diff --git a/labs/amy_reference_compiler.md b/labs/amy_reference_compiler.md
index e7cb68700e79221149fda87e806692f9dc7a5a54..6e9501bdf43921bb70d7eef9b6b3f0ed867b801e 100644
--- a/labs/amy_reference_compiler.md
+++ b/labs/amy_reference_compiler.md
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ You can run it as follows:
 To see the list of available options do 
   java -cp amyc-assembly-1.7.jar amyc.Main --help
-The easiest way to execute a program is to run it in ''--interpret'' mode. If you want to generate WebAssembly binary code, you should follow these steps:
-  * Install ''nodejs''. We have tested amyc with Node version 12, though other versions might work. See the [Node website](https://nodejs.org/en/) for installation instructions.
-  * Make sure the ''wat2wasm'' executable is visible, i.e., it is in the system path or, for Linux or Mac, you are at the toplevel of the ''amyc'' directory.
-  * Run ''npm install deasync'' in the directory you plan to run ''amyc''.
-  * Run ''amyc'' without options. You will get a few output files.
-  * Run ''nodejs <output file>.js''
+The easiest way to execute a program is to run it in `--interpret` mode. If you want to generate WebAssembly binary code, you should follow these steps:
+  * Install `nodejs`. We have tested amyc with Node version 12, though other versions might work. See the [Node website](https://nodejs.org/en/) for installation instructions.
+  * Make sure the `wat2wasm` executable is visible, i.e., it is in the system path or, for Linux or Mac, you are at the toplevel of the `amyc` directory.
+  * Run `npm install deasync` in the directory you plan to run `amyc`.
+  * Run `amyc` without options. You will get a few output files.
+  * Run `nodejs <output file>.js`
 # Bug Reports