diff --git a/code/classes/SCDclass_algo.m b/code/classes/SCDclass_algo.m
index 87a80f63398c0b8650abd05aca37d735b6263eb7..8494c359fa919ffcb4dc9d081d2427c48841a5bc 100644
--- a/code/classes/SCDclass_algo.m
+++ b/code/classes/SCDclass_algo.m
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ classdef SCDclass_algo
        exportedtps         % List of tunable parameters variable to be exported
        datadictionary      % Name of the used data dictionary
        refdatadictionaries % Cell array of referenced data dictionaries
+       refddparentalgo     % Parent algorithm of referenced data dictionaries
        stdinits            % General initialization scripts
        fpinits             % inits scripts for fixed parameters
        timing              % Timing info structure
@@ -18,7 +19,6 @@ classdef SCDclass_algo
        buslist             % list of buses and their sources
        modelslx            % slx model file name
        folder              % folder containing algorithm
-       parentalgos         % algorithms on which this algo depends
@@ -191,12 +191,6 @@ classdef SCDclass_algo
-       %% Parent algo getter and setter
-       function obj = addparentalgo(obj,parentalgo)
-         assert(isa(parentalgo,'SCDclass_algo'),'parent algorithm must be SCDclass_algo object')
-         obj.parentalgos{end+1} = parentalgo;
-       end
         %% Data dictionary setter and getter
         function obj = setdatadictionary(obj, datadict)
@@ -206,10 +200,15 @@ classdef SCDclass_algo
             out = obj.datadictionary;
-        function obj = setreferenceddatadictionaries(obj,refdd)
-          if ischar(refdd) && ~iscell(refdd); refdd={refdd}; end % to cell
-          assert(iscell(refdd) && isrow(refdd),'refdd must be a row cell array of data dictionary names')
-          obj.refdatadictionaries = refdd;
+        function obj = addrefdd(obj,refdd,parentalgo)
+          % refdd: name of referenced data dictionary
+          % parentalgo: (optional), SCDclass_algo object of algorithm
+          % generating this data dicationary.
+          if nargin<3, parentalgo=''; end
+          assert(isequal(refdd(end-4:end),'.sldd'),'refdd must end in .sldd')
+          obj.refddparentalgo{end+1} = parentalgo;
+          obj.refdatadictionaries{end+1} = refdd;
         function createdatadictionary(obj,varargin)
@@ -238,7 +237,6 @@ classdef SCDclass_algo
           dictionaryObj = Simulink.data.dictionary.open(obj.getdatadictionary);
           designDataObj = getSection(dictionaryObj, 'Design Data');
           busList = obj.getbuslist;
           for ii=1:numel(busList)
             mybusSource = busList(ii).source; 
@@ -273,23 +271,43 @@ classdef SCDclass_algo
           if dictionaryObj.HasUnsavedChanges, dictionaryObj.saveChanges; end % Save if necessary
-        function addrefdd(obj)
+        function addrefddtodd(obj)
           % add configurations.sldd as referenced data dictionary, plus
           % other optional data dictionaries (e.g. used by lower-level components of an algorithm)
-          for refdd = ['configurations.sldd',obj.refdatadictionaries]
-            dictionaryObj = Simulink.data.dictionary.open(obj.getdatadictionary);
-            if ~ismember(refdd{:},dictionaryObj.DataSources)
-              fprintf('adding referenced data dictionary %s to %s \n',refdd{:},obj.getdatadictionary)
-              refddpath = which(refdd{:});
-              assert(~isempty(refddpath),'could not find %s',refdd{:});
-              dictionaryObj.addDataSource(refdd{:});
+          % specified in refdatadictionaries
+          dictionaryObj = Simulink.data.dictionary.open(obj.getdatadictionary);
+          refddlist = [obj.refdatadictionaries,'configurations.sldd']; % list of referenced dds
+          for ii=1:numel(refddlist)
+            refdd = refddlist{ii};
+            if ~ismember(refdd,dictionaryObj.DataSources) % does not exist, try to add
+              fprintf('adding referenced data dictionary %s to %s \n',refdd,obj.getdatadictionary)
+              refddpath = which(refdd);
+              if isempty(refddpath) % data dictionary to link does not exist, try to generate it
+                parentalgo = obj.refddparentalgo{ii};
+                if isempty(parentalgo)
+                  error('Data dictionary %s was not found but no parent algorithm is specified',refdd{ii})
+                else
+                  fprintf('Data dictionary %s was not found, running init of parent algorithm %s to create it\n',parentalgo.getname)
+                  % run parent algo init
+                  parentalgo.init;
+                  % check expected dd now exists
+                  refddpath = which(refdd);
+                  assert(~isempty(refddpath),...
+                    'Data dictionary still not found despite running %s init, aborting',parentalgo.getname)
+                end
+              end
+              fprintf('Adding referenced data dictionary %s to %s\n',refdd,obj.getdatadictionary)
+              dictionaryObj.addDataSource(refdd);
+            else % already exists
+              fprintf('Data dictionary %s is already referenced in algo data dictionary, not adding',refdd);
           if dictionaryObj.HasUnsavedChanges, dictionaryObj.saveChanges; end
         function replaceorcreateddentry(obj,designDataObj,entry,value)
           if designDataObj.exist(entry)
             oldEntry = designDataObj.getEntry(entry);
@@ -512,25 +530,12 @@ classdef SCDclass_algo
          % populate with template tunable parameters
+         % add referenced data dictionaries to obj data dictionary
+         obj.addrefddtodd
          % add buses
-         % add referenced data dictionaries
-         obj.addrefdd
-       end
-       function callparentinits(obj)
-         for ii=1:numel(obj.parentalgos)
-           parentalgo = obj.parentalgos{ii};
-%            if ~isempty(which(parentalgo.getdatadictionary))
-%              fprintf('%s is present, not rerunning %s init\n',...
-%                parentalgo.getdatadictionary,parentalgo.getname)
-%            else
-%              fprintf('running inits for parent algorithm %s\n',parentalgo.getname);
-             parentalgo.init;
-%            end
-         end
        function callinits(obj)
@@ -598,7 +603,6 @@ classdef SCDclass_algo
        %% generic operation methods
        function init(obj)
-           obj.callparentinits;
            obj.callinits; % call generic algorithm init functions 
            obj.initdd; % setup data dictionary