diff --git a/classes/SCDclass_algo.m b/classes/SCDclass_algo.m
index fc753f7a79774777955f7cf3dce945500a4b22b0..b25ed0182076467ec66cde8d2b9330b2254d38d1 100644
--- a/classes/SCDclass_algo.m
+++ b/classes/SCDclass_algo.m
@@ -117,6 +117,33 @@ classdef SCDclass_algo
+        function printMARTe2parconfig(obj, shot)   
+            %obj.mdscontainer.modeltogenerate=obj.modelname;
+            obj.mdscontainer.modeltogenerate='all';            
+            obj.mdscontainer.printMARTe2parconfig(shot);
+        end
+        function printMARTe2wgbusconfig(obj, shot, busname, frequency, varargin)
+            % printMARTe2wgbusconfig(obj, shot, busname, frequency, varargin)
+            %
+            % prints cfg file for loading busname Simulink.Bus
+            % as a wavegen (or a set of them) in MARTe2
+            % shot can be -1 or a fixed shot (usually -1), but currently
+            % the Shot= entry is populated by a fixed macro
+            % frequency is the frequency of signal generation in MARTe2
+            % the optional parameter 'ddname' can be given to specify
+            % the data dictionary where the bus definition is, if omitted
+            % the default expcode level data dicationary is used
+            p=inputParser;
+            addParameter(p,'ddname',obj.datadictionary,@(x) ischar(x));
+            parse(p,varargin{:});
+            myddname = p.Results.ddname;
+            obj.mdscontainer.printMARTe2wgbusconfig(shot, myddname, busname, frequency);               
+        end
         %% General purpose getters