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  • cagnion/mp2_anahita_et_constance_2
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# Default ignored files
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<mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/MP2" vcs="Git" />
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MP2 @ 43c88175
Subproject commit 43c881750715e5c3a2c01d53c1467d7d5f840116
### Maven template
# Eclipse m2e generated files
# Eclipse Core
# JDT-specific (Eclipse Java Development Tools)
### Java template
# Compiled class file
# Log file
# BlueJ files
# Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME)
# Package Files #
# virtual machine crash logs, see
### JetBrains template
# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider
# Reference:
# User-specific stuff
# AWS User-specific
# Generated files
# Sensitive or high-churn files
# Gradle
# Gradle and Maven with auto-import
# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files,
# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using
# auto-import.
# .idea/artifacts
# .idea/compiler.xml
# .idea/jarRepositories.xml
# .idea/modules.xml
# .idea/*.iml
# .idea/modules
# *.iml
# *.ipr
# CMake
# Mongo Explorer plugin
# File-based project format
# IntelliJ
# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
# JIRA plugin
# Cursive Clojure plugin
# SonarLint plugin
# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
# Editor-based Rest Client
# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file
### Eclipse template
# External tool builders
# Locally stored "Eclipse launch configurations"
# PyDev specific (Python IDE for Eclipse)
# CDT-specific (C/C++ Development Tooling)
# CDT- autotools
# Java annotation processor (APT)
# PDT-specific (PHP Development Tools)
# sbteclipse plugin
# Tern plugin
# TeXlipse plugin
# STS (Spring Tool Suite)
# Code Recommenders
# Annotation Processing
# Scala IDE specific (Scala & Java development for Eclipse)
# Uncomment this line if you wish to ignore the project description file.
# Typically, this file would be tracked if it contains build/dependency configurations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
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import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* AreaGames are a concept of Game which is displayed in a (MxN) Grid which is called an Area
* An AreaGame has multiple Areas
abstract public class AreaGame implements Game, PauseMenu.Pausable {
// Context objects
private Window window;
private FileSystem fileSystem;
/// A map containing all the Area of the Game
private Map<String, Area> areas;
/// The current area the game is in
private Area currentArea;
/// pause mechanics and menu to display. May be null
private boolean paused, requestPause;
private PauseMenu menu;
* Add an Area to the AreaGame list
* @param a (Area): The area to add, not null
public final void addArea(Area a) {
areas.put(a.getTitle(), a);
* Setter for the current area: Select an Area in the list from its key
* - the area is then begin or resume depending if the area is already started or not and if it is forced
* @param key (String): Key of the Area to select, not null
* @param forceBegin (boolean): force the key area to call begin even if it was already started
* @return (Area): after setting it, return the new current area
protected final Area setCurrentArea(String key, boolean forceBegin) {
Area newArea = areas.get(key);
if (newArea == null) {
System.out.println("New Area not found, keep previous one");
} else {
// Stop previous area if it exist
if (currentArea != null) {
currentArea.purgeRegistration(); // Is useful?
currentArea = newArea;
// Start/Resume the new one
if (forceBegin || !currentArea.isStarted()) {
currentArea.begin(window, fileSystem);
} else {
currentArea.resume(window, fileSystem);
return currentArea;
* Set the pause menu
* @param menu (PauseMenu) : the new pause menu, not null
* @return (PauseMenu): the new pause menu, not null
protected final PauseMenu setPauseMenu(PauseMenu menu) { = menu;, fileSystem);;
return menu;
* @return (Window) : the Graphic and Audio context
protected final Window getWindow() {
return window;
* @return (FIleSystem): the linked file system
protected final FileSystem getFileSystem() {
return fileSystem;
* Getter for the current area
* @return (Area)
protected final Area getCurrentArea() {
return this.currentArea;
/// AreaGame implements Playable
public boolean begin(Window window, FileSystem fileSystem) {
// Keep context
this.window = window;
this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
areas = new HashMap<>();
paused = false;
return true;
public void update(float deltaTime) {
// HR : Check if pause was not requested on the previous interaction
paused = requestPause;
if (paused && menu != null) {
} else {
// currentArea.draw(getWindow());
public void draw() {
if (!paused || menu == null) {
public void end() {
// save the game states somewhere if needed
public void requestPause() {
requestPause = true;
public void requestResume() {
requestPause = false;
public boolean isPaused() {
return paused;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
* AreaGraph is a specific kind of graph apply to Area.
* The graph is composed of AreaNodes which are defined by their position in the graph (DiscreteCoordinates)
* and the existence of directed edge between them (from) and their four neighbors (to).
* Nodes are stored into a Map.
* Note: DiscreteCoordinate are serializable reimplementing hashCode() and equals() making the keys dependant only from
* the DiscreteCoordinate x and y values and not from the object itself.
public class AreaGraph {
/// Map containing all the node or vertices of the area graph
private final Map<DiscreteCoordinates, AreaNode> nodes;
* Default AreaGraph Constructor
public AreaGraph(){
nodes = new HashMap<>();
* Add if absent a new Node into the graph.
