diff --git a/10_mos.tex b/10_mos.tex
index f7ded36911b2c25d354783cf7d95830207e66479..8a14cbb07c8c8dc4a658185a04e3814b9adf61db 100644
--- a/10_mos.tex
+++ b/10_mos.tex
@@ -1,3 +1,107 @@
-\section{MOS structure}
-IDKF, lecture hasnt been given yet
\ No newline at end of file
+\section{MOS structure}
+    \centering
+    \caption{Gate structure}
+    \begin{tikzpicture}
+        \draw (0,0)  rectangle ++(1,2) 
+        rectangle ++(2,-2)
+        rectangle ++(2,2)
+        rectangle ++(3,-2)
+        ;
+        \node at (0.5,1) () {$M$};
+        \node at (2,1) () {$SiO_2$};
+        \node at (4,1) () {$SCR$};
+        \node at (6,1) () {$p-Si$};
+    \end{tikzpicture}
+Where $M$ is the metal, $SiO_2$ is the gate oxide, $SCR$ is the space charge region and $p-Si$ is the p doped substrate.
+(note that in for the SCR, there is short between the metal and the bulk.)
+\subsection{Electrostatic analysis}
+    \centering
+    \caption{Charge distribution at thermal equilibrium}
+    \begin{tikzpicture}
+        \draw (0,0)  rectangle ++(1,2) 
+        rectangle ++(2,-2)
+        rectangle ++(2,2)
+        rectangle ++(3,-2)
+        ;
+        \node at (0.5,1) () {$M$};
+        \node at (2,1) () {$SiO_2$};
+        \node at (4,1) () {$SCR$};
+        \node at (6,1) () {$p-Si$};
+        \draw[red] (0,0.2) node[left](){$0$}  -- ++(1,0)
+        -- ++(0,1.5)
+        -- ++(0,-1.5)
+        -- ++(2,0)
+        -- ++(0,-0.5)
+        -- ++(2,0)
+        -- ++(0,0.5)
+        -- ++(3,0)
+        ;
+        \node[red] at (4,0.2) () {$Q_M$};
+    \end{tikzpicture}
+Where at the interface of the metal and the oxide, we have continuity of the electric displacement:
+    \varepsilon_{ox} E_{ox}               & = Q_M                                                          \\
+    \Rightarrow E_{ox}                    & = \frac{Q_M}{\varepsilon_{ox}}                                 \\
+    D_{ox}                                & = D_{sc,int}                                                   \\
+    \Rightarrow \varepsilon{ox}E_{ox}     & = \varepsilon{sc}E_{sc,int}                                    \\
+    \Rightarrow \frac{E_{ox}}{E_{sc,int}} & = \frac{\varepsilon_{r,sc}}{\varepsilon_{r,ox}}\qquad\approx 3
+And at the interface of the SCR and the substrate we have the following displacement continuity:
+    \varepsilon_{sc} E_{sc}(x) & = -qN_A\left(x_D - x\right)                        \\
+    \Rightarrow E_{sc}(x)      & = -\frac{qN_A}{\varepsilon_{sc}}\left(x-x_D\right)
+\subsection{Electrostatic potential}
+Nothing new, just integrate over the electric field.
+(see \autoref{fig:mos_electrostaticpotential})
+    \centering
+    \caption{Electrostatic potential of MOS}
+    \label{fig:mos_electrostaticpotential}
+    \includegraphics[width=.95\textwidth]{imgs/nmos_electrostaticpotential.png}
+    \phi(x) = \begin{cases}
+        \phi_p                                                                              & :  x_D < x     \\
+        \phi_p + \frac{q N_A}{2\varepsilon_{sc}}\left(x - x_D\right)^2                      & :  0 < x < x_D \\
+        \phi_p + \frac{q N_A}{2\varepsilon_{sc}}x_D^2 - \frac{q N_A x_D}{\varepsilon_{sc}}x & :  -t_{ox}<x<0 \\
+        \phi_{n+}                                                                           & :  x<t_{ox}
+    \end{cases}
+and so finally
+    \begin{split}
+        \phi_B &= V_B + V_{ox}\\
+        &= \frac{q N_A x_D^2}{2\varepsilon_{sc}}+\frac{1 N_A x_D t_{ox}}{\varepsilon_{ox}}
+    \end{split}                            \\
+    \begin{split}
+        x_D & =\frac{\varepsilon_{sc}}{\varepsilon_{ox}}t_{ox}\left(
+        \sqrt{1 + \frac{2\varepsilon_{ox}^2 \phi_B}{\varepsilon_{sc} q N_A  t_{ox}^2}} - 1
+        \right)\\
+        &=\frac{\varepsilon_{sc}}{C_{ox}}  \left( \sqrt{1+\frac{4\phi_B}{\gamma^2}}-1 \right)
+    \end{split}                            \\
+    C_{ox} & = \frac{\varepsilon_{ox}}{t_{ox}}           \\
+    \gamma & = \frac{1}{C_{ox}}\sqrt{2\varepsilon q N_A}
+\subsection{Contact potential}
diff --git a/format.tex b/format.tex
index 45caad0fa7ef1784775089b1b5bb8bfc00d3941a..e47d0625b6740090152b3f4a926f394683cfa8e0 100644
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+++ b/format.tex
@@ -1,61 +1,63 @@
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-%Fancy is fancy :)
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+% \setlength{\topmargin}{-2.2mm} % = 0mm -1in + 23.2mm 
+% \setlength{\textheight}{221.9mm} % = 297mm -29.5mm -31.6mm - 14mm (It works, trust me)
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diff --git a/imgs/nmos_electrostaticpotential.png b/imgs/nmos_electrostaticpotential.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4f85837170be400b853cdd8d90b59352ac0f6e6
Binary files /dev/null and b/imgs/nmos_electrostaticpotential.png differ