From 26b91de525e06c1d541325b7af6b77856fb5bf47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Federico Felici <>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 17:39:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] More class method comments and remove useless ones

 code/classes/SCDclass_expcode.m |  3 ++-
 code/classes/SCDclass_node.m    | 47 +++++++--------------------------
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/code/classes/SCDclass_expcode.m b/code/classes/SCDclass_expcode.m
index f3b0a2c..06e7754 100644
--- a/code/classes/SCDclass_expcode.m
+++ b/code/classes/SCDclass_expcode.m
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ classdef SCDclass_expcode
             'set node number and node property do not match while setting node %s',nodenr)
           obj.nodes{node.nodenr} = node;
-          % process data dicationaries, mds objects, init functions etc
+          % Make lists of data dictionaries, mds objects, init functions etc
           % that come with this node.
           % wrapper algorithms
@@ -344,6 +344,7 @@ classdef SCDclass_expcode
           elseif nargin==2
+            if isempty(obj.nodes{nodenr}); fprintf('no node %d defined\n',nodenr); end
diff --git a/code/classes/SCDclass_node.m b/code/classes/SCDclass_node.m
index 646cdcd..23b10a8 100644
--- a/code/classes/SCDclass_node.m
+++ b/code/classes/SCDclass_node.m
@@ -26,17 +26,24 @@ classdef SCDclass_node < SCDclass_component
     function obj = SCDclass_node(nodenr)
+      % constructor
       name = sprintf('SCD_rtc_%02d',nodenr);
       obj.nodenr = nodenr;    = name;
       obj.algos   = [];
       obj.ddname  = [name,'.sldd'];
       obj.mdlname = [name,'.slx'];
+      % get node-specific configurations
       obj = defaultnodeconfig(obj,nodenr);
     function obj = addwrapper(obj,wrapperObj,cpunr,varalgo,isactive)
+      % add wrapper to a node at a given cpunumber
+      % varalgo is the variant subsystem number used to select this wrapper
+      % isactive (true by default) sets whether the addition of the wrapper
+      % also sets the cpu to be active;
       % by default, activate CPU when adding a wrapper
       if nargin==4, isactive=true; end
@@ -56,7 +63,7 @@ classdef SCDclass_node < SCDclass_component
     function node = defaultnodeconfig(node,nodenr)
-      % [general part]
+      % Default configuration for nodes
       switch nodenr
         case 1
           node.ncpu = 1;
@@ -189,45 +196,11 @@ classdef SCDclass_node < SCDclass_component
     function obj = setactive(obj,value)
+      % set the node to be active
       assert(islogical(value),'value must be boolean') = value;
-    function linknodedd(obj,node)
-      % link node data dictionary to main expcode object data dicationary
-      assert(isa(node,'SCDclass_node'),'node must be an SCDclass_node object')
-      ddObj =;
-      prefix = 'SCD_rtc';
-      % already linked sources
-      prevsources = ddObj.DataSources;
-      prevsources_nodes = prevsources(startsWith(prevsources,prefix));
-      % make algo data dictionary list list
-      reqsources = node.ddname;
-      % removing unnecessary ones
-      for ii=1:numel(prevsources_nodes)
-        mysource = prevsources_nodes{ii};
-        if ~contains(reqsources,mysource)
-          obj.printlog('Removing algorithm data source %s from %s',mysource,obj.ddname);
-          ddObj.removeDataSource(prevsources_nodes{ii})
-        end
-      end
-      % add new ones not yet present
-      mysource = reqsources;
-      assert(startsWith(mysource,prefix),...
-        'attempting to add algo dd: %s that does not start with ''%s''-aborting',prefix,mysource);
-      if contains(prevsources,mysource)
-        obj.printlog('Not adding node data source %s - already exists',mysource);
-      else
-        obj.printlog('Adding node data source %s to %s',mysource,obj.ddname);
-        ddObj.addDataSource(mysource);
-      end
-    end
     function updatetemplatetp(obj)
       % update wrapper algos
       for ii=1:numel(obj.wrappers)