classdef SCDclass_node < SCDclass_component % Wrapper class containing algos properties (SetAccess = private) nodenr active = false; % not active by default hasrfm = true; % all nodes have rfm haswavegen hasadc hasethercat ncpu % number of CPUs cputype buildcfg initscdbeforecomp cpuactive wrappers % info about thread wrappers contained in this node end properties type = 'node'; end methods function obj = SCDclass_node(nodenr) % constructor name = sprintf('SCD_rtc_%02d',nodenr); obj.nodenr = nodenr; = name; obj.algos = []; obj.ddname = [name,'.sldd']; obj.mdlname = [name,'.slx']; % get node-specific configurations obj = defaultnodeconfig(obj,nodenr); end function obj = addwrapper(obj,wrapperObj,cpunr,varalgo,isactive) % add wrapper to a node at a given cpunumber % varalgo is the variant subsystem number used to select this wrapper % isactive (true by default) sets whether the addition of the wrapper % also sets the cpu to be active; assert(nargout==1,'must assign output for addwrapper method') % by default, activate CPU when adding a wrapper if nargin==4, isactive=true; end assert(isa(wrapperObj,'SCDclass_wrapper')); for ii=1:numel(obj.wrappers) assert(~isequal(wrapperObj,obj.wrappers{ii}.wrapperobj),... 'wrapper %s is already present in node %d thread %d',... obj.wrappers{ii},obj.nodenr,cpunr) end mywrapper.wrapperobj = wrapperObj; mywrapper.cpunr = cpunr; mywrapper.varalgo = varalgo; % add wrapper to obj obj.wrappers{cpunr} = mywrapper; % set cpu of this wrapper to active obj.cpuactive(cpunr) = isactive; % set receiving node cpu sample time to wrapper sample time obj.timing.thperiod(cpunr) = wrapperObj.timing.dt; end function node = defaultnodeconfig(node,nodenr) % Default configuration for nodes = sprintf('NODE%02d',nodenr); %Default node names switch nodenr case 1 = sprintf('CRPPRT01%02d',nodenr); % special case for old node node.ncpu = 1; node.type = 'std1cpu2015a'; node.timing.t_start = -4.5; node.timing.t_stop = 3; node.timing.dt = 1e-4; node.buildcfg.conffile{1} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.initscdbeforecomp = false; node.haswavegen = true; node.hasethercat = false; node.hasadc = true; case 2 node.ncpu = 6; node.type = 'std1cpu2015a'; node.timing.t_start = -4.5; node.timing.t_stop = 3; node.timing.dt = 1e-4; node.buildcfg.conffile = cell(node.ncpu,1); node.buildcfg.conffile{1} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{2} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{3} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{4} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{5} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{6} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.initscdbeforecomp = false; node.haswavegen = true; node.hasadc = true; node.hasethercat = true; case 3 node.ncpu = 4; node.type = '4cpus2015a'; node.timing.t_start = -2.0; node.timing.t_stop = 2.75; node.timing.dt = 1e-3; node.buildcfg.conffile = cell(node.ncpu,1); node.buildcfg.conffile{1} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{2} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{3} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{4} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.initscdbeforecomp = [0 0 0 0]; node.haswavegen = true; node.hasadc = false; node.hasethercat = false; case 4 node.ncpu = 4; node.type = 'std1cpu2015a'; node.timing.t_start = -4.5; node.timing.t_stop = 3; node.timing.dt = 1e-4; node.buildcfg.conffile{1} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.initscdbeforecomp = false; node.haswavegen = true; node.hasadc = false; node.hasethercat = false; case 5 node.ncpu = 1; node.type = 'std1cpu2015a'; node.timing.t_start = -4.5; node.timing.t_stop = 3; node.timing.dt = 1e-4; node.buildcfg.conffile{1} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.initscdbeforecomp = false; node.haswavegen = true; node.hasadc = false; node.hasethercat = false; case 6 node.ncpu = 4; node.type = '4cpus2015a'; node.timing.t_start = 0.0; node.timing.t_stop = 2.75; node.timing.dt = 1e-3; node.buildcfg.conffile = cell(node.ncpu,1); node.buildcfg.conffile{1} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{2} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{3} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{4} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.initscdbeforecomp = [0 0 0 0]; node.haswavegen = true; node.hasadc = false; node.hasethercat = false; case 7 node.ncpu = 4; node.type = '4cpus2015a'; node.timing.t_start = -0.5; node.timing.t_stop = 2.5; node.timing.dt = 1e-3; node.buildcfg.conffile = cell(node.ncpu,1); node.buildcfg.conffile{1} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{2} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{3} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{4} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.initscdbeforecomp = [0 0 0 0]; node.haswavegen = true; node.hasadc = true; node.hasethercat = false; case 8 node.ncpu = 1; node.type = '4cpus2015a'; node.timing.t_start = -0.5; node.timing.t_stop = 2.5; node.timing.dt = 1e-3; node.buildcfg.conffile = cell(node.ncpu,1); node.buildcfg.conffile{1} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{2} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{3} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{4} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.initscdbeforecomp = [0 0 0 0]; node.haswavegen = true; node.hasadc = true; node.hasethercat = false; case 9 node.ncpu = 1; node.type = '10cpusI9'; node.timing.t_start = -0.5; node.timing.t_stop = 2.5; node.timing.dt = 1e-3; node.buildcfg.conffile = cell(node.ncpu,1); node.buildcfg.conffile{1} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{2} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{3} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.conffile{4} = 'standard'; node.buildcfg.initscdbeforecomp = [0 0 0 0]; node.haswavegen = true; node.hasadc = true; node.hasethercat = false; end node.cpuactive = zeros(1,node.ncpu); % thread timing if ~isfield(node.timing,'thperiod') node.timing.thperiod = 1e-3*ones(1,node.ncpu); end % add template node wrappers for icpu=1:node.ncpu wrappername = sprintf('SCDwrap_template%02d%02d',nodenr,icpu); mywrapper = SCDclass_wrapper(wrappername); varalgo = 1; % template value node = node.addwrapper(mywrapper,icpu,varalgo,false); end end function obj = setactive(obj,value) % set the node to be active assert(islogical(value),'value must be boolean') = value; end function updatetemplatetp(obj) % update wrapper algos for ii=1:numel(obj.wrappers) obj.wrappers{ii}.wrapperobj.updatetemplatetp; end % update node algos for ii=1:numel(obj.algos) if ~isempty(obj.algos(ii)) obj.algos(ii).updatetemplatetp; end end end function printinfo(obj) % print wrapper and algo info fprintf('\nNode%02d, CPUs:%02d, name:%s, dt=%5.3fms\n',... obj.nodenr,obj.ncpu,,obj.timing.dt*1e3) for wrapper = obj.wrappers fprintf(' CPU %d wrapper: ',wrapper{:}.cpunr); wrapper{:}.wrapperobj.printinfo; end if ~isempty(obj.algos) fprintf(' Node Algos:\n') for ii=1:numel(obj.algos) algo = obj.algos(ii); fprintf('%s',algo.getname); end end fprintf('\n'); end end end