package concpar21final03.instrumentation
/** A long value that may be updated atomically. */
class AtomicLong(initial: Long):
private val atomic = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong(initial)
/** Get the current value. */
def get: Long = atomic.get()
/** Set to the given `value`. */
def set(value: Long): Unit = atomic.set(value)
/** Atomically increment by one the current value and return the _original_
* value.
def getAndIncrement(): Long =
/** Atomically increment by one the current value and return the _updated_
* value.
def incrementAndGet(): Long =
/** Atomically set the value to `newValue` if the current value == `expected`.
* Return true if successful, otherwise return false to indicate that the
* actual value was not equal to the expected value.
def compareAndSet(expected: Long, newValue: Long): Boolean =
atomic.compareAndSet(expected, newValue)
end AtomicLong