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  • shchen/cs320
  • raveendr/cs320
  • mwojnaro/cs320
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object MatchError
abstract class Foo
case class Bar(i: Int(32)) extends Foo
case class Baz(f1: Foo, f2: Foo) extends Foo
Baz(Baz(Bar(1), Bar(2)), Baz(Bar(3), Bar(4))) match {
case Baz(Baz(_, Bar(_)), _) => ()
end MatchError
object Match4
def sideEffect(): Int(32) = {
Std.printString("This side effect should only happen once!");
sideEffect() match {
case 1 => Std.printString("no"); false
case 2 => Std.printString("no"); false
case 10 => Std.printString("yes"); true
end Match4
object MixStdAndNonStd
def printString(str: String): Unit = {
val intInput: Int(32) = Std.readInt();
end MixStdAndNonStd
\ No newline at end of file
object O
abstract class Option
case class None() extends Option
case class Some(v: Int(32)) extends Option
def isDefined(o: Option): Boolean = {
o match {
case None() => false
case _ => true
def get(o: Option): Int(32) = {
o match {
case Some(i) => i
case None() => error("get(None)")
def getOrElse(o: Option, i: Int(32)): Int(32) = {
o match {
case None() => i
case Some(oo) => oo
def orElse(o1: Option, o2: Option): Option = {
o1 match {
case Some(_) => o1
case None() => o2
def toList(o: Option): L.List = {
o match {
case Some(i) => L.Cons(i, L.Nil())
case None() => L.Nil()
end O
object ShortCircuit
true || error("");
false && error("")
end ShortCircuit
object SideEffect
def firstI(): Int(32) = {
def secondI(): Int(32) = {
def stringLeft(): String = {
def stringRight(): String = {
def caseLeft(): L.List = {
def caseRight(): L.List = {
// Make sure that operands to binary operations are interpreted only once
// and in the right order
firstI() + secondI();
firstI() - secondI();
firstI() * secondI();
firstI() / secondI();
firstI() % secondI();
firstI() < secondI();
firstI() <= secondI();
// Make sure that the rhs of comparisons to Unit (which always succeed)
// are interpreted.
Std.printString("Left") == Std.printString("Right");
// Make sure that string comparisons evaluate their arguments once
// and in the correct order
stringLeft() == stringRight();
// Make sure that case class comparisons evaluate their arguments once
// and in the correct order
caseLeft() == caseRight();
end SideEffect
\ No newline at end of file
/** This module contains basic functionality for Amy,
* including stub implementations for some built-in functions
* (implemented in WASM or JavaScript)
object Std
def printInt(i: Int(32)): Unit = {
error("") // Stub implementation
def printString(s: String): Unit = {
error("") // Stub implementation
def printBoolean(b: Boolean): Unit = {
def readString(): String = {
error("") // Stub implementation
def readInt(): Int(32) = {
error("") // Stub implementation
def intToString(i: Int(32)): String = {
if (i < 0) {
"-" ++ intToString(-i)
} else {
val rem: Int(32) = i % 10;
val div: Int(32) = i / 10;
if (div == 0) { digitToString(rem) }
else { intToString(div) ++ digitToString(rem) }
def digitToString(i: Int(32)): String = {
error("") // Stub implementation
def booleanToString(b: Boolean): String = {
if (b) { "true" } else { "false" }
end Std
object StringInputToOutput
val stringInput: String = Std.readString();
val stringInput2: String = Std.readString();
Std.printString(stringInput ++ "!");
Std.printString(stringInput2 ++ "!")