* Create a new Node and put it in the nodes map at given coordinates key.
* Note: DiscreteCoordinate are serializable reimplementing hashCode() and equals() making the keys dependant only from
* the DiscreteCoordinate x and y values and not from the object itself.
* @param coordinates (DiscreteCoordinate): Position in the graph of the node to add, used as key for the map, not null
* @param hasLeftEdge (boolean): indicate if directed edge to the left direction exists
* @param hasUpEdge (boolean): indicate if directed edge to the up direction exists
* @param hasRightEdge (boolean): indicate if directed edge to the right direction exists
* @param hasDownEdge (boolean): indicate if directed edge to the down direction exists
public void addNode(DiscreteCoordinates coordinates, boolean hasLeftEdge, boolean hasUpEdge, boolean hasRightEdge, boolean hasDownEdge){
nodes.putIfAbsent(coordinates, new AreaNode(coordinates, hasLeftEdge, hasUpEdge, hasRightEdge, hasDownEdge));
protected Map<DiscreteCoordinates, AreaNode> getNodes() {
return nodes;
* Return if a node exists in the graph
* @param coordinates (DiscreteCoordinates): may be null
* @return (boolean): true if the given node exists in the graph
public boolean nodeExists(DiscreteCoordinates coordinates){
return nodes.containsKey(coordinates);
public void setSignal(DiscreteCoordinates coordinates, Logic signal) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The node do not exist");
protected class AreaNode{
/// Position of the node into the graph, used as key for the map
private final DiscreteCoordinates coordinates;
/// a List of the connectedNode. May be null if getConnectedNodes is never called
private List<AreaNode> connectedNodes;
/// Flag: true if a directed edge between this and indicated direction (left, up, right, down) exists
private final boolean hasLeftEdge, hasUpEdge, hasRightEdge, hasDownEdge;
// Signal indicating it the node is active
private Logic isActive;
* Default AreaNode Constructor
* @param coordinates (DiscreteCoordinate): Position in the graph of the node to add, used as key for the map, not null
* @param hasLeftEdge (boolean): indicate if directed edge to the left direction exists
* @param hasUpEdge (boolean): indicate if directed edge to the up direction exists
* @param hasRightEdge (boolean): indicate if directed edge to the right direction exists
* @param hasDownEdge (boolean): indicate if directed edge to the down direction exists
protected AreaNode(DiscreteCoordinates coordinates, boolean hasLeftEdge, boolean hasUpEdge, boolean hasRightEdge, boolean hasDownEdge){
this.coordinates = coordinates;
this.hasLeftEdge = hasLeftEdge;
this.hasUpEdge = hasUpEdge;
this.hasRightEdge = hasRightEdge;
this.hasDownEdge = hasDownEdge;
isActive = Logic.TRUE;
* Neighbors getter
* see method addNeighbor()
* @return (Array of AreaNode): the array of four neighbor Nodes. Elements may be null if no connection exists
List<AreaNode> getConnectedNodes() {
if(connectedNodes == null){
connectedNodes = new ArrayList<>();
addNeighbor("Left", hasLeftEdge, new DiscreteCoordinates(coordinates.x-1, coordinates.y));
addNeighbor("Up", hasUpEdge, new DiscreteCoordinates(coordinates.x, coordinates.y+1));
addNeighbor("Right", hasRightEdge, new DiscreteCoordinates(coordinates.x+1, coordinates.y));
addNeighbor("Down", hasDownEdge, new DiscreteCoordinates(coordinates.x, coordinates.y-1));
return connectedNodes;
private void addNeighbor(String neighborString, boolean hasNeighbor, DiscreteCoordinates c) {
// TODO throw exception if needed
System.out.println(neighborString + " neighbor for "+ coordinates.toString() + " Node does not exists");
* Indicate the orientation we need to follow to reach previous node from this one
* Assume the previous node is a neighbor node
* @param previous (AreaNode), not null
* @return (Orientation)
Orientation getOrientation(AreaNode previous){
if(previous.coordinates.x < coordinates.x)
return Orientation.LEFT;
if(previous.coordinates.y > coordinates.y)
return Orientation.UP;
if(previous.coordinates.x > coordinates.x)
return Orientation.RIGHT;
if(previous.coordinates.y < coordinates.y)
return Orientation.DOWN;
System.out.println("Should never print");
return null;
public void setSignal(Logic signal) {
isActive = signal;
public boolean isActive() {
return isActive.isOn();
* Compute the shortest path in this AreaGraph from given DiscreteCoordinate to given DiscreteCoordinates
* @param from (DiscreteCoordinates): source node of the desired path, not null
* @param to (DiscreteCoordinates): sink node of the desired path, not null
* @return (Iterator of Orientation): return an iterator containing the shortest path from source to sink, or null if the path does not exists !
