diff --git a/bindings/src/api.rs b/bindings/src/api.rs
index e6b154d29f3351aa3f454c82c2e8471d9c2e1890..4224dc20d4eda675f265ee55f750acbd09a8afb8 100644
--- a/bindings/src/api.rs
+++ b/bindings/src/api.rs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use pyo3::{
 macro_rules! create_pythonized_interface {
-    ($name: ident, $keytype: ident, $valuetype : ident) => {
+    ($name: ident, $keytype: ident, $valuetype : ident, $best_match : expr) => {
         // unsendable == should hard-crash if Python tries to access it from
         // two different Python threads.
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ macro_rules! create_pythonized_interface {
         // happen on the Rust side and will not be visible to the Python ML pipeline.
         pub struct $name {
-            inner: BoundedLinearCache<$keytype, $valuetype>,
+            inner: BoundedLinearCache<$keytype, $valuetype, $best_match>,
@@ -126,12 +126,13 @@ impl ApproxComparable for VecPy<f32> {
         F32Vector::from(&self.inner as &[f32])
             .roughly_matches(&F32Vector::from(&instore.inner as &[f32]), tolerance)
+    fn fuzziness(&self, instore: &Self) -> f32 {
+        F32Vector::from(&self.inner as &[f32]).fuzziness(&F32Vector::from(&instore.inner as &[f32]))
+    }
 type F32VecPy = VecPy<f32>;
-type U32VecPy = VecPy<u32>;
 type UsizeVecPy = VecPy<usize>;
-create_pythonized_interface!(I16ToF32VectorCache, i16, F32VecPy);
-create_pythonized_interface!(FVecToU32VectorCache, F32VecPy, U32VecPy);
-create_pythonized_interface!(FVecToUsizeVectorCache, F32VecPy, UsizeVecPy);
+create_pythonized_interface!(FVecToUsizeVectorAny, F32VecPy, UsizeVecPy, false);
+create_pythonized_interface!(FVecToUsizeVectorBest, F32VecPy, UsizeVecPy, true);
diff --git a/bindings/src/lib.rs b/bindings/src/lib.rs
index 8a64c312602613cd000cd79fdd8d34f59c7132c2..caec528f2ded7f77b9b851af6130caa8d4ede0bb 100644
--- a/bindings/src/lib.rs
+++ b/bindings/src/lib.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-use api::{FVecToU32VectorCache, FVecToUsizeVectorCache, I16ToF32VectorCache};
+use api::{FVecToUsizeVectorAny, FVecToUsizeVectorBest};
 use pyo3::prelude::*;
 mod api;
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ mod api;
 /// A Python module implemented in Rust.
 fn proximipy(m: &Bound<'_, PyModule>) -> PyResult<()> {
-    m.add_class::<I16ToF32VectorCache>()?;
-    m.add_class::<FVecToU32VectorCache>()?;
-    m.add_class::<FVecToUsizeVectorCache>()?;
+    m.add_class::<FVecToUsizeVectorBest>()?;
+    m.add_class::<FVecToUsizeVectorAny>()?;
diff --git a/core/src/caching/bounded/bounded_linear_cache.rs b/core/src/caching/bounded/bounded_linear_cache.rs
index 3fed6b9729656f98e60e4d08e1bff340b7a88d75..7bf92be9b460fdeddcb9531929a2824240c9e175 100644
--- a/core/src/caching/bounded/bounded_linear_cache.rs
+++ b/core/src/caching/bounded/bounded_linear_cache.rs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ use super::list_node::{Node, SharedNode};
 /// use proximipy::caching::bounded::bounded_linear_cache::BoundedLinearCache;
 /// use proximipy::caching::approximate_cache::ApproximateCache;
-/// let mut cache = BoundedLinearCache::new(3, 2.0);
+/// let mut cache = BoundedLinearCache::<_,_,true>::new(3, 2.0);
 /// cache.insert(10 as i16, "Value 1");
 /// cache.insert(20, "Value 2");
@@ -43,23 +43,35 @@ use super::list_node::{Node, SharedNode};
 /// - `find(&mut self, key: &K) -> Option<V>`: Attempts to find a value matching the given key approximately. Promotes the found key to the head of the list.
