// To demonstrate different ways of pattern matching, let's consider the
// following example case class and instance:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
val ada = Person("Ada", 36)
// Run using `sbt "runMain ed.patternMatching"`.
@main def patternMatching =
// There are several ways to pattern match on the `ada` instance:
// 1. Pattern matching on the case class constructor using `Person(name, age)`.
// If the pattern matches, the value of `n` is bound `` field, and
// `a` is bound to the `ada.age` field.
ada match
case Person(n, a) => println(f"$n is $a years old")
// 2. We can also check only that `ada` is of type `Person` without binding its
// fields by using a `:` pattern. The `:` pattern is used to check if a value is
// of a certain type.
ada match
case p: Person => println(f"${} is ${p.age} years old")
// 3. If we want to both bind the fields and bind a value to the whole instance,
// we can use an `@` pattern.
ada match
case p @ Person(n, a) => println(f"${} is ${a} years old")