public Queue<Orientation> shortestPath(DiscreteCoordinates from, DiscreteCoordinates to){
AreaNode start = nodes.get(from);
AreaNode goal = nodes.get(to);
if( goal == null || start == null || start == goal)
return null;
//System.out.println("Looking for path from: " + start.coordinates.toString() + " to : "+ goal.coordinates.toString());
// used to size data structures appropriately
final int size = nodes.size();
// Needed to see if it is already in the queue , otherwise we don't add the node
final Set<AreaNode> inQueue = new HashSet<>(size); // Changed
// The set of nodes already evaluated.
final Set<AreaNode> visitedSet = new HashSet<>(size);
// The set of tentative nodes to be evaluated, initially containing the start node
final List<AreaNode> toVisitSet = new ArrayList<>(size);
// The map of navigated nodes. <neighbor, current>
final Map<AreaNode, AreaNode> cameFrom = new HashMap<>(size);
while (!toVisitSet.isEmpty()) {
// Get the first node, we will now evaluate it
final AreaNode current = toVisitSet.get(0);
// If the current is the goal one, we can end
if (current.equals(goal))
return reconstructPath(cameFrom, goal);
// Otherwise we remove it from non-evaluated node and put it inside evaluated node
inQueue.remove(current); // Changed
// For all its neighbors
for (AreaNode neighbor : current.getConnectedNodes()) {
if (visitedSet.contains(neighbor))
// Ignore the neighbor which is already evaluated.
// Ignore inactive neighbors
if (!inQueue.contains(neighbor))
inQueue.add(neighbor); //Changed
// This path is the best. Record it!
cameFrom.put(neighbor, current);
return null;
private Queue<Orientation> reconstructPath(Map<AreaNode, AreaNode> cameFrom, AreaNode current) {
final List<Orientation> totalPath = new ArrayList<>();
while (current != null) {
final AreaNode previous = current;
current = cameFrom.get(current);
if (current != null) {
final Orientation edge = current.getOrientation(previous);
// Print the path for debug purpose
System.out.println("--------------------Path : ");
for(Orientation o : totalPath){
return new LinkedList<>(totalPath);
\ No newline at end of file
import java.util.List;
* Area Entities are assigned to at least one Area Cell which make them Interactable
public abstract class AreaEntity extends Entity implements Interactable {
/// AreaEntity are disposed inside an Area
private Area ownerArea;
/// Orientation in the Area
private Orientation orientation;
/// Coordinate of the main Cell linked to the entity
private DiscreteCoordinates currentMainCellCoordinates;
* Default AreaEntity constructor
* @param area (Area): Owner area. Not null
* @param orientation (Orientation): Initial orientation of the entity in the Area. Not null
* @param position (DiscreteCoordinate): Initial position of the entity in the Area. Not null
public AreaEntity(Area area, Orientation orientation, DiscreteCoordinates position) {
if(area == null){
throw new NullPointerException();
this.ownerArea = area;
this.orientation = orientation;
this.currentMainCellCoordinates = position;
* Getter for the owner area
* @return (Area)
protected Area getOwnerArea() {
return ownerArea;
* Set the owner area with new value
* @param newArea (Area): the new value. Not null
protected void setOwnerArea(Area newArea) {
this.ownerArea = newArea;
* Getter for the orientation
* @return (Orientation): current orientation
public Orientation getOrientation() {
return orientation;
* Orientate the AreaEntity to a new orientation
* @param orientation (Orientation): The new orientation. Not null
* @return (boolean): if the orientation change happens, by default always true
protected boolean orientate(Orientation orientation) {
this.orientation = orientation;
return true;
* Getter for the coordinates of the main cell occupied by the AreaEntity
* @return (DiscreteCoordinates)
public DiscreteCoordinates getCurrentMainCellCoordinates(){
return currentMainCellCoordinates;
* Tell if the mouse is over any of the currentCells of the entity
* @return (boolean)
protected boolean isMouseOver() {
List<DiscreteCoordinates>cells = getCurrentCells();
DiscreteCoordinates mouseCoordinate = ownerArea.getRelativeMouseCoordinates();
for(DiscreteCoordinates cell : cells) {
if(cell.equals(mouseCoordinate)) {
return true;
return false;
/// AreaEntity extends Entity
protected void setCurrentPosition(Vector v){
// When updating the current position, also check if we need to update the main cell coordinates
this.currentMainCellCoordinates = new DiscreteCoordinates(Math.round(v.x), Math.round(v.y));
v = v.round();
public void onLeaving(List<DiscreteCoordinates> coordinates) {}
public void onEntering(List<DiscreteCoordinates> coordinates) {}
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class CellMouseIndicator extends AreaEntity {
private final Sprite overSprite;
public CellMouseIndicator(Area area) {
super(area, Orientation.UP, new DiscreteCoordinates(0, 0));
overSprite = new Sprite("cellOver", 1, 1, this);
public List<DiscreteCoordinates> getCurrentCells() {
return Collections.singletonList(getCurrentMainCellCoordinates());
public boolean takeCellSpace() {
return false;
public boolean isCellInteractable() {
return false;
public boolean isViewInteractable() {
return false;
public void acceptInteraction(AreaInteractionVisitor v, boolean isCellInteraction) {}
public void update(float deltaTime) {
if(getOwnerArea().getRelativeMouseCoordinates() != getCurrentMainCellCoordinates()) {
List<DiscreteCoordinates> enteringCells = Collections.singletonList(getOwnerArea().getRelativeMouseCoordinates());
List<DiscreteCoordinates> leavingCells = getCurrentCells();
if(getOwnerArea().enterAreaCells(this, enteringCells) && getOwnerArea().leaveAreaCells(this, leavingCells))
public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
