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package concpar22final04

import akka.testkit.*
import java.util.Date
import akka.event.LoggingReceive
import akka.pattern.*
import akka.util.Timeout
import concurrent.duration.*
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext

given timeout: Timeout = Timeout(200.millis)

/** Data associated with a song: a unique `id`, a `title` and an `artist`.
case class Song(id: Int, title: String, artist: String)

/** An activity in a user's activity feed, representing that `userRef` is
  * listening to `songId`.
case class Activity(userId: String, userName: String, songId: Int)

/** Companion object of the `User` class.
object User:
  /** Messages that can be sent to User actors.
  enum Protocol:
    /** Asks for a user name and id. Should be answered by a Response.Info.
    case GetInfo

    /** Asks home page data. Should be answered by a Response.HomepageData.
    case GetHomepageData

    /** Like song with id `songId`.
    case Like(songId: Int)

    /** Unlike song with id `songId`.
    case Unlike(songId: Int)

    /** Adds `subscriber` to the list of subscribers.
    case Subscribe(subscriber: ActorRef)

    /** Remove `subscriber` from the list of subscribers.
    case Unsubscribe(subscriber: ActorRef)

    /** Adds the activity `activity` to the activity feed. This message will be
      * sent by the users this user has subscribed to.
    case AddActivity(activity: Activity)

    /** Sent when a user starts playing a song with id `songId`. The recipient
      * should notify all its subscribers to update their activity feeds by
      * sending them `AddActivity(Activity(...))` messages. No answer is
      * expected. This message is sent by external actors.
    case Play(songId: Int)

    /** Asks for home page text. Should be answered by a Response.HomepageText.
    case GetHomepageText

  /** Responses that can be sent back from User actors.
  enum Responses:
    /** Answer to a Protocol.GetInfo message
    case Info(id: String, name: String)

    /** Answer to a Protocol.GetHomepageData message
    case HomepageData(songIds: List[Int], activities: List[Activity])

    /** Answer to a Protocol.GetHomepageText message
    case HomepageText(result: String)

/** The `User` actor, responsible to handle `User.Protocol` messages.
class User(id: String, name: String, songsStore: ActorRef) extends Actor:
  import User.*
  import User.Protocol.*
  import User.Responses.*
  import SongsStore.Protocol.*
  import SongsStore.Responses.*

  given ExecutionContext = context.system.dispatcher

  /** Liked songs, by reverse date of liking time (the last liked song must be
    * the first must be the first element of the list). Elements of this list
    * must be unique: a song can only be liked once. Liking a song twice should
    * not change the order.
  var likedSongs: List[Int] = List()

  /** Users who have subscribed to this users.
  var subscribers: Set[ActorRef] = Set()

  /** Activity feed, by reverse date of activity time (the last added activity
    * must be the first element of the list). Items in this list should be
    * unique by `userRef`. If a new activity with a `userRef` already in the
    * list is added, the former should be removed, so that we always see the
    * latest activity for each user we have subscribed to.
  var activityFeed: List[Activity] = List()

  /** This actor's behavior. */

  override def receive: Receive = LoggingReceive {
    case GetInfo =>
      sender() ! Info(id, name)
    case GetHomepageData =>
      sender() ! HomepageData(likedSongs, activityFeed)
    case Like(songId) if !likedSongs.contains(songId) =>
      likedSongs = songId :: likedSongs
    case Unlike(songId) =>
      likedSongs = likedSongs.filter(_ != songId)
    case Subscribe(ref: ActorRef) =>
      subscribers = subscribers + ref
    case Unsubscribe(ref: ActorRef) =>
      subscribers = subscribers - ref
    case AddActivity(activity: Activity) =>
      activityFeed =
        activity :: activityFeed.filter(_.userId != activity.userId)
    case Play(songId) =>
      subscribers.foreach(_ ! AddActivity(Activity(id, name, songId)))
    case GetHomepageText =>
      val likedSongsFuture: Future[Songs] =
        (songsStore ? GetSongs(likedSongs)).mapTo[Songs]
      val activitySongsFuture: Future[Songs] =
        (songsStore ? GetSongs([Songs]
      val response: Future[HomepageText] =
          likedSongs <- likedSongsFuture;
          activitySongs <- activitySongsFuture
        yield HomepageText(
          |Howdy ${name}!
          |Liked Songs:
              .map(song => f"* ${song.title} by ${song.artist}")
          |Activity Feed:
              .map((activity, song) =>
                f"* ${activity.userName} is listening to ${song.title} by ${song.artist}"

/** Objects containing the messages a songs store should handle.
object SongsStore:
  /** Ask information about a list of songs by their ids.
  enum Protocol:
    case GetSongs(songIds: List[Int])

  /** List of `Song` corresponding to the list of IDs given to `GetSongs`.
  enum Responses:
    case Songs(songs: List[Song])

/** A mock implementation of a songs store.
class MockSongsStore extends Actor:
  import SongsStore.Protocol.*
  import SongsStore.Responses.*
  import SongsStore.*

  val songsDB = Map(
    1 -> Song(1, "High Hopes", "Pink Floyd"),
    2 -> Song(2, "Sunny", "Boney M."),
    3 -> Song(3, "J'irai où tu iras", "Céline Dion & Jean-Jacques Goldman"),
    4 -> Song(4, "Ce monde est cruel", "Vald"),
    5 -> Song(5, "Strobe", "deadmau5"),
    6 -> Song(6, "Désenchantée", "Mylène Farmer"),
    7 -> Song(7, "Straight Edge", "Minor Threat"),
    8 -> Song(8, "Hold the line", "TOTO"),
    9 -> Song(9, "Anarchy in the UK", "Sex Pistols"),
    10 -> Song(10, "Breakfast in America", "Supertramp")

  override def receive: Receive = LoggingReceive { case GetSongs(songsIds) =>
    sender() ! Songs(

//        DEBUG        //

/** Infrastructure to help debugging. In sbt use `run` to execute this code. The
  * TestKit is an actor that can send messages and check the messages it
  * receives (or not).
@main def debug() = new TestKit(ActorSystem("DebugSystem")) with ImplicitSender:
  import User.*
  import User.Protocol.*
  import User.Responses.*
  import SongsStore.Protocol.*
  import SongsStore.Responses.*

    val songsStore = system.actorOf(Props(MockSongsStore()), "songsStore")
    val anita = system.actorOf(Props(User("100", "Anita", songsStore)))

    anita ! Like(6)
    expectNoMessage() // expects no message is received

    anita ! GetHomepageData
    expectMsg(HomepageData(List(6), List()))
  finally shutdown(system)