end StringInputToOutput
\ No newline at end of file
object TestLists
val l: L.List = L.Cons(5, L.Cons(-5, L.Cons(-1, L.Cons(0, L.Cons(10, L.Nil())))));
end TestLists
package amyc.test
import amyc.utils._
abstract class CompilerTest extends TestUtils {
private def runPipeline(pipeline: Pipeline[List[File], Unit], fileNames: List[String]) = {
val ctx = Context(new Reporter, fileNames)
val files = File(_))
private def runPipelineRedirected(
pipeline: Pipeline[List[File], Unit],
compiledFiles: List[String],
input: String
): String = {
testWithRedirectedIO(runPipeline(pipeline, compiledFiles), input)
private def assertEqual(output: String, expected: String) = {
val rejectLine = (s: String) =>
s.isEmpty ||
s.startsWith("[ Info ]") ||
s.startsWith("[Warning]") ||
s.startsWith("[ Error ]") ||
s.startsWith("[ Fatal ]")
def filtered(s: String) = s.linesIterator.filterNot(rejectLine).mkString("\n")
val filteredOutput = filtered(output)
val filteredExpected = filtered(expected)
if (filteredOutput != filteredExpected) {
val sb = new StringBuffer()
sb.append("\nOutput is different:\n")
sb.append("\nOutput: \n")
sb.append("\n\nExpected output: \n")
protected def compareOutputs(
pipeline: Pipeline[List[File], Unit],
compiledFiles: List[String],
expectedFile: String,
input: String = ""
) = {
try {
val output = runPipelineRedirected(pipeline, compiledFiles, input)
val expected = File(expectedFile)).mkString
assertEqual(output, expected)
} catch {
// We only want to catch AmyFatalError gracefully, the rest can propagate
case AmycFatalError(msg) =>
fail(s"\n $msg\n")
protected def demandPass(
pipeline: Pipeline[List[File], Unit],
compiledFiles: List[String],
input: String = ""
) = {
try {
runPipelineRedirected(pipeline, compiledFiles, input)
} catch {
case AmycFatalError(msg) =>
fail(s"\n $msg\n")
protected def demandFailure(
pipeline: Pipeline[List[File], Unit],
compiledFiles: List[String],
input: String = ""
) = {
try {
runPipelineRedirected(pipeline, compiledFiles, input)
fail("Test should fail but it passed!")
} catch {
case AmycFatalError(_) =>
// Ok, this is what we wanted. Other exceptions should propagate though
package amyc.test
import org.junit.Test
abstract class ExecutionTests extends TestSuite {
val baseDir = "execution"
val outputExt = "txt"
@Test def testEmptyObject = shouldOutput("EmptyObject")
@Test def testStringInputToOutput = shouldOutput(List("Std", "StringInputToOutput"), "StringInputToOutput", "Hello World\nHello World again")
@Test def testIntInputToOutput = shouldOutput(List("Std", "IntInputToOutput"), "IntInputToOutput", "42")
@Test def testMixStdAndNonStd = shouldOutput(List("Std", "MixStdAndNonStd"), "MixStdAndNonStd", "42")
@Test def testBasicArithmetic = shouldOutput(List("Std", "BasicArithmetic"), "BasicArithmetic", "")
@Test def testDivisionByZero = shouldFail("Division")
@Test def testBasicPatternMatching = shouldOutput(List("Std", "BasicPatternMatching"), "BasicPatternMatching", "")
@Test def testBasicBranching = shouldOutput(List("Std", "BasicBranching"), "BasicBranching", "")
@Test def testBasicConditions = shouldOutput(List("Std", "BasicConditions"), "BasicConditions", "")
@Test def testBasicError = shouldFail("BasicError")
@Test def testEquality = shouldOutput(List("Std", "Equality"), "Equality")
@Test def testFactorial = shouldOutput(List("Std", "Factorial"), "Factorial", "")
@Test def testArithmetic = shouldOutput(List("Std", "Arithmetic"), "Arithmetic", "")
@Test def testLists = shouldOutput(List("Std", "Option", "List", "TestLists"), "TestLists", "")
@Test def testMatchError1 = shouldFail("MatchError1")
@Test def testMatchError2 = shouldFail("MatchError2")
@Test def testMatchError3 = shouldFail("MatchError3")
@Test def testMatchError4 = shouldFail("MatchError4")
@Test def testMatch1 = shouldPass("Match1")
@Test def testMatch2 = shouldPass("Match2")
@Test def testMatch3 = shouldPass("Match3")
@Test def testMatch4 = shouldOutput(List("Std", "Match4"), "Match4")
@Test def testShortCircuit1 = shouldPass("ShortCircuit")
@Test def testShortCircuit2 = shouldFail("ShortCircuit")
@Test def testLocals1 = shouldPass("Locals")
@Test def testLocals2 = shouldFail("Locals")
@Test def testFunCallEnv = shouldOutput(List("FunCallEnv", "Std"), "FunCallEnv")
package amyc
package test
import parsing._
import analyzer._
import interpreter.Interpreter