public abstract class CollectableAreaEntity extends AreaEntity {
/// Flag on the collected status
private boolean isCollected;
* Default CollectableAreaEntity constructor
* @param area (Area): Owner area. Not null
* @param position (Coordinate): Initial position of the entity. Not null
* @param orientation (Orientation): Initial orientation of the entity. Not null
public CollectableAreaEntity(Area area, Orientation orientation, DiscreteCoordinates position) {
super(area, orientation, position);
isCollected = false;
* Alternative CollectableAreaEntity constructor
* @param area (Area): Owner area. Not null
* @param position (Coordinate): Initial position of the entity. Not null
* @param orientation (Orientation): Initial orientation of the entity. Not null
* @param isCollected (boolean): initial collected status of this
public CollectableAreaEntity(Area area, Orientation orientation, DiscreteCoordinates position, boolean isCollected) {
super(area, orientation, position);
this.isCollected = isCollected;
/** Collect the object (remove it form the area actor list and set flag to true) */
public void collect() {
if (!isCollected) {
isCollected = true;
public boolean isCollected(){
return isCollected;
public abstract class DraggableAreaEntity extends AreaEntity implements Draggable {
private final Mouse mouse;
private boolean isDragging;
private DiscreteCoordinates initialPosition;
private Vector relativeMousePosition;
private boolean wantsDropInteraction;
public DraggableAreaEntity(Area area, Orientation orientation, DiscreteCoordinates position) {
super(area, orientation, position);
mouse = area.getMouse();
public void update(float deltaTime) {
if(wantsDropInteraction) { // the drop failed since we do not get any acknowledgement
if(canDrag()) {
isDragging = true;
initialPosition = getCurrentMainCellCoordinates();
relativeMousePosition = getPosition().sub(getOwnerArea().getRelativeMousePosition());
if(isDragging) {
if(mouse.getLeftButton().isReleased()) {
wantsDropInteraction = true;
}else {
private void resetDrag() {
isDragging = false;
wantsDropInteraction = false;
public DiscreteCoordinates getInitialPosition() {
return initialPosition;
public boolean canDrag() {
return mouse.getLeftButton().isPressed() && isMouseOver();
public boolean isDragging() {
return isDragging;
public boolean wantsDropInteraction() {
return wantsDropInteraction;
public void acknowledgeDrop() {
import java.util.List;
* Represent Interactable object (i.e. Interactor can interact with it)
* @see Interactor
* This interface makes sense only in the "Area Context" with Actor contained into Area Cell
public interface Interactable {
* Get this Interactor's current occupying cells coordinates
* @return (List of DiscreteCoordinates). May be empty but not null
List<DiscreteCoordinates> getCurrentCells();
* Indicate if the current Interactable take the whole cell space or not
* i.e. only one Interactable which takeCellSpace can be in a cell
* (how many Interactable which don't takeCellSpace can also be in the same cell)
* @return (boolean)
boolean takeCellSpace();
/**@return (boolean): true if this is able to have cell interactions*/
boolean isCellInteractable();
/**@return (boolean): true if this is able to have view interactions*/
boolean isViewInteractable();
/** Call directly the interaction on this if accepted
* @param v (AreaInteractionVisitor) : the visitor
* */
void acceptInteraction(AreaInteractionVisitor v, boolean isCellInteraction);
* Called when this Interactable leaves a cell
* @param coordinates left cell coordinates
void onLeaving(List<DiscreteCoordinates> coordinates);
* Called when this Interactable enters a cell
* @param coordinates entered cell coordinates
void onEntering(List<DiscreteCoordinates> coordinates);
/// Interactable Listener
interface Listener{
* Indicate if the given Interactable entity can leave the cell at given coordinates
* @param entity (Interactable). Not null
* @param coordinates (List of DiscreteCoordinates). Not null
* @return (boolean): true if the entity can leave all the given cell
boolean canLeave(Interactable entity, List<DiscreteCoordinates> coordinates);
* Indicate if the given Interactable entity can enter the cell at given coordinates
* @param entity (Interactable). Not null
* @param coordinates (List of DiscreteCoordinates). Not null
* @return (boolean): true if the entity can enter all the given cell
boolean canEnter(Interactable entity, List<DiscreteCoordinates> coordinates);
* Do the given interactable entity leave the given cells
* @param entity (Interactable). Not null
* @param coordinates (List of DiscreteCoordinates). Not null
void leave(Interactable entity, List<DiscreteCoordinates> coordinates);
* Do the given interactable entity enter the given cells
* @param entity (Interactable). Not null
* @param coordinates (List of DiscreteCoordinates). Not null
void enter(Interactable entity, List<DiscreteCoordinates> coordinates);
import java.util.List;
* Represents Interactor object (i.e. it can interact with some Interactable)
* @see Interactable
* This interface makes sense only in the "Area Context" with Actor contained into Area Cell
public interface Interactor {
* Get this Interactor's current occupying cells coordinates
* @return (List of DiscreteCoordinates). May be empty but not null
List<DiscreteCoordinates> getCurrentCells();
* Get this Interactor's current field of view cells coordinates
* @return (List of DiscreteCoordinates). May be empty but not null
List<DiscreteCoordinates> getFieldOfViewCells();
/**@return (boolean): true if this require cell interaction */
boolean wantsCellInteraction();
/**@return (boolean): true if this require view interaction */
boolean wantsViewInteraction();
* Do this Interactor interact with the given Interactable
* The interaction is implemented on the interactor side !
