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  • shchen/cs320
  • raveendr/cs320
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......@@ -2,16 +2,38 @@ package amyc.ast
import amyc.utils.Positioned
// Definitions of symbolic Amy syntax trees
trait TreeModule {
/* A polymorphic module containing definitions of Amy trees.
* This trait represents either nominal trees (where names have not been resolved)
* or symbolic trees (where names/qualified names) have been resolved to unique identifiers.
* This is done by having two type fields within the module,
* which will be instantiated differently by the two different modules.
trait TreeModule { self =>
/* Represents the type for the name for this tree module.
* (It will be either a plain string, or a unique symbol)
type Name
// Represents a name within an module
type QualifiedName
// A printer that knows how to print trees in this module.
// The modules will instantiate it as appropriate
val printer: Printer { val treeModule: self.type }
// Common ancestor for all trees
trait Tree extends Positioned
trait Tree extends Positioned {
override def toString: String = printer(this)
// Expressions
trait Expr extends Tree
// Variables
case class Variable(name: Identifier) extends Expr
case class Variable(name: Name) extends Expr
// Literals
trait Literal[+T] extends Expr { val value: T }
......@@ -37,8 +59,8 @@ trait TreeModule {
case class Not(e: Expr) extends Expr
case class Neg(e: Expr) extends Expr
// Function/ type constructor call
case class Call(qname: Identifier, args: List[Expr]) extends Expr
// Function/constructor call
case class Call(qname: QualifiedName, args: List[Expr]) extends Expr
// The ; operator
case class Sequence(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
// Local variable definition
......@@ -57,28 +79,38 @@ trait TreeModule {
abstract class Pattern extends Tree
case class WildcardPattern() extends Pattern // _
case class IdPattern(name: Identifier) extends Pattern // x
case class IdPattern(name: Name) extends Pattern // x
case class LiteralPattern[+T](lit: Literal[T]) extends Pattern // 42, true
case class CaseClassPattern(constr: Identifier, args: List[Pattern]) extends Pattern // C(arg1, arg2)
case class CaseClassPattern(constr: QualifiedName, args: List[Pattern]) extends Pattern // C(arg1, arg2)
// Definitions
trait Definition extends Tree { val name: Identifier }
case class ModuleDef(name: Identifier, defs: List[ClassOrFunDef], optExpr: Option[Expr]) extends Definition
trait Definition extends Tree { val name: Name }
case class ModuleDef(name: Name, defs: List[ClassOrFunDef], optExpr: Option[Expr]) extends Definition
trait ClassOrFunDef extends Definition
case class FunDef(name: Identifier, params: List[ParamDef], retType: TypeTree, body: Expr) extends ClassOrFunDef {
case class FunDef(name: Name, params: List[ParamDef], retType: TypeTree, body: Expr) extends ClassOrFunDef {
def paramNames =
case class AbstractClassDef(name: Identifier) extends ClassOrFunDef
case class CaseClassDef(name: Identifier, fields: List[TypeTree], parent: Identifier) extends ClassOrFunDef
case class ParamDef(name: Identifier, tpe: TypeTree) extends Definition
case class AbstractClassDef(name: Name) extends ClassOrFunDef
case class CaseClassDef(name: Name, fields: List[TypeTree], parent: Name) extends ClassOrFunDef
case class ParamDef(name: Name, tt: TypeTree) extends Definition
// Types
trait Type
case object IntType extends Type
case object BooleanType extends Type
case object StringType extends Type
case object UnitType extends Type
case class ClassType(qname: Identifier) extends Type
case object IntType extends Type {
override def toString: String = "Int"
case object BooleanType extends Type {
override def toString: String = "Boolean"
case object StringType extends Type {
override def toString: String = "String"
case object UnitType extends Type {
override def toString: String = "Unit"
case class ClassType(qname: QualifiedName) extends Type {
override def toString: String = printer.printQName(qname)(false).print
// A wrapper for types that is also a Tree (i.e. has a position)
case class TypeTree(tpe: Type) extends Tree
......@@ -87,5 +119,24 @@ trait TreeModule {
case class Program(modules: List[ModuleDef]) extends Tree
// Identifiers represent unique names in Amy
class Identifier private(val name: String)
/* A module containing trees where the names have not been resolved.
* Instantiates Name to String and QualifiedName to a pair of Strings
* representing (module, name) (where module is optional)
object NominalTreeModule extends TreeModule {
type Name = String
case class QualifiedName(module: Option[String], name: String) {
override def toString: String = printer.printQName(this)(false).print
val printer = NominalPrinter
/* A module containing trees where the names have been resolved to unique identifiers.
* Both Name and ModuleName are instantiated to Identifier.