import amyc.utils.Frontend
class InterpreterTests extends ExecutionTests {
val pipeline = Frontend.pipeline.andThen(Interpreter)
package amyc.test
import amyc.utils.Pipeline
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption
abstract class TestSuite extends CompilerTest {
val pipeline: Pipeline[List[File], Unit]
val baseDir: String
lazy val effectiveBaseDir: String =
// getClass.getResource(s"/$baseDir").getPath
val passing = "passing"
val failing = "failing"
val outputs = "outputs"
val tmpDir = Files.createTempDirectory("amyc");
val outputExt: String
def getResourcePath(relativePath: String, otherPath: Option[String] = None): String =
val firstPath = Path.of(effectiveBaseDir, relativePath)
val (stream, path) =
if Files.exists(firstPath) then
(Files.newInputStream(firstPath), relativePath)
otherPath match
case Some(p) =>
val secondPath = Path.of(effectiveBaseDir, p)
(Files.newInputStream(secondPath), p)
case None =>
assert(false, s"can not read $effectiveBaseDir/$relativePath")
(null, "")
val targetPath = tmpDir.resolve(path)
Files.copy(stream, targetPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
def shouldOutput(inputFiles: List[String], outputFile: String, input: String = ""): Unit = {
inputFiles map (f => getResourcePath(s"$passing/$f.amy", Some(s"$passing/$f.grading.amy"))),
getResourcePath(s"$outputs/$outputFile.$outputExt", Some(s"$outputs/$outputFile.grading.$outputExt")),
def shouldOutput(inputFile: String): Unit = {
shouldOutput(List(inputFile), inputFile)
def shouldFail(inputFiles: List[String], input: String = ""): Unit = {
inputFiles map (f => getResourcePath(s"$failing/$f.amy", Some(s"$failing/$f.grading.amy"))),
def shouldFail(inputFile: String): Unit = {
def shouldPass(inputFiles: List[String], input: String = ""): Unit = {
demandPass(pipeline, inputFiles map (f => getResourcePath(s"$passing/$f.amy", Some(s"$passing/$f.grading.amy"))), input)
def shouldPass(inputFile: String): Unit = {
package amyc.test
/** Some utilities for running tests */
trait TestUtils {
/** Run test,
* with input also redirected from a String,
* and output is redirected to a local StringBuilder.
def testWithRedirectedIO[T](test: => T, input: String): String = {
import scala.Console._
val inputS = new StringReader(input)
val outputS = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
withOut(outputS) {
withErr(outputS) {
withIn(inputS) {
version := "1.7"
organization := "ch.epfl.lara"
scalaVersion := "3.5.2"
assembly / test := {}
name := "amyc"
Compile / scalaSource := baseDirectory.value / "src"
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-feature")
Test / scalaSource := baseDirectory.value / "test" / "scala"
Test / parallelExecution := false
libraryDependencies += "com.novocode" % "junit-interface" % "0.11" % "test"
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.commons" % "commons-lang3" % "3.4" % "test"
testOptions += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.JUnit, "-v")
object Arithmetic
def pow(b: Int(32), e: Int(32)): Int(32) = {
if (e == 0) { 1 }
else {
if (e % 2 == 0) {
val rec: Int(32) = pow(b, e/2);
rec * rec
} else {
b * pow(b, e - 1)
def gcd(a: Int(32), b: Int(32)): Int(32) = {
if (a == 0 || b == 0) {
a + b
} else {
if (a < b) {
gcd(a, b % a)
} else {
gcd(a % b, b)
Std.printInt(pow(0, 10));
Std.printInt(pow(1, 5));
Std.printInt(pow(2, 10));
Std.printInt(pow(3, 3));
Std.printInt(gcd(0, 10));
Std.printInt(gcd(17, 99)); // 1
Std.printInt(gcd(16, 46)); // 2
Std.printInt(gcd(222, 888)) // 222
end Arithmetic
object Factorial
def fact(i: Int(32)): Int(32) = {
if (i < 2) { 1 }
else {
val rec: Int(32) = fact(i-1);
i * rec
Std.printString("5! = " ++ Std.intToString(fact(5)));
Std.printString("10! = " ++ Std.intToString(fact(10)))
end Factorial
object Hanoi
def solve(n : Int(32)) : Int(32) = {
if (n < 1) {
error("can't solve Hanoi for less than 1 plate")
} else {
if (n == 1) {
} else {
2 * solve(n - 1) + 1
Std.printString("Hanoi for 4 plates: " ++ Std.intToString(solve(4)))
end Hanoi
\ No newline at end of file
object Hello
Std.printString("Hello " ++ "world!")
end Hello
object HelloInt
Std.printString("What is your name?");
val name: String = Std.readString();
Std.printString("Hello " ++ name ++ "! And how old are you?");
val age: Int(32) = Std.readInt();
Std.printString(Std.intToString(age) ++ " years old then.")
end HelloInt