* @param other (Interactable). Not null
* @param isCellInteraction True if this is a cell interaction
void interactWith(Interactable other, boolean isCellInteraction);
/// Interactable Listener
interface Listener {
* Do the interactor interact with Interactable (i.e. Interactable sharing the same cell)
* @param interactor (Interactor). Not null
void cellInteractionOf(Interactor interactor);
* Do the interactor interact with Interactable (i.e. Interactable in its field of view cells)
* @param interactor (Interactor). Not null
void viewInteractionOf(Interactor interactor);
import java.util.List;
* MovableAreaEntity represent AreaEntity which can move on the grid
public abstract class MovableAreaEntity extends AreaEntity {
/// Indicate if a displacement occurs right now
private boolean displacementOccurs;
/// Indicate how many frames the current move is supposed to take
private int framesForCurrentMove;
/// Indicate how many remaining frames the current move has
private int remainingFramesForCurrentMove;
/// Indicate if the entity entered the new cells and left the unused ones
private boolean cellsSwapped;
private List<DiscreteCoordinates> originCells;
private List<DiscreteCoordinates> targetCells;
private Vector targetPosition;
private Vector originPosition;
* Default MovableAreaEntity constructor
* @param area (Area): Owner area. Not null
* @param position (Coordinate): Initial position of the entity. Not null
* @param orientation (Orientation): Initial orientation of the entity. Not null
public MovableAreaEntity(Area area, Orientation orientation, DiscreteCoordinates position) {
super(area, orientation, position);
* Initialize or reset (if some) the current motion information
protected void resetMotion() {
this.displacementOccurs = false;
this.framesForCurrentMove = 0;
this.remainingFramesForCurrentMove = 0;
this.cellsSwapped = false;
originCells = null;
targetCells = null;
* Final move method
* If no displacement occurs or if the displacement just ends now,
* start movement of one Cell in the current Orientation direction
* Note the movement is possible only if this MovableAreaEntity can:
* - leave the cells this motion implies to leave
* - enter the cells this motion implies to enter
* @param frameForMove (int): the frame. This value will be cropped to 1 if smaller
* @return (boolean): indicate if the move is initiated
protected final boolean move(int frameForMove) {
return move(frameForMove, 0);
* Final move method
* If no displacement occurs or if the displacement just ends now,
* start movement of one Cell in the current Orientation direction
* Note the movement is possible only if this MovableAreaEntity can:
* - leave the cells this motion implies to leave
* - enter the cells this motion implies to enter
* @param frameForMove (int): the frame. This value will be cropped to 1 if smaller
* @param startingFrame (int): start the movement directly from this frame
* @return (boolean): indicate if the move is initiated
protected final boolean move(int frameForMove, int startingFrame) {
if (!displacementOccurs || isTargetReached()) {
List<DiscreteCoordinates> originCells = getCurrentCells();
List<DiscreteCoordinates> targetCells = getNextCells(getPosition().add(getOrientation().toVector()));
List<DiscreteCoordinates> enteringCells = -> !originCells.contains(coords)).toList();
List<DiscreteCoordinates> leavingCells = -> !targetCells.contains(coords)).toList();
if (getOwnerArea().canEnterAreaCells(this, enteringCells) && getOwnerArea().canLeaveAreaCells(this, leavingCells)) {
displacementOccurs = true;
this.originCells = originCells;
this.targetCells = targetCells;
this.cellsSwapped = false;
this.framesForCurrentMove = Math.max(1, frameForMove);
startingFrame = Math.min(startingFrame, frameForMove);
remainingFramesForCurrentMove = framesForCurrentMove - startingFrame;
originPosition = getPosition();
targetPosition = getPosition().add(getOrientation().toVector());
return true;
return false;
private List<DiscreteCoordinates> getNextCells(Vector nextPosition) {
final Vector oldPosition = getPosition();
final List<DiscreteCoordinates> result = getCurrentCells();
return result;
* Change the unit position to the one specified
* @param newPosition new unit's position
* @return true if the move was successful, false otherwise
public boolean changePosition(DiscreteCoordinates newPosition) {
if (newPosition.equals(getCurrentMainCellCoordinates())) {
return true;
List<DiscreteCoordinates> currentCells = getCurrentCells();
List<DiscreteCoordinates> nextCells = getNextCells(newPosition.toVector());
final List<DiscreteCoordinates> enteringCells = -> !currentCells.contains(coords)).toList();
final List<DiscreteCoordinates> leavingCells = -> !nextCells.contains(coords)).toList();
if (getOwnerArea().canEnterAreaCells(this, enteringCells) && getOwnerArea().leaveAreaCells(this, leavingCells)) {
getOwnerArea().enterAreaCells(this, enteringCells);
return true;