object SymbolicTreeModule extends TreeModule {
type Name = Identifier
type QualifiedName = Identifier
val printer = SymbolicPrinter
package amyc
package interpreter
import utils._
import ast.SymbolicTreeModule._
import ast.Identifier
import analyzer.SymbolTable
// An interpreter for Amy programs, implemented in Scala
object Interpreter extends Pipeline[(Program, SymbolTable), Unit] {
// A class that represents a value computed by interpreting an expression
abstract class Value {
def asInt: Int = this.asInstanceOf[IntValue].i
def asBoolean: Boolean = this.asInstanceOf[BooleanValue].b
def asString: String = this.asInstanceOf[StringValue].s
override def toString: String = this match {
case IntValue(i) => i.toString
case BooleanValue(b) => b.toString
case StringValue(s) => s
case UnitValue => "()"
case CaseClassValue(constructor, args) => + "(" +", ") + ")"
case class IntValue(i: Int) extends Value
case class BooleanValue(b: Boolean) extends Value
case class StringValue(s: String) extends Value
case object UnitValue extends Value
case class CaseClassValue(constructor: Identifier, args: List[Value]) extends Value
def run(ctx: Context)(v: (Program, SymbolTable)): Unit = {
val (program, table) = v
// These built-in functions do not have an Amy implementation in the program,
// instead their implementation is encoded in this map
val builtIns: Map[(String, String), (List[Value]) => Value] = Map(
("Std", "printInt") -> { args => println(args.head.asInt); UnitValue },
("Std", "printString") -> { args => println(args.head.asString); UnitValue },
("Std", "readString") -> { args => StringValue( },
("Std", "readInt") -> { args =>
val input =
try {
} catch {
case ne: NumberFormatException =>
ctx.reporter.fatal(s"""Could not parse "$input" to Int""")
("Std", "intToString") -> { args => StringValue(args.head.asInt.toString) },
("Std", "digitToString") -> { args => StringValue(args.head.asInt.toString) }
// Utility functions to interface with the symbol table.
def isConstructor(name: Identifier) = table.getConstructor(name).isDefined
def findFunctionOwner(functionName: Identifier) = table.getFunction(functionName)
def findFunction(owner: String, name: String) = {
program.modules.find( == owner).get.defs.collectFirst {
case fd@FunDef(fn, _, _, _) if == name => fd
// Interprets a function, using evaluations for local variables contained in 'locals'
// TODO: Complete all missing cases. Look at the given ones for guidance.
def interpret(expr: Expr)(implicit locals: Map[Identifier, Value]): Value = {
expr match {
case Variable(name) =>
case IntLiteral(i) =>
case BooleanLiteral(b) =>
case StringLiteral(s) =>
case UnitLiteral() =>
case Plus(lhs, rhs) =>
IntValue(interpret(lhs).asInt + interpret(rhs).asInt)
case Minus(lhs, rhs) =>
case Times(lhs, rhs) =>
case Div(lhs, rhs) =>
case Mod(lhs, rhs) =>
case LessThan(lhs, rhs) =>
case LessEquals(lhs, rhs) =>
case And(lhs, rhs) =>
case Or(lhs, rhs) =>
case Equals(lhs, rhs) =>
??? // Hint: Take care to implement Amy equality semantics
case Concat(lhs, rhs) =>
case Not(e) =>
case Neg(e) =>
case Call(qname, args) =>
// Hint: Check if it is a call to a constructor first,
// then if it is a built-in function (otherwise it is a normal function).
// Use the helper methods provided above to retrieve information from the symbol table.
// Think how locals should be modified.
case Sequence(e1, e2) =>
case Let(df, value, body) =>
case Ite(cond, thenn, elze) =>
case Match(scrut, cases) =>
// Hint: We give you a skeleton to implement pattern matching
// and the main body of the implementation
val evS = interpret(scrut)
// None = pattern does not match
// Returns a list of pairs id -> value,
// where id has been bound to value within the pattern.
// Returns None when the pattern fails to match.
// Note: Only works on well typed patterns (which have been ensured by the type checker).
def matchesPattern(v: Value, pat: Pattern): Option[List[(Identifier, Value)]] = {
((v, pat): @unchecked) match {
case (_, WildcardPattern()) =>
case (_, IdPattern(name)) =>
case (IntValue(i1), LiteralPattern(IntLiteral(i2))) =>
case (BooleanValue(b1), LiteralPattern(BooleanLiteral(b2))) =>
case (StringValue(_), LiteralPattern(StringLiteral(_))) =>
case (UnitValue, LiteralPattern(UnitLiteral())) =>
case (CaseClassValue(con1, realArgs), CaseClassPattern(con2, formalArgs)) =>
// Main "loop" of the implementation: Go through every case,
// check if the pattern matches, and if so return the evaluation of the case expression =>
val MatchCase(pat, rhs) = matchCase
(rhs, matchesPattern(evS, pat))
).find(_._2.isDefined) match {
case Some((rhs, Some(moreLocals))) =>
interpret(rhs)(locals ++ moreLocals)
case _ =>
// No case matched
ctx.reporter.fatal(s"Match error: ${evS.toString}@${scrut.position}")
case Error(msg) =>
for {
m <- program.modules
e <- m.optExpr
} {
object BasicError
def throwError(msg: String): Unit = {
throwError("basic error test")
end BasicError
object Division
end Division
object Locals
def foo(i: Int(32)): Int(32) = {
val i: Int(32) = 0;
if (i == 0) { error("") }
else { 0 }
end Locals
object MatchError
abstract class Foo
case class Bar() extends Foo
case class Baz() extends Foo
Bar() match { case Baz() => () }
end MatchError
object MatchError
abstract class Foo
case class Bar() extends Foo
case class Baz(i: Int(32)) extends Foo
Baz(1) match { case Baz(2) => () }
end MatchError
object MatchError
abstract class Foo
case class Bar() extends Foo
case class Baz(f: Foo) extends Foo
Baz(Bar()) match { case Baz(Baz(_)) => () }
end MatchError
object MatchError
abstract class Foo
case class Bar(s: String) extends Foo
Bar("foo") match { case Bar("foo") => () }
end MatchError
object MinimalError
end MinimalError
object ShortCircuit
false || error("")
end ShortCircuit
test finished
\ No newline at end of file
not correct
not correct
test finished
\ No newline at end of file
test finished
\ No newline at end of file
not prim
not prim
test finished
\ No newline at end of file
5! = 120
10! = 3628800