 /// - `insert(&mut self, key: K, value: V)`: Inserts a key-value pair into the cache. Evicts the least recently used item if the cache is full.
 /// - `len(&self) -> usize`: Returns the current size of the cache.
-pub struct BoundedLinearCache<K, V> {
+pub struct BoundedLinearCache<K, V, const BEST_MATCH: bool> {
     max_capacity: usize,
     map: HashMap<K, SharedNode<K, V>>,
     list: DoublyLinkedList<K, V>,
     tolerance: f32,
-impl<K, V> ApproximateCache<K, V> for BoundedLinearCache<K, V>
+impl<K, V, const BEST_MATCH: bool> ApproximateCache<K, V> for BoundedLinearCache<K, V, BEST_MATCH>
     K: ApproxComparable + Eq + Hash + Clone,
     V: Clone,
     fn find(&mut self, key: &K) -> Option<V> {
-        let matching = self
-            .map
-            .keys()
-            .find(|&k| key.roughly_matches(k, self.tolerance))?;
+        let matching = if BEST_MATCH {
+            self.map
+                .keys()
+                .find(|&k| key.roughly_matches(k, self.tolerance))?
+        } else {
+            let potential_candi = self
+                .map
+                .keys()
+                .min_by(|&x, &y| key.fuzziness(x).partial_cmp(&key.fuzziness(y)).unwrap())?;
+            if potential_candi.roughly_matches(key, self.tolerance) {
+                potential_candi
+            } else {
+                return None;
+            }
+        };
         let node: SharedNode<K, V> = self.map.get(matching).cloned()?;
@@ -82,7 +94,7 @@ where
-impl<K, V> BoundedLinearCache<K, V> {
+impl<K, V, const BESTMATCH: bool> BoundedLinearCache<K, V, BESTMATCH> {
     pub fn new(max_capacity: usize, tolerance: f32) -> Self {
         assert!(max_capacity > 0);
         assert!(tolerance > 0.0);
@@ -102,57 +114,78 @@ mod tests {
     const TEST_TOLERANCE: f32 = 1e-8;
     fn test_lru_cache_basic_operations() {
-        let mut cache: BoundedLinearCache<i16, i16> = BoundedLinearCache::new(2, TEST_TOLERANCE);
-        cache.insert(1, 1); // Cache is {1=1}
-        cache.insert(2, 2); // Cache is {1=1, 2=2}
-        assert_eq!(cache.find(&1), Some(1)); // Returns 1, Cache is {2=2, 1=1}
-        cache.insert(3, 3); // Evicts key 2, Cache is {1=1, 3=3}
-        assert_eq!(cache.find(&2), None); // Key 2 not found
-        cache.insert(4, 4); // Evicts key 1, Cache is {3=3, 4=4}
-        assert_eq!(cache.find(&1), None); // Key 1 not found
-        assert_eq!(cache.find(&3), Some(3)); // Returns 3
-        assert_eq!(cache.find(&4), Some(4)); // Returns 4
+        fn test_lru_cache_basic_operations_best_match<const BEST_MATCH: bool>() {
+            let mut cache: BoundedLinearCache<i16, i16, BEST_MATCH> =
+                BoundedLinearCache::new(2, TEST_TOLERANCE);
+            cache.insert(1, 1); // Cache is {1=1}
+            cache.insert(2, 2); // Cache is {1=1, 2=2}
+            assert_eq!(cache.find(&1), Some(1)); // Returns 1, Cache is {2=2, 1=1}
+            cache.insert(3, 3); // Evicts key 2, Cache is {1=1, 3=3}
+            assert_eq!(cache.find(&2), None); // Key 2 not found
+            cache.insert(4, 4); // Evicts key 1, Cache is {3=3, 4=4}
+            assert_eq!(cache.find(&1), None); // Key 1 not found
+            assert_eq!(cache.find(&3), Some(3)); // Returns 3