System.out.println("Position change impossible. Destination is most likely occupied");
return false;
* Final abortCurrentMove method
* If a displacement occurs and if the displacement is not end,
* abort the current move, returning to the previous cell
* Note the abort is possible only if this MovableAreaEntity can:
* - return to the cells it left
* - leave the cells it entered
* @return (boolean): indicate if the abort is initiated
protected final boolean abortCurrentMove() {
if (!displacementOccurs) {
return false;
if (cellsSwapped) {
final List<DiscreteCoordinates> enteringCells = -> !originCells.contains(coords)).toList();
final List<DiscreteCoordinates> leavingCells = -> !targetCells.contains(coords)).toList();
if (getOwnerArea().canEnterAreaCells(this, leavingCells) && getOwnerArea().canLeaveAreaCells(this, enteringCells)) {
cellsSwapped = false;
} else {
return false;
} else {
cellsSwapped = true;
remainingFramesForCurrentMove = framesForCurrentMove - remainingFramesForCurrentMove;
Vector tempPos = originPosition;
originPosition = targetPosition;
targetPosition = tempPos;
List<DiscreteCoordinates> tempCells = originCells;
originCells = targetCells;
targetCells = tempCells;
return true;
* Indicate if a displacement is occurring
* @return (boolean)
protected boolean isDisplacementOccurs() {
return displacementOccurs;
* @return (boolean): true when the target cell is just reaching now
protected boolean isTargetReached() {
return remainingFramesForCurrentMove == 0;
* Increase the position of a certain amount of frame
* @param frame
private void increasePositionOf(int frame) {
final DiscreteCoordinates before = getCurrentMainCellCoordinates();
setCurrentPosition(getPosition().add(getOrientation().toVector().mul(frame / (float) framesForCurrentMove)));
final DiscreteCoordinates after = getCurrentMainCellCoordinates();
if (!before.equals(after)) {
final List<DiscreteCoordinates> enteringCells = -> !originCells.contains(coords)).toList();
final List<DiscreteCoordinates> leavingCells = -> !targetCells.contains(coords)).toList();
if (getOwnerArea().canEnterAreaCells(this, enteringCells) && getOwnerArea().leaveAreaCells(this, leavingCells)) {
getOwnerArea().enterAreaCells(this, enteringCells);
cellsSwapped = true;
} else {
/// MovableAreaEntity extends AreaEntity
protected boolean orientate(Orientation orientation) {
// Allow reorientation only if no displacement is occurring or if abort current move (opposite orientation)
if (getOrientation().opposite().equals(orientation)) {
if (abortCurrentMove())
return super.orientate(orientation);
return !displacementOccurs && super.orientate(orientation);
/// MovableAreaEntity implements Actor
public void update(float deltaTime) {
if (displacementOccurs) {
if (!isTargetReached()) {
} else {
remainingFramesForCurrentMove = Math.max(remainingFramesForCurrentMove - 1, 0);
/// Implements Positionable
public Vector getVelocity() {
return getOrientation().toVector().mul(framesForCurrentMove);
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Area is a "Part" of the AreaGame. An Area is made of a Behavior, and a List of Actors
public abstract class Area implements Playable, Graphics, PauseMenu.Pausable {
// Context objects
private Window window;
private FileSystem fileSystem;
// Camera Parameter
private Actor viewCandidate;
private Vector viewCenter;
/// List of Actors inside the area
private List<Actor> actors;
/// List of Actors we want to register/unregistered from the area for next update iteration
private List<Actor> registeredActors;
private List<Actor> unregisteredActors;
/// Sublist of actor (interactors) inside the area
private List<Interactor> interactors;
private Map<Interactable, List<DiscreteCoordinates>> interactablesToEnter;
private Map<Interactable, List<DiscreteCoordinates>> interactablesToLeave;
/// The behavior Map
private AreaBehavior areaBehavior;
/// pause mechanics and menu to display. May be null
/// - start indicate if area already begins, paused indicate if we display the pause menu
private boolean started, paused;
private AreaPauseMenu menu;
* @return (float): camera scale factor, assume it is the same in x and y direction
public abstract float getCameraScaleFactor();
* Setter for the Behavior of this Area
* Please call this method in the begin method of every subclass
* @param ab (AreaBehavior), not null
protected final void setBehavior(AreaBehavior ab) {
this.areaBehavior = ab;
* Setter for the view Candidate
* @param a (Actor), not null
public final void setViewCandidate(Actor a) {
this.viewCandidate = a;
* Add an actor to the actors list
* and to the behavior area cell if the actor is an Interactable
* and to the interactor list if the actor is an Interactor
* @param a (Actor)(Interactor?)(Interactable?): the actor to add, not null
* @param safeMode (Boolean): if True, the method ends
private void addActor(Actor a, boolean safeMode) {
boolean errorHappen = false;
if (a instanceof Interactor)
