package instrumentation import java.util.concurrent.*; import scala.concurrent.duration.* import scala.collection.mutable.* import Stats.* import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger sealed abstract class Result case class RetVal(rets: List[Any]) extends Result case class Except(msg: String, stackTrace: Array[StackTraceElement]) extends Result case class Timeout(msg: String) extends Result /** A class that maintains schedule and a set of thread ids. The schedules are * advanced after an operation of a SchedulableBuffer is performed. Note: the * real schedule that is executed may deviate from the input schedule due to * the adjustments that had to be made for locks */ class Scheduler(sched: List[Int]): val maxOps = 500 // a limit on the maximum number of operations the code is allowed to perform private var schedule = sched private var numThreads = 0 private val realToFakeThreadId = Map[Long, Int]() private val opLog = ListBuffer[String]() // a mutable list (used for efficient concat) private val threadStates = Map[Int, ThreadState]() /** Runs a set of operations in parallel as per the schedule. Each operation * may consist of many primitive operations like reads or writes to shared * data structure each of which should be executed using the function `exec`. * @timeout * in milliseconds * @return * true - all threads completed on time, false -some tests timed out. */ def runInParallel(timeout: Long, ops: List[() => Any]): Result = numThreads = ops.length val threadRes = Array.fill(numThreads) { None: Any } var exception: Option[Except] = None val syncObject = new Object() var completed = new AtomicInteger(0) // create threads val threads = { case (op, i) => new Thread(new Runnable(): def run(): Unit = val fakeId = i + 1 setThreadId(fakeId) try updateThreadState(Start) val res = op() updateThreadState(End) threadRes(i) = res // notify the main thread if all threads have completed if completed.incrementAndGet() == ops.length then syncObject.synchronized { syncObject.notifyAll() } catch case e: Throwable if exception != None => // do nothing here and silently fail case e: Throwable => log(s"throw ${e.toString}") exception = Some(Except( s"Thread $fakeId crashed on the following schedule: \n" + opLog.mkString( "\n" ), e.getStackTrace )) syncObject.synchronized { syncObject.notifyAll() } // println(s"$fakeId: ${e.toString}") // Runtime.getRuntime().halt(0) //exit the JVM and all running threads (no other way to kill other threads) ) } // start all threads threads.foreach(_.start()) // wait for all threads to complete, or for an exception to be thrown, or for the time out to expire var remTime = timeout syncObject.synchronized { timed { if completed.get() != ops.length then syncObject.wait(timeout) } { time => remTime -= time } } if exception.isDefined then exception.get else if remTime <= 1 then // timeout ? using 1 instead of zero to allow for some errors Timeout(opLog.mkString("\n")) else // every thing executed normally RetVal(threadRes.toList) // Updates the state of the current thread def updateThreadState(state: ThreadState): Unit = val tid = threadId synchronized { threadStates(tid) = state } state match case Sync(lockToAquire, locks) => if locks.indexOf(lockToAquire) < 0 then waitForTurn else // Re-aqcuiring the same lock updateThreadState(Running(lockToAquire +: locks)) case Start => waitStart() case End => removeFromSchedule(tid) case Running(_) => case _ => waitForTurn // Wait, SyncUnique, VariableReadWrite def waitStart(): Unit = // while (threadStates.size < numThreads) { // Thread.sleep(1) // } synchronized { if threadStates.size < numThreads then wait() else notifyAll() } def threadLocks = synchronized { threadStates(threadId).locks } def threadState = synchronized { threadStates(threadId) } def mapOtherStates(f: ThreadState => ThreadState) = val exception = threadId synchronized { for k <- threadStates.keys if k != exception do threadStates(k) = f(threadStates(k)) } def log(str: String) = if (realToFakeThreadId contains Thread.currentThread().getId()) then val space = (" " * ((threadId - 1) * 2)) val s = space + threadId + ":" + "\n".r.replaceAllIn(str, "\n" + space + " ") // println(s) opLog += s /** Executes a read or write operation to a global data structure as per the * given schedule * @param msg * a message corresponding to the operation that will be logged */ def exec[T](primop: => T)( msg: => String, postMsg: => Option[T => String] = None ): T = if !