+            assert_eq!(cache.find(&4), Some(4)); // Returns 4
+        }
+        test_lru_cache_basic_operations_best_match::<true>();
+        test_lru_cache_basic_operations_best_match::<false>();
     fn test_lru_cache_eviction_order() {
-        let mut cache: BoundedLinearCache<i16, i16> = BoundedLinearCache::new(3, TEST_TOLERANCE);
-        cache.insert(1, 1); // Cache is {1=1}
-        cache.insert(2, 2); // Cache is {1=1, 2=2}
-        cache.insert(3, 3); // Cache is {1=1, 2=2, 3=3}
-        cache.find(&1); // Access key 1, Cache is {2=2, 3=3, 1=1}
-        cache.insert(4, 4); // Evicts key 2, Cache is {3=3, 1=1, 4=4}
-        assert_eq!(cache.find(&2), None); // Key 2 not found
-        assert_eq!(cache.find(&3), Some(3)); // Returns 3
-        assert_eq!(cache.find(&4), Some(4)); // Returns 4
-        assert_eq!(cache.find(&1), Some(1)); // Returns 1
+        fn test_lru_cache_eviction_order_best_match<const BEST_MATCH: bool>() {
+            let mut cache: BoundedLinearCache<i16, i16, BEST_MATCH> =
+                BoundedLinearCache::new(3, TEST_TOLERANCE);
+            cache.insert(1, 1); // Cache is {1=1}
+            cache.insert(2, 2); // Cache is {1=1, 2=2}
+            cache.insert(3, 3); // Cache is {1=1, 2=2, 3=3}
+            cache.find(&1); // Access key 1, Cache is {2=2, 3=3, 1=1}
+            cache.insert(4, 4); // Evicts key 2, Cache is {3=3, 1=1, 4=4}
+            assert_eq!(cache.find(&2), None); // Key 2 not found
+            assert_eq!(cache.find(&3), Some(3)); // Returns 3
+            assert_eq!(cache.find(&4), Some(4)); // Returns 4
+            assert_eq!(cache.find(&1), Some(1)); // Returns 1
+        }
+        test_lru_cache_eviction_order_best_match::<true>();
+        test_lru_cache_eviction_order_best_match::<false>();
     fn test_lru_cache_overwrite() {
-        let mut cache: BoundedLinearCache<i16, i16> = BoundedLinearCache::new(2, TEST_TOLERANCE);
-        cache.insert(1, 1); // Cache is {1=1}
-        cache.insert(2, 2); // Cache is {1=1, 2=2}
-        cache.insert(1, 10); // Overwrites key 1, Cache is {2=2, 1=10}
-        assert_eq!(cache.find(&1), Some(10)); // Returns 10
-        cache.insert(3, 3); // Evicts key 2, Cache is {1=10, 3=3}
-        assert_eq!(cache.find(&2), None); // Key 2 not found
-        assert_eq!(cache.find(&3), Some(3)); // Returns 3
+        fn test_lru_cache_overwrite_best_match<const BEST_MATCH: bool>() {
+            let mut cache: BoundedLinearCache<i16, i16, BEST_MATCH> =
+                BoundedLinearCache::new(2, TEST_TOLERANCE);
+            cache.insert(1, 1); // Cache is {1=1}
+            cache.insert(2, 2); // Cache is {1=1, 2=2}
+            cache.insert(1, 10); // Overwrites key 1, Cache is {2=2, 1=10}
+            assert_eq!(cache.find(&1), Some(10)); // Returns 10
+            cache.insert(3, 3); // Evicts key 2, Cache is {1=10, 3=3}
+            assert_eq!(cache.find(&2), None); // Key 2 not found
+            assert_eq!(cache.find(&3), Some(3)); // Returns 3
+        }
+        test_lru_cache_overwrite_best_match::<true>();
+        test_lru_cache_overwrite_best_match::<false>();
     fn test_lru_cache_capacity_one() {
-        let mut cache: BoundedLinearCache<i16, i16> = BoundedLinearCache::new(1, TEST_TOLERANCE);
