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 ## Grading
-The grade is based on a midterm (30%) as well as project work (70%) that has many aspects: the implementation in [Scala](https://www.scala-lang.org/), a written report, oral presentation, and answers to questions, in presentation and throughout the semester. There will be no written exam. Here is the weight of the milestones in the overall course grade:
+The grade is based on a midterm (30%) as well as project work (70%) that has many aspects: the implementation in [Scala](https://www.scala-lang.org/), a written report, oral presentation, and answers to questions, in presentation and throughout the semester. There will be no written exam at the end of the semester or the exam period (only the midterm). Here are the weights of the milestones in the overall course grade:
   * 30% (see [the archive of past exams](past-exams/))
   * 10% Lab 1
   * 10% Lab 2
-  * 10% Lab 3
+  * 10% Lab 3 (First team work statement to be sent afterwards)
   * 10% Lab 4
   * 10% Lab 5
-  * 20% Lab 6 (Compiler extension, customized)
+  * 20% Lab 6 (Compiler extension, customized, the final team work statement)
-For the final Lab 6, each group will need to present the project in a slot in one of the last two weeks of the semester. The final report on the project will need to handed in after the end of the semester but the students are encouraged to complete it during the semester.
+For the final Lab 6, each group will need to present the project in a slot in one of the last two weeks of the semester and answer questions. The presentation part of of each person will be graded individually and includes answers to questions (a person not presenting will be given a 0 points for the presentation part of the Compiler extension lab). The final report on the project will need to handed in after the end of the semester but the students are encouraged to complete it during the semester. To monitor whether everyone is doing their share of work, we ask each student to submit via email their teamwork statement, twice during the semester: once after Lab 3 is due, and once at the end of the semester. Please read [Teamwork Statements](teamwork.md) on the format and the relevance of these emails.
 ## Staff
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+To monitor fair division of work in your groups, we ask that each of you sends us an _individual_ email, from your EPFL address, to both PhD assistants and the instructor via **email**.
+The email should contain an estimate how much you and your team mates contributed to each of the four common projects and to the self-chosen final project, with * next to your name, in the form of a table with percentages rounded down, e.g., with a perfect split:
+Person1 Lab1:33%, Lab2:33%, Lab3:33%, Lab4:33%, Lab5: 33%, Project: 33%
+Person2* Lab1:33%, Lab2:33%, Lab3:33%, Lab4:33%, Lab5: 33%, Project: 33%
+Person3 Lab1:33%, Lab2:33%, Lab3:33%, Lab4:33%, Lab5: 33%, Project: 33%
+Every column should add to 99 or 100; if you each repeated the same work (e.g. each of you solved Lab1 entirely on your own but only one solution was taken), please renormalize and devide "redundantly" done work evenly.
+After that, please add any specific clarifications and explanations _if_ you feel it is helpful, but try to keep them no longer than 10 sentences.
+We leave it to each of you whether you discuss and reconcile these numbers and claims within the group. In any case, we would like to receive emails from _individual_ students, without CC or BCC to the remaining group members. Hence, in some cases we may see contradictory information if that reflects how people feel. The email title should be "My Teamwork Statement CS-550". If you have any issues or questions regarding this, please ask here on Ed, or directly to the same emails (but a clarification email should have a somewhat different title, like "Question on Teamwork Statement").
+If we get nearly 33% for everything from every group member of a 3-person group (with or without explanations), we will trust this group did a fair split and leave it at that. Else, we may follow up with you in the week of 8 January. We will try to use this information in a positive way, and we hope that this final step will not ruin any otherwise working group dynamics.
+We ask you to submit teamwork statements twice:
+  * on the day after the deadline for Lab 3
+  * on the day after the deadline for the final lab (extension project)