices for `input` and
// `kernel` are computed accordingly.
output(iOutput) += input(iOutput - iKernel) * kernel(iKernel)
iKernel += 1
iOutput += 1
// ALTERNATE SOLUTION: Approach B, as described in the clarification
// announcement for this exercise, which is unchanged from the given
// code, i.e. we treat `from` and `until` as indices on `input`.
var iInput = from
while iInput < until do
var iKernel = 0
while iKernel < kernel.length do
output(iInput + iKernel) += input(iInput) * kernel(iKernel)
iKernel += 1
iInput += 1
def parallelConvolve(
input: Array[Int],
kernel: Array[Int],
output: Array[Int],
from: Int,
until: Int,
threshold: Int
): Unit =
// Approach A, as described in the clarification announcement for this
// exercise, where we treat `from` and `until` as indices on `output`
// instead of `input` as in the given code. This does not require us to
// change anything in this function. Only receives full credit if used
// together with Approach A for `sequentialConvolve`.
if (until - from) <= threshold then
sequentialConvolve(input, kernel, output, from, until)
val mid = from + (until - from) / 2
parallelConvolve(input, kernel, output, from, mid, threshold),
parallelConvolve(input, kernel, output, mid, until, threshold)
// ALTERNATE SOLUTION: Approach B, as described in the clarification
// announcement for this exercise, where we treat `from` and `until` as
// indices on `input` as in the given code. This requires up to leave a
// gap in the parallel calls to be filled in sequentially as described
// below. Only receives full credit if used together with Approach B for
// `sequentialConvolve`.
if (until - from) <= threshold then
sequentialConvolve(input, kernel, output, from, until)
val mid = from + (until - from) / 2
val gap = numContributeTo(input, kernel, output, mid)
// Leave a gap large enough that accesses to `output` from the first
// parallel call will not overlap with accesses from the second. This
// gap is of size equal to the number of elements of `input` that will
// contribute to the computation of the result at the lowest index of
// `output` in the second parallel call, namely, at index `mid`.
// However, we are careful not to access indices lower than `from`.
val gapBeforeMid = Math.max(from, mid - gap + 1)
parallelConvolve(input, kernel, output, from, gapBeforeMid, threshold),
parallelConvolve(input, kernel, output, mid, until, threshold)
// Fill in the gap sequentially.
sequentialConvolve(input, kernel, output, gapBeforeMid, mid)
object Original_WithOutputRace:
def sequentialConvolve(
input: Array[Int],
kernel: Array[Int],
output: Array[Int],
from: Int,
until: Int): Unit =
var iInput = from
while iInput < until do
output(iInput + iKernel) += input(iInput) * kernel(iKernel)
iInput += 1
def parallelConvolve(
input: Array[Int],
kernel: Array[Int],
output: Array[Int],
from: Int,
until: Int,
threshold: Int): Unit =
if (until - from) <= threshold then
sequentialConvolve(input, kernel, output, from, until)
val mid = from + (until - from)/2
parallelConvolve(input, kernel, output, from, mid, threshold),
parallelConvolve(input, kernel, output, mid, until, threshold))