(realToFakeThreadId contains Thread.currentThread().getId()) then primop else updateThreadState(VariableReadWrite(threadLocks)) val m = msg if m != "" then log(m) if opLog.size > maxOps then throw new Exception( s"Total number of reads/writes performed by threads exceed $maxOps. A possible deadlock!" ) val res = primop postMsg match case Some(m) => log(m(res)) case None => res private def setThreadId(fakeId: Int) = synchronized { realToFakeThreadId(Thread.currentThread.getId) = fakeId } def threadId = try realToFakeThreadId(Thread.currentThread().getId()) catch case e: NoSuchElementException => throw new Exception( "You are accessing shared variables in the constructor. This is not allowed. The variables are already initialized!" ) private def isTurn(tid: Int) = synchronized { (!schedule.isEmpty && schedule.head != tid) } def canProceed(): Boolean = val tid = threadId canContinue match case Some((i, state)) if i == tid => // println(s"$tid: Runs ! Was in state $state") canContinue = None state match case Sync(lockToAquire, locks) => updateThreadState(Running(lockToAquire +: locks)) case SyncUnique(lockToAquire, locks) => mapOtherStates { _ match case SyncUnique(lockToAquire2, locks2) if lockToAquire2 == lockToAquire => Wait(lockToAquire2, locks2) case e => e } updateThreadState(Running(lockToAquire +: locks)) case VariableReadWrite(locks) => updateThreadState(Running(locks)) true case Some((i, state)) => // println(s"$tid: not my turn but $i !") false case None => false var threadPreference = 0 // In the case the schedule is over, which thread should have the preference to execute. /** returns true if the thread can continue to execute, and false otherwise */ def decide(): Option[(Int, ThreadState)] = if !threadStates.isEmpty then // The last thread who enters the decision loop takes the decision. // println(s"$threadId: I'm taking a decision") if threadStates.values.forall { case e: Wait => true case _ => false } then val waiting =", ") val s = if threadStates.size > 1 then "s" else "" val are = if threadStates.size > 1 then "are" else "is" throw new Exception( s"Deadlock: Thread$s $waiting $are waiting but all others have ended and cannot notify them." ) else // Threads can be in Wait, Sync, SyncUnique, and VariableReadWrite mode. // Let's determine which ones can continue. val notFree = threadStates.collect { case (id, state) => state.locks }.flatten.toSet val threadsNotBlocked = threadStates.toSeq.filter { case (id, v: VariableReadWrite) => true case (id, v: CanContinueIfAcquiresLock) => !notFree(v.lockToAquire) || (v.locks contains v.lockToAquire) case _ => false } if threadsNotBlocked.isEmpty then val waiting =", ") val s = if threadStates.size > 1 then "s" else "" val are = if threadStates.size > 1 then "are" else "is" val whoHasLock = threadStates.toSeq.flatMap { case (id, state) => => (lock, id)) }.toMap val reason = threadStates.collect { case (id, state: CanContinueIfAcquiresLock) if !notFree(state.lockToAquire) => s"Thread $id is waiting on lock ${state.lockToAquire} held by thread ${whoHasLock(state.lockToAquire)}" }.mkString("\n") throw new Exception( s"Deadlock: Thread$s $waiting are interlocked. Indeed:\n$reason" ) else if threadsNotBlocked.size == 1 then // Do not consume the schedule if only one thread can execute. Some(threadsNotBlocked(0)) else val next = schedule.indexWhere(t => threadsNotBlocked.exists { case (id, state) => id == t } ) if next != -1 then // println(s"$threadId: schedule is $schedule, next chosen is ${schedule(next)}") val chosenOne = schedule(next) // TODO: Make schedule a mutable list. schedule = schedule.take(next) ++ schedule.drop(next + 1) Some((chosenOne, threadStates(chosenOne))) else threadPreference = (threadPreference + 1) % threadsNotBlocked.size val chosenOne = threadsNotBlocked(threadPreference) // Maybe another strategy Some(chosenOne) // threadsNotBlocked.indexOf(threadId) >= 0 /* val tnb =",") val s = if (schedule.isEmpty) "empty" else schedule.mkString(",") val only = if (schedule.isEmpty) "" else " only" throw new Exception(s"The schedule is $s but$only threads ${tnb} can continue")*/ else canContinue /** This will be called before a schedulable operation begins. This should not * use synchronized */ var numThreadsWaiting = new AtomicInteger(0) // var waitingForDecision = Map[Int, Option[Int]]() // Mapping from thread ids to a number indicating who is going to make the choice. var canContinue: Option[(Int, ThreadState)] = None // The result of the decision thread Id of the thread authorized to continue. private def waitForTurn = synchronized { if numThreadsWaiting.incrementAndGet() == threadStates.size then canContinue = decide() notifyAll() // waitingForDecision(threadId) = Some(numThreadsWaiting) // println(s"$threadId Entering waiting with ticket number $numThreadsWaiting/${waitingForDecision.size}") while !canProceed() do wait() } numThreadsWaiting.decrementAndGet() /** To be invoked when a thread is about to complete */ private def removeFromSchedule(fakeid: Int) = synchronized { // println(s"$fakeid: I'm taking a decision because I finished") schedule = schedule.filterNot(_ == fakeid) threadStates -= fakeid if numThreadsWaiting.get() == threadStates.size then canContinue = decide() notifyAll() } def getOperationLog() = opLog