-        cache.insert(1, 1); // Cache is {1=1}
-        assert_eq!(cache.find(&1), Some(1)); // Returns 1
-        cache.insert(2, 2); // Evicts key 1, Cache is {2=2}
-        assert_eq!(cache.find(&1), None); // Key 1 not found
-        assert_eq!(cache.find(&2), Some(2)); // Returns 2
+        fn test_lru_cache_capacity_one_best_match<const BEST_MATCH: bool>() {
+            let mut cache: BoundedLinearCache<i16, i16, BEST_MATCH> =
+                BoundedLinearCache::new(1, TEST_TOLERANCE);
+            cache.insert(1, 1); // Cache is {1=1}
+            assert_eq!(cache.find(&1), Some(1)); // Returns 1
+            cache.insert(2, 2); // Evicts key 1, Cache is {2=2}
+            assert_eq!(cache.find(&1), None); // Key 1 not found
+            assert_eq!(cache.find(&2), Some(2)); // Returns 2
+        }
+        test_lru_cache_capacity_one_best_match::<true>();
+        test_lru_cache_capacity_one_best_match::<false>();
     fn test_lru_cache_empty() {
-        let _cache: BoundedLinearCache<i16, i16> = BoundedLinearCache::new(0, TEST_TOLERANCE);
+        let _cache: BoundedLinearCache<i16, i16, true> = BoundedLinearCache::new(0, TEST_TOLERANCE);
diff --git a/core/src/main.rs b/core/src/main.rs
index f966bb10329ca05126a99c39fbde559b42596080..28b62b45434cc523994c5b07d381e3ff7815ed8c 100644
--- a/core/src/main.rs
+++ b/core/src/main.rs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ fn main() {
     let vecs_f: Vec<f32> = vecs.into_iter().map(f32::from).collect();
     println!("{:?}", vecs_f.chunks_exact(128).next().unwrap());
-    let mut ulc = BoundedLinearCache::<F32Vector, usize>::new(10000, 15_000.0);
+    let mut ulc = BoundedLinearCache::<F32Vector, usize, true>::new(10000, 15_000.0);
     let mut count: u32 = 0;
     let mut scanned: usize = 0;
diff --git a/core/src/numerics/comp.rs b/core/src/numerics/comp.rs
index df0d7b354f0722a96e4f8fb29788dbffb3763f6d..e5f1845631308272894f95a3007234fb00bd59f4 100644
--- a/core/src/numerics/comp.rs
+++ b/core/src/numerics/comp.rs
@@ -1,26 +1,33 @@
 use super::f32vector::F32Vector;
 pub trait ApproxComparable {
-    fn roughly_matches(&self, instore: &Self, tolerance: f32) -> bool;
+    #[inline]
+    fn roughly_matches(&self, instore: &Self, tolerance: f32) -> bool {
+        self.fuzziness(instore) < tolerance
+    }
+    fn fuzziness(&self, instore: &Self) -> f32;
 impl ApproxComparable for f32 {
-    fn roughly_matches(&self, target: &f32, tolerance: f32) -> bool {
-        (self - target).abs() < tolerance
+    fn fuzziness(&self, instore: &Self) -> f32 {
+        (self - instore).abs()
 impl<'a> ApproxComparable for F32Vector<'a> {
-    #[inline]
     fn roughly_matches(&self, target: &F32Vector<'a>, tolerance: f32) -> bool {
         self.l2_dist_squared(target) < tolerance * tolerance
+    fn fuzziness(&self, instore: &Self) -> f32 {
+        self.l2_dist_squared(instore).sqrt()
+    }
 impl ApproxComparable for i16 {
-    fn roughly_matches(&self, instore: &Self, tolerance: f32) -> bool {
+    fn fuzziness(&self, instore: &Self) -> f32 {
         let fself = f32::from(*self);
         let foth = f32::from(*instore);
-        fself.roughly_matches(&foth, tolerance)
+        fself.fuzziness(&foth)