#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Path to current script
SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )"
TOOLS=$SCRIPT_DIR/../../../../$(cat $SCRIPT_DIR/../../../../toolspath); cd $TOOLS

# Add current working directory to executable namespace
# Setup root directory for resolution of imports:
# the path of all local python libraries are relative to this

# Each command outputs the run directory, which is then used
# by the next command to add parameters and generate information
# used by the simulator. For a list of available options for each
# command, run 'export PYTHONPATH=.; <command> --help'.
setup/meta.py \
  --results-directory $SCRIPT_DIR/all \
  --seed 1 |
setup/dataset.py \
  --name cifar10 |
setup/nodes/google-fl.py \
  --nb-nodes 100 \
  --local-shards 2 \
  --shard-size 200 |
setup/topology/fully-connected.py |
setup/model/gn_lenet.py |
simulate/algorithm/d_sgd.py \
  --batch-size 20 \
  --learning-momentum 0.9 \
  --learning-rate 0.002 |
simulate/logger.py \
  --accuracy-logging-interval 10\
  --nb-processes 8 |
simulate/run.py \
  --nb-epochs 100