package predict import org.rogach.scallop._ import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import org.apache.log4j.Logger import org.apache.log4j.Level import scala.math import shared.predictions._ class Conf(arguments: Seq[String]) extends ScallopConf(arguments) { val train = opt[String](required = true) val test = opt[String](required = true) val separator = opt[String](default=Some("\t")) val num_measurements = opt[Int](default=Some(0)) val json = opt[String]() verify() } object Baseline extends App { // Remove these lines if encountering/debugging Spark Logger.getLogger("org").setLevel(Level.OFF) Logger.getLogger("akka").setLevel(Level.OFF) val spark = SparkSession.builder() .master("local[1]") .getOrCreate() spark.sparkContext.setLogLevel("ERROR") println("") println("******************************************************") var conf = new Conf(args) // For these questions, data is collected in a scala Array // to not depend on Spark println("Loading training data from: " + conf.train()) val train = load(spark, conf.train(), conf.separator()).collect() println("Loading test data from: " + conf.test()) val test = load(spark, conf.test(), conf.separator()).collect() val measurements = (1 to conf.num_measurements()).map(x => timingInMs(() => { Thread.sleep(1000) // Do everything here from train and test 42 // Output answer as last value })) val timings = => t._2) // Retrieve the timing measurements // Save answers as JSON def printToFile(content: String, location: String = "./answers.json") = Some(new{ f => try{ f.write(content) } finally{ f.close } } conf.json.toOption match { case None => ; case Some(jsonFile) => { var answers = ujson.Obj( "Meta" -> ujson.Obj( "1.Train" -> ujson.Str(conf.train()), "2.Test" -> ujson.Str(conf.test()), "3.Measurements" -> ujson.Num(conf.num_measurements()) ), "B.1" -> ujson.Obj( "1.GlobalAvg" -> ujson.Num(0.0), // Datatype of answer: Double "2.User1Avg" -> ujson.Num(0.0), // Datatype of answer: Double "3.Item1Avg" -> ujson.Num(0.0), // Datatype of answer: Double "4.Item1AvgDev" -> ujson.Num(0.0), // Datatype of answer: Double "5.PredUser1Item1" -> ujson.Num(0.0) // Datatype of answer: Double ), "B.2" -> ujson.Obj( "1.GlobalAvgMAE" -> ujson.Num(0.0), // Datatype of answer: Double "2.UserAvgMAE" -> ujson.Num(0.0), // Datatype of answer: Double "3.ItemAvgMAE" -> ujson.Num(0.0), // Datatype of answer: Double "4.BaselineMAE" -> ujson.Num(0.0) // Datatype of answer: Double ), "B.3" -> ujson.Obj( "1.GlobalAvg" -> ujson.Obj( "average (ms)" -> ujson.Num(mean(timings)), // Datatype of answer: Double "stddev (ms)" -> ujson.Num(std(timings)) // Datatype of answer: Double ), "2.UserAvg" -> ujson.Obj( "average (ms)" -> ujson.Num(mean(timings)), // Datatype of answer: Double "stddev (ms)" -> ujson.Num(std(timings)) // Datatype of answer: Double ), "3.ItemAvg" -> ujson.Obj( "average (ms)" -> ujson.Num(mean(timings)), // Datatype of answer: Double "stddev (ms)" -> ujson.Num(std(timings)) // Datatype of answer: Double ), "4.Baseline" -> ujson.Obj( "average (ms)" -> ujson.Num(mean(timings)), // Datatype of answer: Double "stddev (ms)" -> ujson.Num(std(timings)) // Datatype of answer: Double ) ) ) val json = ujson.write(answers, 4) println(json) println("Saving answers in: " + jsonFile) printToFile(json.toString, jsonFile) } } println("") spark.close() }