diff --git a/code/classes/SCDclass_expcode.m b/code/classes/SCDclass_expcode.m
index 98a12c6713cc3294e4fc96989d99fcecfcb55501..10eac0c227b80c33ab967a085a7ed28415a1a8ac 100644
--- a/code/classes/SCDclass_expcode.m
+++ b/code/classes/SCDclass_expcode.m
@@ -546,12 +546,12 @@ classdef SCDclass_expcode
         function obj = buildworkspacetpstruct(obj)
             % this funtion builds a workspace structures containing
-            % replicas of all tunable parameters structurea in the data
+            % replicas of all tunable parameters structures in the data
             % dictionaries, this structure is the one actually used 
             % for loading simulation wavegen data
             % It is better not to use directly data dictionaries structures
             % to avoid flooding dds with big sim data sets (and
-            % conseguently the SCD SVN itself
+            % conseguently the rtccode GIT repo itself