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Problem3.scala 2.02 KiB
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package concpar22final03

import scala.concurrent.Future

trait Problem3:
  val economics: Economics
  import economics.*

  /** The objective is to propose a service of deck building. People come to you
    * with some money and some cards they want to sell, and you need to return
    * them a complete deck of the cards they want.
  def orderDeck(
      bag: MoneyBag,
      cardsToSell: List[Card],
      wantedDeck: List[String]
  ): Future[List[Card]] =
    Future {
      val totalGivenMoney =
        cardsToSell.foldLeft(moneyIn(bag))((sum, c) => sum + valueOf(
      val totalNeededMoney =
        wantedDeck.foldLeft(0)((sum, n) => sum + valueOf(n))
      if totalGivenMoney < totalNeededMoney then
        throw new NotEnoughMoneyException()
      val soldCards: Future[Unit] =
        if moneyIn(bag) != 0 then
          sellListOfCards(cardsToSell).zip(deposit(bag)).map(_ => ())
        else sellListOfCards(cardsToSell).map(_ => ())
      soldCards.flatMap { _ => buyListOfCards(wantedDeck) }

  /** This helper function will sell the provided list of cards and put the
    * money on your personal bank account. It returns a Future of Unit, which
    * indicates when all sales are completed.
  def sellListOfCards(cardsToSell: List[Card]): Future[Unit] =
    val moneyFromSales: List[Future[Unit]] = { c =>
      sellCard(c).flatMap(m => deposit(m).map { _ => })
      .map(_ =>
      ) // Future.sequence transforms a List[Future[A]] into a Future[List[A]]

  /** This helper function, given a list of wanted card names and assuming there
    * is enough money in the bank account, will buy (in the future) those cards,
    * and return them.
  def buyListOfCards(wantedDeck: List[String]): Future[List[Card]] =

    val boughtCards: List[Future[Card]] = { name =>
      withdraw(valueOf(name)).flatMap(mb => buyCard(mb, name))