errorHappen = !interactors.add((Interactor) a);
if (a instanceof Interactable)
errorHappen = errorHappen || !enterAreaCells(((Interactable) a), ((Interactable) a).getCurrentCells());
errorHappen = errorHappen || !actors.add(a);
if (errorHappen && !safeMode) {
System.out.println("Actor " + a + " cannot be completely added, so remove it from where it was");
// Call it in safe mode to avoid recursive calls
removeActor(a, true);
* Remove an actor form the actor list
* and from the behavior area cell if the actor is an Interactable
* and from the interactor list if the actor is an Interactor
* @param a (Actor): the actor to remove, not null
* @param safeMode (Boolean): if True, the method ends
private void removeActor(Actor a, boolean safeMode) {
boolean errorHappen = false;
if (a instanceof Interactor)
errorHappen = !interactors.remove((Interactor) a);
if (a instanceof Interactable)
errorHappen = errorHappen || !leaveAreaCells(((Interactable) a), ((Interactable) a).getCurrentCells());
errorHappen = errorHappen || !actors.remove(a);
if (errorHappen && !safeMode) {
System.out.println("Actor " + a + " cannot be completely removed, so add it from where it was");
// Call it in safe mode to avoid recursive calls
addActor(a, true);
* Register an actor : will be added at next update
* @param a (Actor): the actor to register, not null
* @return (boolean): true if the actor is correctly registered
public final boolean registerActor(Actor a) {
// if actor can be registered: It is this Area decision, implement a strategy if needed
return registeredActors.add(a);
* Unregister an actor : will be removed at next update
* @param a (Actor): the actor to unregister, not null
* @return (boolean): true if the actor is correctly unregistered
public final boolean unregisterActor(Actor a) {
// if actor can be unregistered: It is this Area decision, implement a strategy if needed
return unregisteredActors.add(a);
* Indicate if the given actor exists into the actor list
* @param a (Actor): the given actor, may be null
* @return (boolean): true if the given actor exists into actor list
public boolean exists(Actor a) {
return actors.contains(a);
* Getter for the area width
* @return (int) : the width in number of cols
public int getWidth() {
return areaBehavior.getWidth();
* Getter for the area height
* @return (int) : the height in number of rows
public int getHeight() {
return areaBehavior.getHeight();
* @return the Window Keyboard for inputs
public final Keyboard getKeyboard() {
return window.getKeyboard();
* @return the Window Mouse for inputs
public final Mouse getMouse() {
return window.getMouse();
* @return the mouse position relatively to the area and the cells
public Vector getRelativeMousePosition() {
return getMouse().getPosition();
/*.max(new Vector(0,0))
.min(new Vector(getWidth(),getHeight()));*/
* @return the mouse coordinates relatively to the area and the cells
public DiscreteCoordinates getRelativeMouseCoordinates() {
Vector mousePosition = getRelativeMousePosition();
DiscreteCoordinates mouseCoordinate = new DiscreteCoordinates((int) Math.floor(mousePosition.x), (int) Math.floor(mousePosition.y));
return mouseCoordinate;
* @return (boolean): true if the method begin already called once. You can use resume() instead
public final boolean isStarted() {
return started;
* If possible make the given interactable entity leave the given area cells
* @param entity (Interactable), not null
* @param coordinates (List of DiscreteCoordinates), may be empty but not null
* @return (boolean): True if possible to leave
public final boolean leaveAreaCells(Interactable entity, List<DiscreteCoordinates> coordinates) {
// Until now, the entity is put in a map waiting the update end to avoid concurrent exception during interaction
if (areaBehavior.canLeave(entity, coordinates)) {
List<DiscreteCoordinates> orDefault = interactablesToLeave.getOrDefault(entity, new ArrayList<>());
interactablesToLeave.put(entity, orDefault);
return true;
return false;
* If possible make the given interactable entity enter the given area cells
* @param entity (Interactable), not null
* @param coordinates (List of DiscreteCoordinates), may be empty but not null
* @return (boolean): True if possible to enter
public final boolean enterAreaCells(Interactable entity, List<DiscreteCoordinates> coordinates) {
// Until now, the entity is put in a map waiting the update end to avoid concurrent exception during interaction
if (areaBehavior.canEnter(entity, coordinates)) {
interactablesToEnter.put(entity, coordinates);
return true;
return false;
* Inform if the entity can enter the area cells
* @param entity (Interactable), not null
* @param coordinates (List of DiscreteCoordinates), may be empty but not null
* @return (boolean): True if possible to enter
public final boolean canEnterAreaCells(Interactable entity, List<DiscreteCoordinates> coordinates) {
return areaBehavior.canEnter(entity, coordinates);
* Inform if the entity can leave the area cells
