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package concpar21final03
import instrumentation.*
/** A synchronization mechanism allowing multiple reads to proceed concurrently
* with an update to the state.
class RCU extends Monitor:
protected val latestVersion: AtomicLong = AtomicLong(0)
protected val readersVersion: ThreadMap[Long] = ThreadMap()
/** This method must be called before accessing shared data for reading. */
def startRead(): Unit =
"startRead() cannot be called multiple times without an intervening stopRead()"
/** Once a thread which has previously called `startRead` has finished reading
* shared data, it must call this method.
def stopRead(): Unit =
"stopRead() cannot be called without a preceding startRead()"
/** Wait until all reads started before this method was called have finished,
* then return.
def waitForOldReads(): Unit =
val newVersion = latestVersion.incrementAndGet()
readersVersion.waitForall(_ >= newVersion)
package concpar21final03
import instrumentation.*
import scala.collection.mutable
/** A map which associates every thread to at most one value of type A.
* Every method in this class is thread-safe.
class ThreadMap[A] extends Monitor:
protected val theMap: mutable.Map[Thread, A] = mutable.Map()
/** Return the value in the map entry for the current thread if it exists,
* otherwise None.
def currentThreadValue: Option[A] = synchronized {
/** Is there a map entry for the current thread? */
def currentThreadHasValue: Boolean =
synchronized {
/** Set the map entry of the current thread to `value` and notify any thread
* waiting on `waitForall`.
def setCurrentThreadValue(value: A): Unit =
synchronized {
theMap(Thread.currentThread) = value
/** Delete the map entry associated with this thread (if it exists) and notify
* all threads waiting in `waitForall`.
def deleteCurrentThreadValue(): Unit =
synchronized {
/** Wait until `predicate` returns true for all map entries, then return. */
def waitForall(predicate: A => Boolean): Unit =
synchronized {
while !theMap.forall((_, value) => predicate(value)) do wait()
end ThreadMap
package concpar21final03
import instrumentation.*
class UpdateServer(fs: FileSystem) extends Monitor:
val rcu = new RCU
/** The name of the file containing the latest update.
* This is `@volatile` to guarantee that `fetchUpdate` always sees the latest
* filename.
@volatile private var updateFile: Option[FileName] = None
/** Return the content of the latest update if one is available, otherwise
* None.
* This method is thread-safe.
def fetchUpdate(): Option[String] =
// TODO: use `rcu`
val value =
/** Define a new update, more precisely this will:
* - Create a new update file called `newName` with content `newContent`
* - Ensure that any future call to `fetchUpdate` returns the new update
* content.
* - Delete the old update file.
* This method is _NOT_ thread-safe, it cannot be safely called from multiple
* threads at once.
def newUpdate(newName: FileName, newContent: String): Unit =
// TODO: use `rcu`
val oldFile = updateFile
fs.createFile(newName, newContent)
updateFile = Some(newName)
end UpdateServer
package concpar21final03.instrumentation
/** A long value that may be updated atomically. */
class AtomicLong(initial: Long):
private val atomic = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong(initial)
/** Get the current value. */
def get: Long = atomic.get()
/** Set to the given `value`. */
def set(value: Long): Unit = atomic.set(value)
/** Atomically increment by one the current value and return the _original_
* value.
def getAndIncrement(): Long =
/** Atomically increment by one the current value and return the _updated_
* value.
def incrementAndGet(): Long =
/** Atomically set the value to `newValue` if the current value == `expected`.
* Return true if successful, otherwise return false to indicate that the
* actual value was not equal to the expected value.
def compareAndSet(expected: Long, newValue: Long): Boolean =
atomic.compareAndSet(expected, newValue)
end AtomicLong
package concpar21final03.instrumentation
class Dummy
trait Monitor:
implicit val dummy: Dummy = new Dummy
def wait()(implicit i: Dummy) = waitDefault()
def synchronized[T](e: => T)(implicit i: Dummy) = synchronizedDefault(e)
def notify()(implicit i: Dummy) = notifyDefault()
def notifyAll()(implicit i: Dummy) = notifyAllDefault()
private val lock = new AnyRef
// Can be overridden.
