Added ansys 2024R2
Adding Ansys 2024R2 per several requests (Hamza got one, I got one, Frank got one)
As is Ansys's habit, new acquisitions are thrown in there and "let's hope for the best everything works." Due to this, should we perhaps update the Ansys recipe before merging this? A find for bin directories shows a few more directories than we have on our modules:
$ find . -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d -name bin
Should we leave it as is, to prevent unintended consequences, or update the PATH to add the missing ones (which is easier said than done, since for some of them the actual bin dir is bin/linux64
or whatever.
Merge request reports
requested review from @richart
assigned to @ddossant
added blocked-by-externals label
added ready-to-review label and removed blocked-by-externals label
removed ready-to-review label
Yes we can update the recipe to add the missing bin folders, to check if some LD_LIBRARY_PATH are necessary too or not
Edited by Nicolas RichartConcerning the recipe:
- I added a bunch of bin folders to the PATH.
- I removed the if condition concerning the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (those directories exist on every version)
I didn't add anything else to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH because it's a bit of a mess. For instance, multiple copies of boost and MKL coexist:
% find . -name -exec md5sum {} \; c006a659c915829fa386f56d0f72b09f ./Framework/bin/Linux64/ ... 6c3d7662ce8f23f45aecad2b0911b20a ./optiSLang/lib/ ... 0e4ad39fedd347664e0229df81b55546 ./ansys/syslib/boost/
I assume they are somehow controlling for this and don't want to mess with it...
I jest looked quickly the recipe and saw
set but it is only for old versionsEdited by Nicolas Richartmentioned in commit dcce858a