Explore projects
The goal of this project is to offer Master and grad students from IC School with an EPFL domain webpage where they can showcase information about themselves and their research.
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Frédéric Dux / diffpanstarrs
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterA small python package to download data from the Pan-STARRS cutout server, and perform difference imaging on the downloaded files.
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Program that, given as input a shellcode in some reduced Instruction Set, outputs a series of addresses within a provided binary which when given as input to a buffer-overflow-vulnerable program will result in the execution of the shellcode thru ROP.
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SokoGen is a program that generates Sokoban levels, inspired by the work presented in the paper from Bilal Kartal, Nick Sohre, and Stephen J. Guy, with some additions that greatly improve efficiency.
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This Swift Playground is my submission for the Apple WWDC18 contest, which was accepted by Apple. It is 2D, sideview platformer game with the novel mechanic of allowing the player to "fold" the world onto itself, thus creating platforms to jump on.
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Pandekids : Un projet innovant pour occuper vos enfants durant le confinement !
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Script to analyse selectively the transp simulations (e.g. neutrons..)
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Daniel Wolfensberger / cosmo_pol
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA python library to simulate polarimetric radar observables from outputs of the COSMO NWP model Please see https://github.com/wolfidan/cosmo_pol/wiki for further information
Daniel Wolfensberger, ENAC-LTE December 2017
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This project is a several weeks lab of the course Computer Architecture from EPFL. It is a fully operationnal processor using VHDL description. I used this processor to run my Tetris project (see my github).
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Image filesystem project for the CS202 Computer Systems class at EPFL Done with Kevin Yang Zhang