def waitDefault(): Unit = lock.wait()
def synchronizedDefault[T](toExecute: => T): T = lock.synchronized(toExecute)
def notifyDefault(): Unit = lock.notify()
def notifyAllDefault(): Unit = lock.notifyAll()
package concpar22final01
trait Problem1 extends Lib:
class DLLCombinerImplementation extends DLLCombiner:
// Copies every other Integer element of data array, starting from the first (index 0), up to the middle
def task1(data: Array[Int]) = task {
var current = first
var i = 0
while current != null && i < size / 2 do
data(i) = current.value
i += 2
current = current.getNext2
// Copies every other Integer element of data array, starting from the second, up to the middle
def task2(data: Array[Int]) = task {
var current = second
var i = 1
while current != null && i < size / 2 do
data(i) = current.value
i += 2
current = current.getNext2
// Copies every other Integer element of data array, starting from the second to last, up to the middle
def task3(data: Array[Int]) = task {
var current = secondToLast
var i = size - 2
while current != null && i >= size / 2 do
data(i) = current.value
i -= 2
current = current.getPrevious2
// Copies every other Integer element of data array, starting from the last, up to the middle
// This is executed on the current thread.
def task4(data: Array[Int]) =
var current = last
var i = size - 1
while current != null && i >= size / 2 do
data(i) = current.value
i -= 2
current = current.getPrevious2
def result(): Array[Int] =
val data = new Array[Int](size)
val t1 = task1(data)
val t2 = task2(data)
val t3 = task3(data)
package concpar22final01
import java.util.concurrent.*
import scala.util.DynamicVariable
trait Lib:
class Node(val value: Int):
protected var next: Node = null // null for last node.
protected var next2: Node = null // null for last node.
protected var previous: Node = null // null for first node.
protected var previous2: Node = null // null for first node.
def getNext: Node = next // do NOT use in the result method
def getNext2: Node = next2
def getPrevious: Node = previous // do NOT use in the result method
def getPrevious2: Node = previous2
def setNext(n: Node): Unit = next = n
def setNext2(n: Node): Unit = next2 = n
def setPrevious(n: Node): Unit = previous = n
def setPrevious2(n: Node): Unit = previous2 = n
// Simplified Combiner interface
// Implements methods += and combine
// Abstract methods should be implemented in subclasses
abstract class DLLCombiner:
var first: Node = null // null for empty lists.
var last: Node = null // null for empty lists.
var second: Node = null // null for empty lists.
var secondToLast: Node = null // null for empty lists.
var size: Int = 0
// Adds an Integer to this array combiner.
def +=(elem: Int): Unit =
val node = new Node(elem)
if size == 0 then
first = node
last = node
size = 1
if size > 1 then last.getPrevious.setNext2(node)
else second = node
secondToLast = last
last = node
size += 1
// Combines this array combiner and another given combiner in constant O(1) complexity.
def combine(that: DLLCombiner): DLLCombiner =
if this.size == 0 then that
else if that.size == 0 then this
if this.last.getPrevious != null then
this.last.getPrevious.setNext2(that.first) // important
if that.first.getNext != null then
that.first.getNext.setPrevious2(this.last) // important
if this.size == 1 then second = that.first
this.size = this.size + that.size
this.last = that.last
this.secondToLast = that.secondToLast
def task1(data: Array[Int]): ForkJoinTask[Unit]
def task2(data: Array[Int]): ForkJoinTask[Unit]
def task3(data: Array[Int]): ForkJoinTask[Unit]
def task4(data: Array[Int]): Unit
def result(): Array[Int]
def task[T](body: => T): ForkJoinTask[T]
package concpar22final02
import instrumentation.Monitor
abstract class AbstractBarrier(val numThreads: Int) extends Monitor:
var count = numThreads
def awaitZero(): Unit
def countDown(): Unit
package concpar22final02
class Barrier(numThreads: Int) extends AbstractBarrier(numThreads):
def awaitZero(): Unit =
synchronized {
while count > 0 do wait()
def countDown(): Unit =
synchronized {
count -= 1
if count <= 0 then notifyAll()
package concpar22final02
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
class ImageLib(size: Int):
val buffer1: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]] = ArrayBuffer.fill(size, size)(1)
val buffer2: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]] = ArrayBuffer.fill(size, size)(0)
enum Filter(val kernel: Array[Array[Int]]):
case Outline extends Filter(Array(
Array(-1, -1, -1),
Array(-1, 8, -1),
Array(-1, -1, -1)
case Sharpen extends Filter(Array(
Array(0, -1, 0),
Array(-1, 5, -1),
Array(0, -1, 0)
case Emboss
extends Filter(Array(Array(-2, -1, 0), Array(-1, 1, 1), Array(0, 1, 2)))
case Identity
extends Filter(Array(Array(0, 0, 0), Array(0, 1, 0), Array(0, 0, 0)))
def init(input: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]]) =
for i <- 0 to size - 1 do
for j <- 0 to size - 1 do
buffer1(i)(j) = input(i)(j)
def computeConvolution(
kernel: Array[Array[Int]],
input: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]],
row: Int,
column: Int
): Int =
val displacement = Array(-1, 0, 1)
var output = 0
for i <- 0 to 2 do
for j <- 0 to 2 do
val newI = row + displacement(i)
val newJ = column + displacement(j)
if newI < 0 || newI >= size || newJ < 0 || newJ >= size then output += 0
else output += (kernel(i)(j) * input(newI)(newJ))
def applyFilter(
kernel: Array[Array[Int]],
input: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]],
output: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]],
row: Int
): Unit =
for i <- 0 to input(row).size - 1 do
output(row)(i) = computeConvolution(kernel, input, row, i)
package concpar22final02
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
class Problem2(imageSize: Int, numThreads: Int, numFilters: Int):
val barrier: ArrayBuffer[Barrier] =
val imageLib: ImageLib = ImageLib(imageSize)
def imagePipeline(
filters: Array[imageLib.Filter],
rows: Array[Int]
): ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]] =
for i <- 0 to filters.size - 1 do
for j <- 0 to rows.size - 1 do
if i % 2 == 0 then
if filters.size % 2 == 0 then imageLib.buffer1
else imageLib.buffer2
package concpar22final02.instrumentation
class Dummy
trait Monitor:
implicit val dummy: Dummy = new Dummy
def wait()(implicit i: Dummy) = waitDefault()
def synchronized[T](e: => T)(implicit i: Dummy) = synchronizedDefault(e)
def notify()(implicit i: Dummy) = notifyDefault()
def notifyAll()(implicit i: Dummy) = notifyAllDefault()
private val lock = new AnyRef
// Can be overriden.
def waitDefault(): Unit = lock.wait()
def synchronizedDefault[T](toExecute: => T): T = lock.synchronized(toExecute)
def notifyDefault(): Unit = lock.notify()
def notifyAllDefault(): Unit = lock.notifyAll()
trait LockFreeMonitor extends Monitor:
override def waitDefault() =
throw new Exception("Please use lock-free structures and do not use wait()")
override def synchronizedDefault[T](toExecute: => T): T =
throw new Exception(
"Please use lock-free structures and do not use synchronized()"
override def notifyDefault() =
throw new Exception(
"Please use lock-free structures and do not use notify()"
override def notifyAllDefault() =
throw new Exception(
"Please use lock-free structures and do not use notifyAll()"
/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
package concpar22final02.instrumentation
/** A collection of methods that can be used to collect run-time statistics */
object Stats:
def timed[T](code: => T)(cont: Long => Unit): T =
var t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
val r = code
cont((System.currentTimeMillis() - t1))
def withTime[T](code: => T): (T, Long) =
var t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
val r = code
(r, (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1))
package concpar22final03
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.Random
trait Economics:
/** A trading card from the game Scala: The Programming. We can own a card,
* but once don't anymore.
final class Card(val name: String)
def isMine(c: Card): Boolean
/** This function uses the best available database to return the sell value of
* a card on the market.
def valueOf(cardName: String): Int = List(1, cardName.length).max
/** This method represents an exact amount of money that can be hold, spent,
* or put in the bank
final class MoneyBag()
def moneyIn(m: MoneyBag): Int
/** If you sell a card, at some point in the future you will get some money
* (in a bag).
def sellCard(c: Card): Future[MoneyBag]
/** You can buy any "Scala: The Programming" card by providing a bag of money
* with the appropriate amount and waiting for the transaction to take place.
* You will own the returned card.
def buyCard(money: MoneyBag, name: String): Future[Card]
/** This simple bank account holds money for you. You can bring a money bag to
* increase your account's balance, or withdraw a money bag of any size not
* greater than your account's balance.
def balance: Int
def withdraw(amount: Int): Future[MoneyBag]
def deposit(bag: MoneyBag): Future[Unit]
class NotEnoughMoneyException
extends Exception("Not enough money provided to buy those cards")
package concpar22final03
import scala.concurrent.Future
trait Problem3:
val economics: Economics
import economics.*
/** The objective is to propose a service of deck building. People come to you
* with some money and some cards they want to sell, and you need to return
* them a complete deck of the cards they want.
def orderDeck(
bag: MoneyBag,
cardsToSell: List[Card],
wantedDeck: List[String]
): Future[List[Card]] =
Future {
val totalGivenMoney =
cardsToSell.foldLeft(moneyIn(bag))((sum, c) => sum + valueOf(
val totalNeededMoney =
wantedDeck.foldLeft(0)((sum, n) => sum + valueOf(n))
if totalGivenMoney < totalNeededMoney then
throw new NotEnoughMoneyException()
val soldCards: Future[Unit] =
if moneyIn(bag) != 0 then
sellListOfCards(cardsToSell).zip(deposit(bag)).map(_ => ())
else sellListOfCards(cardsToSell).map(_ => ())
soldCards.flatMap { _ => buyListOfCards(wantedDeck) }
/** This helper function will sell the provided list of cards and put the
* money on your personal bank account. It returns a Future of Unit, which
* indicates when all sales are completed.
def sellListOfCards(cardsToSell: List[Card]): Future[Unit] =
val moneyFromSales: List[Future[Unit]] = { c =>
sellCard(c).flatMap(m => deposit(m).map { _ => })
.map(_ =>
) // Future.sequence transforms a List[Future[A]] into a Future[List[A]]
/** This helper function, given a list of wanted card names and assuming there
* is enough money in the bank account, will buy (in the future) those cards,
* and return them.
def buyListOfCards(wantedDeck: List[String]): Future[List[Card]] =
val boughtCards: List[Future[Card]] = { name =>
withdraw(valueOf(name)).flatMap(mb => buyCard(mb, name))
package concpar22final04
import akka.testkit.*
import java.util.Date
import akka.event.LoggingReceive
import akka.pattern.*
import akka.util.Timeout
import concurrent.duration.*
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
given timeout: Timeout = Timeout(200.millis)
/** Data associated with a song: a unique `id`, a `title` and an `artist`.
case class Song(id: Int, title: String, artist: String)
/** An activity in a user's activity feed, representing that `userRef` is
* listening to `songId`.
case class Activity(userId: String, userName: String, songId: Int)
/** Companion object of the `User` class.
object User:
/** Messages that can be sent to User actors.
enum Protocol:
/** Asks for a user name and id. Should be answered by a Response.Info.
case GetInfo
/** Asks home page data. Should be answered by a Response.HomepageData.
case GetHomepageData
/** Like song with id `songId`.
case Like(songId: Int)
/** Unlike song with id `songId`.
case Unlike(songId: Int)
/** Adds `subscriber` to the list of subscribers.
case Subscribe(subscriber: ActorRef)
/** Remove `subscriber` from the list of subscribers.
case Unsubscribe(subscriber: ActorRef)
/** Adds the activity `activity` to the activity feed. This message will be
* sent by the users this user has subscribed to.
case AddActivity(activity: Activity)
/** Sent when a user starts playing a song with id `songId`. The recipient
* should notify all its subscribers to update their activity feeds by
* sending them `AddActivity(Activity(...))` messages. No answer is
* expected. This message is sent by external actors.
case Play(songId: Int)
/** Asks for home page text. Should be answered by a Response.HomepageText.
case GetHomepageText
/** Responses that can be sent back from User actors.
enum Responses:
/** Answer to a Protocol.GetInfo message
case Info(id: String, name: String)
/** Answer to a Protocol.GetHomepageData message
case HomepageData(songIds: List[Int], activities: List[Activity])
/** Answer to a Protocol.GetHomepageText message
case HomepageText(result: String)
/** The `User` actor, responsible to handle `User.Protocol` messages.
class User(id: String, name: String, songsStore: ActorRef) extends Actor:
import User.*
import User.Protocol.*
import User.Responses.*
import SongsStore.Protocol.*
import SongsStore.Responses.*
given ExecutionContext = context.system.dispatcher
/** Liked songs, by reverse date of liking time (the last liked song must be
* the first must be the first element of the list). Elements of this list
* must be unique: a song can only be liked once. Liking a song twice should
* not change the order.
var likedSongs: List[Int] = List()
/** Users who have subscribed to this users.
var subscribers: Set[ActorRef] = Set()
/** Activity feed, by reverse date of activity time (the last added activity
* must be the first element of the list). Items in this list should be
* unique by `userRef`. If a new activity with a `userRef` already in the
* list is added, the former should be removed, so that we always see the
* latest activity for each user we have subscribed to.
var activityFeed: List[Activity] = List()
/** This actor's behavior. */
override def receive: Receive = LoggingReceive {
case GetInfo =>
sender() ! Info(id, name)
case GetHomepageData =>
sender() ! HomepageData(likedSongs, activityFeed)
case Like(songId) if !likedSongs.contains(songId) =>
likedSongs = songId :: likedSongs
case Unlike(songId) =>
likedSongs = likedSongs.filter(_ != songId)
case Subscribe(ref: ActorRef) =>
subscribers = subscribers + ref
case Unsubscribe(ref: ActorRef) =>
subscribers = subscribers - ref
case AddActivity(activity: Activity) =>
activityFeed =
activity :: activityFeed.filter(_.userId != activity.userId)
case Play(songId) =>
subscribers.foreach(_ ! AddActivity(Activity(id, name, songId)))
case GetHomepageText =>
val likedSongsFuture: Future[Songs] =
(songsStore ? GetSongs(likedSongs)).mapTo[Songs]
val activitySongsFuture: Future[Songs] =
(songsStore ? GetSongs([Songs]
val response: Future[HomepageText] =
likedSongs <- likedSongsFuture;
activitySongs <- activitySongsFuture
yield HomepageText(
|Howdy ${name}!
|Liked Songs:
.map(song => f"* ${song.title} by ${song.artist}")
|Activity Feed:
.map((activity, song) =>
f"* ${activity.userName} is listening to ${song.title} by ${song.artist}"
/** Objects containing the messages a songs store should handle.
object SongsStore:
/** Ask information about a list of songs by their ids.
enum Protocol:
case GetSongs(songIds: List[Int])
/** List of `Song` corresponding to the list of IDs given to `GetSongs`.
enum Responses:
case Songs(songs: List[Song])
/** A mock implementation of a songs store.
class MockSongsStore extends Actor:
import SongsStore.Protocol.*
import SongsStore.Responses.*
import SongsStore.*
val songsDB = Map(
1 -> Song(1, "High Hopes", "Pink Floyd"),
2 -> Song(2, "Sunny", "Boney M."),
3 -> Song(3, "J'irai où tu iras", "Céline Dion & Jean-Jacques Goldman"),
4 -> Song(4, "Ce monde est cruel", "Vald"),
5 -> Song(5, "Strobe", "deadmau5"),
6 -> Song(6, "Désenchantée", "Mylène Farmer"),
7 -> Song(7, "Straight Edge", "Minor Threat"),
8 -> Song(8, "Hold the line", "TOTO"),
9 -> Song(9, "Anarchy in the UK", "Sex Pistols"),
10 -> Song(10, "Breakfast in America", "Supertramp")
override def receive: Receive = LoggingReceive { case GetSongs(songsIds) =>
sender() ! Songs(
// DEBUG //
/** Infrastructure to help debugging. In sbt use `run` to execute this code. The
* TestKit is an actor that can send messages and check the messages it
* receives (or not).