* @param entity (Interactable), not null
* @param coordinates (List of DiscreteCoordinates), may be empty but not null
* @return (boolean): True if possible to leave
public final boolean canLeaveAreaCells(Interactable entity, List<DiscreteCoordinates> coordinates) {
return areaBehavior.canLeave(entity, coordinates);
/// Area implements Playable
public boolean begin(Window window, FileSystem fileSystem) {
this.window = window;
this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
actors = new LinkedList<>();
interactors = new LinkedList<>();
registeredActors = new LinkedList<>();
unregisteredActors = new LinkedList<>();
interactablesToEnter = new HashMap<>();
interactablesToLeave = new HashMap<>();
viewCenter = Vector.ZERO;
paused = false;
started = true;
return true;
* Resume method: Can be overridden
* @param window (Window): display context, not null
* @param fileSystem (FileSystem): given file system, not null
* @return (boolean) : if the resume succeed, true by default
public boolean resume(Window window, FileSystem fileSystem) {
return true;
public void update(float deltaTime) {
// Decide if we update the contextual menu or this content
if (paused && menu != null) {
} else {
// Render actors
for (Actor actor : actors) {
Draggable currentDraggedElement = DragHelper.getCurrentDraggedElement();
if (currentDraggedElement != null && currentDraggedElement.wantsDropInteraction()) {
areaBehavior.dropInteractionOf(currentDraggedElement, getRelativeMouseCoordinates());
// Realize interaction between interactors and their cells contents
for (Interactor interactor : interactors) {
if (interactor.wantsCellInteraction()) {
if (interactor.wantsViewInteraction()) {
// Update camera location
public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
if (paused && menu != null) {
for (Actor actor : actors) {
public final void purgeRegistration() {
// - unregister actors
for (Actor actor : unregisteredActors) {
removeActor(actor, false);
// - before clearing the unregistered actors, remove their actions from
// interactablesToEnter for a complete and correct unregistration
for (Actor actor : unregisteredActors) {
if (actor instanceof Interactable interactable) {
// - leave old cells
for (Map.Entry<Interactable, List<DiscreteCoordinates>> entry : interactablesToLeave.entrySet()) {
areaBehavior.leave(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
// - Register actors
for (Actor actor : registeredActors) {
addActor(actor, false);
// - enter new cells
for (Map.Entry<Interactable, List<DiscreteCoordinates>> entry : interactablesToEnter.entrySet()) {
areaBehavior.enter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
private void updateCamera() {
if (!isViewCentered()) {
// Update expected viewport center
if (viewCandidate != null) {
viewCenter = viewCandidate.getPosition();
} else { // Set default view to center
viewCenter = new Vector(getWidth() / (float) 2, getHeight() / (float) 2);
// Compute new viewport
Transform viewTransform = Transform.I.scaled(getCameraScaleFactor()).translated(viewCenter);
float frameSize = Math.min(this.getHeight(), this.getWidth());
float midX = getWidth() / (float) 2;
float midY = getHeight() / (float) 2;
viewCenter = new Vector(midX, midY);
if (viewCandidate != null) {
Vector position = viewCandidate.getPosition();
if (this.getHeight() > 1.2 * this.getWidth()) {
viewCenter = new Vector(midX, position.getY());
} else if (1.2 * this.getHeight() < this.getWidth()) {
viewCenter = new Vector(position.getX(), midY);
// Compute new viewport
Transform viewTransform = Transform.I.scaled(Math.max(getCameraScaleFactor(), frameSize)).translated(viewCenter);
//Transform viewTransform = Transform.I.scaled(frameSize).translated(viewCenter);
// adapt to background image
//.translated((float) this.getWidth() /2, (float) this.getHeight() /2);
* Suspend method: Can be overridden, called before resume other
public void suspend() {
// Do nothing by default
public void end() {
// save the AreaState somewhere if needed
/// Area Implements PauseMenu.Pausable
* Can be called by any possessor of this Area.
* Caller indicate it requests a pause with given menu displayed.
* Notice: this method chooses if the request ends up or not
* @param menu (AreaPauseMenu): The context menu to display. It (or any of its components) will
* be responsible of the ResumeRequest, not null
public final void requestAreaPause(AreaPauseMenu menu) {
if (menu != null) { = menu;
// Important to begin the menu each time : isResumeRequested must be set to false, fileSystem);;
public final void requestPause() {
this.paused = true;
* Can be called by anny possessor of this Area
* Caller indicates it requests a resume of the pause state to the game
* Notice: this method chooses if the request ends up or not
public final void requestResume() {
this.paused = false;
public final boolean isPaused() {
return paused;
public boolean isViewCentered() { return false; }