diff --git a/code/classes/SCDclass_algo.m b/code/classes/SCDclass_algo.m
index 8a97167e8a4ef0adbfe44f22e6afa37b1408eec5..df9ccb77fe74f9572f11299f965617adbbcee25e 100644
--- a/code/classes/SCDclass_algo.m
+++ b/code/classes/SCDclass_algo.m
@@ -118,12 +118,13 @@ classdef SCDclass_algo
             fpinits  = obj.fpinits;
-        function [refdd,refddparent] = getrefdd(obj)
+        function refdd = getrefdd(obj)
           refdd = obj.refdatadictionaries;
-          refddparent = obj.refddparentalgo;
+        function refddparent = getrefddparentalgo(obj)
+          refddparent = obj.refddparentalgo;
+        end
         %% Setup functions setter and getter
         function obj = addstdinitfcn(obj,fcnhandle)
diff --git a/code/classes/SCDclass_expcode.m b/code/classes/SCDclass_expcode.m
index c7a478001fc94c5bac20f6729ed2b9c7c1cd4bb2..17dc92ba8d2d0de377ddcb3481480c0a960924c3 100644
--- a/code/classes/SCDclass_expcode.m
+++ b/code/classes/SCDclass_expcode.m
@@ -555,26 +555,35 @@ classdef SCDclass_expcode
         function obj = sortalgoobjlist(obj)
-          % sort algoobj list such that ones without dependency on others
-          % (through parents of referenced data dictionaries) come first.        
+          % sort algoobj list such that no algoobj has dependency on other 
+          % algoobj that are further down the list. So running algoobj inits 
+          % in this order ensures that everything is initialized in the correct order.
           A = zeros(numel(obj.algoobjlist)); % init adiadency matrix
+          % This matrix element (col,row)=(j,i) will contain 1 if the 
+          % algorithm in algoobjlist(i) references a data dictionary which
+          % depends on the algoritm in algoobjlist(j).
           for ii=1:numel(obj.algoobjlist)
             myalgoobj = obj.algoobjlist{ii};
-            [~,refddparent] = myalgoobj.getrefdd;
-             if isempty(refddparent) || all(cellfun(@isempty,refddparent))
+            refddparentalgo = myalgoobj.getrefddparentalgo;
+             if isempty(refddparentalgo) || all(cellfun(@isempty,refddparentalgo))
                A(:,ii) = 0; % no dependency
-               % populate dependencies
-               % indices of dependent algos
-               for iref = 1:numel(refddparent)
+               % find indices of dependent algos
+               for iref = 1:numel(refddparentalgo) % loop on possibly many dd algos
                  % index of this referenced parent algo in algoobjlist
-                 jj = contains(obj.algonamelist,refddparent{iref}.getname);                
+                 jj = contains(obj.algonamelist,refddparentalgo{iref}.getname);                
                  A(jj,ii) = 1;
+          % Use matlab tools to sort the graph. Could also write e.g. Kahn's
+          % algorithm explicitly (see wikipedia/topological_sorting)
           D = digraph(A); % directed graph
-          isort = toposort(D); % topological sorting
+          % topological sorting, maintaining index order where possible
+          isort = toposort(D,'Order','stable'); 
           obj.algoobjlist = obj.algoobjlist(isort); % sort the init obj list