@main def debug() = new TestKit(ActorSystem("DebugSystem")) with ImplicitSender:
import User.*
import User.Protocol.*
import User.Responses.*
import SongsStore.Protocol.*
import SongsStore.Responses.*
val songsStore = system.actorOf(Props(MockSongsStore()), "songsStore")
val anita = system.actorOf(Props(User("100", "Anita", songsStore)))
anita ! Like(6)
expectNoMessage() // expects no message is received
anita ! GetHomepageData
expectMsg(HomepageData(List(6), List()))
finally shutdown(system)
// This demonstrates how to import functions from a package inside a worksheet.
import midterm22.{task, find}
find(Array(1, 2, 3), 2, 1)
package ed
// To demonstrate different ways of pattern matching, let's consider the
// following example case class and instance:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
val ada = Person("Ada", 36)
// Run using `sbt "runMain ed.patternMatching"`.
@main def patternMatching =
// There are several ways to pattern match on the `ada` instance:
// 1. Pattern matching on the case class constructor using `Person(name, age)`.
// If the pattern matches, the value of `n` is bound `` field, and
// `a` is bound to the `ada.age` field.
ada match
case Person(n, a) => println(f"$n is $a years old")
// 2. We can also check only that `ada` is of type `Person` without binding its
// fields by using a `:` pattern. The `:` pattern is used to check if a value is
// of a certain type.
ada match
case p: Person => println(f"${} is ${p.age} years old")
// 3. If we want to both bind the fields and bind a value to the whole instance,
// we can use an `@` pattern.
ada match
case p @ Person(n, a) => println(f"${} is ${a} years old")
package ed
import concurrent.{Await, Future}
import concurrent.duration.Duration
// Pro Tip: you can print the code generated by the Scala compiler after the
// translation of for-comprehensions by running:
// scala -Xprint:firstTransform src/main/scala/ed/40056.scala
@main def futuresForTranslation =
val f1 = Future { 451 }
val f2 = Future { 1984 }
val f3 = for v1 <- f1; v2 <- f2 yield v1 + v2
println(Await.result(f3, Duration.Inf))
val f4 = Future { 451 }
val f5 = Future { 1984 }
val f6 = f4.flatMap(v4 => => v4 + v5))
println(Await.result(f6, Duration.Inf))
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import collection.parallel.CollectionConverters.*
// This demo should help understanding the `add` method implementation in
// src/main/scala/midterm22/Part8.scala.
// TL;DR: it demonstrate that `+=` is not atomic.
var id: Int = 0
val l =
for _ <- (0 until 10).par yield
id += 1
// Try to execute the worksheet several times (by saving again and again). We
// might get a number of distinct elements not equal to 10. Why?
// First, note that `id += 1` is equivalent to `val tmp = id; id = tmp + 1`.
// I.e. the read and write are two separate operations; the `+=` operation is
// not *atomic*.
// Then, consider the following execution:
// - T1: reads 0 from id and store it in its local `tmp` var.
// - T2: does the same: reads 0 from id and store it in its local `tmp` var.
// - T1: computes `tmp + 1 == 1`, stores it in `id` and returns `1`
// - T2: computes `tmp + 1 == 1`, stores it in `id` and returns `1`
// Now we have two times the ID 1!
// The code we wrote before is equivalent to:
var id2: Int = 0
val l2 =
for _ <- (0 until 10).par yield
val tmp = id2
id2 = tmp + 1
val tmp2 = id2
l2.distinct.size // *
// How to make it correct? Use an atomic integer!
val id3 = AtomicInteger()
val l3 =
for _ <- (0 until 10).par yield id3.incrementAndGet()
// Now we are sure that this will always be 10.
l3.distinct.size // *
assert(l3.distinct.size == 10)
// Or, using only what has been seen before the midterm this year: another
// solution is to use synchronize:
var id4: Int = 0
val lock = Object()
val l4 =
for _ <- (0 until 10).par yield lock.synchronized {
id4 += 1
// Now we are sure that this will always be 10.
l4.distinct.size // *
assert(l4.distinct.size == 10)