What would be the advantage of making `fact` an inner function to `factorial`?
## Exercise 2: Sum of elements on a list
Define a function that takes a list of integers and sums them. You can use the functions `head`, `tail`, and `isEmpty` on lists, as you have seen for your homework.
Convert your definition into a tail-recursive one.
## Exercise 3: Fast exponentiation
Fast exponentiation is a technique to optimize the exponentiation of numbers:
b²ⁿ = (b²)ⁿ = (bⁿ)²
b²ⁿ⁺¹ = b * b²ⁿ
Define a function that implements this fast exponentiation. Can you define a tail recursive version as well?
## Exercise 4: Tail recursive Fibonacci
Define a function that computes the nth Fibonacci number. Can you define a tail recursive version as well? The Fibonacci recurrence is given as follows: